leona123 wrote:Strong Eagle wrote:Did it ever occur to you that those "SG $" wouldn't be in Singapore at all if not for the person earning them?
Did it ever occur to you that Singapore had the money to pay to attract foreigners in the first place? Now, all they have to do is see who deserves the pay.
I've been trying my best to stay out of this abortion of a thread (at least that's what it's turned into). But, (and I know you shouldn't start a sentence wit but, but), your statement above just shows how easy it is for everyone to lose their cool and reply with statements that bugger the mind.
You, of course, realize, that the initial money for the expats came directly from the government to foreign contractors to build government infrastructure projects. Subsequently, with subnormal tax rates and other tax inducements to foreign MNCs to come here to give this country some manufacturing base, they had to let those MNC's bring in their staff to set it up, run it and eventually train locals to run it as well as replace them. (Unfortunately, while this was possible at the lower echelons up through lower senior management, often times it was found that the senior levels could not be replaced for various reasons - some of them debatable to say the least - but that's another discussion) In most cases, the MNC (not local companies) demanded it as a way of making sure that they didn't get ripped off as so often happens in some Asia countries once the local powers "take over". So you see, Singapore didn't have the money at all, all they had at the time was cheap labour and the desire to attract foreign money to set up and initially drive the local economy. Those foreign MNC's are the ones who brought the money to Singapore and also paid the expat salaries. It wasn't Singapore at all. In fact, is it possible for a foreigner to work for the government at all in a salaries position? I've not heard of one, but that's not to say it not possible - but probably not the norm.
Oh, yeah, lots of SME's now hire "expats" as well. Normally these are lower grade and used a lot for face purposes. (just like me in my current & last company)
I think this thread needs to be locked down, but I'm gonna watch it for a little while longer to see if the major proponents who have degenerated to just slagging each other can back off a bit. (from both sides).