i wanted to see what ppl r experiencing regarding EP / PEP / PR... i am a mixed race South African having worked in Singapore 4 years now for the same company. promoted twice doubled salary in that time blah blah. my situation is thus:
1. applied for PR 1st time rejected, 2nd time told to wait a year, 3rd time - no reply yet it's been almost 6 months now, waiting.
2. PEP application rejected, PEP appeal rejected even though i fulfill P2 pass working duration requirements and have double the salary they ask for.
3. EP renewal after 2 years rejected, then granted after appeal. this time, after 4 years renewal rejected again awaiting appeal outcome...
this is driving me nuts - and I'm thinking of leaving singapore permanently because i just really don't understand the logic. if they don't want me (my race / my nationality etc) - that's fine i can accept it, but MOM keeps leaving the decision to the last minute, pushing back and only on the day of my EP expiring they'll grant me another 2 weeks while they make their decisions.
has anyone else experienced this type of thing, ie long waits, vague answers? in every one of my rejections they write - not eligible for an employment pass - but i already have one! I'm not looking to bash the MOM/ICA, this is their country, but i want to get a feeling - has anyone else experienced this before? and what did you do - what was the outcome? should i think of throwing in the towel and just leaving singapore, as i cannot face this time and time again...
thanks guys!