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Singaporean's singlish

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Post by leona123 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:25 am

JR8 wrote:Absolutely no racism, it's all jolly harmony.
Up til this point, when did anyone on this forum mention that there is no racism among the citizens in Singapore. There is no 100% anywhere.
What's your issue with people coming to SG and earning money Leona?

Why am I not surprised that you took sentences out of context and missed the point. Go read what you quoted again!
That said I suppose someone popping up here asking what to do with a monthly rent allowance that equals your annual salary has got to sting.
As I said, you ARE REALLY AN IGNORAMUS. All those contras and shorting has probably short-circuited something up there.
Most Singaporeans are incomphrehensibe. And yet it is the government policy that you speak English. Which bit of that policy do you think is wrong?
You just enjoy attacking the strawman, don't you. When did I EVER SAY that the govt policy is wrong? Could you please read through the ENTIRE THREAD and give comments that deserve a decent response. I'm not about to summarise the entire thread here!
Last edited by leona123 on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by leona123 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:28 am

Strong Eagle wrote:Did it ever occur to you that those "SG $" wouldn't be in Singapore at all if not for the person earning them?
Did it ever occur to you that Singapore had the money to pay to attract foreigners in the first place? Now, all they have to do is see who deserves the pay.
Last edited by leona123 on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:39 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by leona123 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:35 am

aargon wrote:
anneteoh wrote: ..... are tearing anything SG holds sacred - such as decent manners to pieces?
"decent manners" LOL! that comment made my mornings :D

read my threads on getting short changed, ripped off, locals jumping the queue, the weather (ok that isnt your fault, but it feels like it).... lovely.

you are the ONE SINGAPORE O YEAH O YEAH O YEAH.... I miss that song :D

Personally I think singlish is like a dialect of english.
I'm sorry that this has happened to you. I've faced the 'queuing' issue too. I actually don't think it is necessary that you learn Singlish to tell them off. What I usually do is tell them, "The queue begins there" and they move right to the end. I think most Singaporeans don't like the confrontations. As for the 'ripping off', go to shopping centres where the price tags are clearly displayed. You would get better quality products and you won't be ripped off(at least, you will be paying what Singaporeans pay).

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Post by JR8 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:43 am

Out my way, out my way
I want LV handbag

I deserve it, I deserve it.
Move freak bitch

Who are you to say
I'm not entitled

F off and
just give me the handbag


With this, people will think me significant.

A peasant with a pretty bag.

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Post by JR8 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:56 am

JR8 wrote:
leona123 wrote: Well, personally, I'm tempted to do that to the rude foreigners. Don't see why I need to give in to the demands of rude foreigners coming to my country, earning SG $ and still demanding that I speak English in a way that they understand so that they can fit in.
Wanga wanga wanga. Warning warning! Spot the non expat SGn hanging out on the expat SGn forum whining about expats making lots of money
Wanga wanga wanga!!

What's your issue with people coming to SG and earning money Leona? Reverting to the usual, expected, sour grapes. That said I suppose someone popping up here asking what to do with a monthly rent allowance that equals your annual salary has got to sting. Anyway, it's your government policy. Why do you think the government is wrong?

Reply. None. Of course

Most Singaporeans are incomphrehensibe. And yet it is the government policy that you speak English. Which bit of that policy do you think is wrong?
Reply. None, of course. Just gobby SPG nonsense.

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Post by leona123 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:58 am

EADG wrote:Meanwhile, since no one correctly translated what I wrote in the other language I speak, it was to say to the person who presumptuously and arrogantly claimed without prior knowledge that they knew the language capabilities of someone they never met, that they were arrogant and presumptuous.
How about pointing out the arrogance and presumptuousness of the person who claimed without prior knowledge that they knew the earning capabilities of someone they never met?

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Post by leona123 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 10:04 am

JR8 wrote:
JR8 wrote:
leona123 wrote: Well, personally, I'm tempted to do that to the rude foreigners. Don't see why I need to give in to the demands of rude foreigners coming to my country, earning SG $ and still demanding that I speak English in a way that they understand so that they can fit in.
Wanga wanga wanga. Warning warning! Spot the non expat SGn hanging out on the expat SGn forum whining about expats making lots of money
Wanga wanga wanga!!

What's your issue with people coming to SG and earning money Leona? Reverting to the usual, expected, sour grapes. That said I suppose someone popping up here asking what to do with a monthly rent allowance that equals your annual salary has got to sting. Anyway, it's your government policy. Why do you think the government is wrong?

Reply. None. Of course

Most Singaporeans are incomphrehensibe. And yet it is the government policy that you speak English. Which bit of that policy do you think is wrong?
Reply. None, of course. Just gobby SPG nonsense.
Conveniently missed the response above on this thread, I see. Not surprising. And, that the best you could do? Thought you were better than this with personal attacks?

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Post by JR8 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 10:13 am

Answer the question moron

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Post by JR8 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 10:21 am

Are you a looker?

Because lets be honest the only reason an expat would participate in intercourse with a local girl would be if they were.

p.s. Your rather possessed fixation suggests othwerwise sadly.

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Post by x9200 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 12:47 pm

leona123 wrote:
x9200 wrote:I guess hardly anybody demands it from Singaporeans. Frankly, myself as a non-native speaker have less troubles to understand Singaporeans than for example British.
x9200, if you look through this thread, you could actually see that they do.
It's a different mechanism I believe. On one hand you have like nation-wide campaigns aiming at the improvement of certain things (i.e. courtesy, English, Mandarin if I am not mistaken) - these indicate that there is a recognized problem (at least in the eyes of the government) and something should be here done. You also have discussions like this one and opinions like yours or Anne's suggesting that there is no problem at all. I think your impression of foreigners demanding Singaporeans to behave this or that way comes from this clear contradiction, especially that it is not difficult to see some strong rationale behind the government's efforts. I have no problem to understand that Singlish can be beautiful for you and I can respect this but I also know that for majority of the outsiders it appears as a simplified English dialect used by uneducated and rude people. So getting back to the original point: if you clearly say: Singlish is our way, so is the way we drive our cars, so is the way we behave in public places - back off! Fine, I have completely no problem with this *). It is your country. The problem is that at the same time you send contradictive messages - we want to speak the proper English/Mandarin, be perceived as courteous and socially apt etc.

* I wish you (as the nation) said this as a matter of fact as one of the most difficult parts of living in Singapore is finding your way in this quasi schizophrenic environment.

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 2:08 pm

leona123 wrote:
Strong Eagle wrote:Did it ever occur to you that those "SG $" wouldn't be in Singapore at all if not for the person earning them?
Did it ever occur to you that Singapore had the money to pay to attract foreigners in the first place? Now, all they have to do is see who deserves the pay.
I've been trying my best to stay out of this abortion of a thread (at least that's what it's turned into). But, (and I know you shouldn't start a sentence wit but, but), your statement above just shows how easy it is for everyone to lose their cool and reply with statements that bugger the mind.

You, of course, realize, that the initial money for the expats came directly from the government to foreign contractors to build government infrastructure projects. Subsequently, with subnormal tax rates and other tax inducements to foreign MNCs to come here to give this country some manufacturing base, they had to let those MNC's bring in their staff to set it up, run it and eventually train locals to run it as well as replace them. (Unfortunately, while this was possible at the lower echelons up through lower senior management, often times it was found that the senior levels could not be replaced for various reasons - some of them debatable to say the least - but that's another discussion) In most cases, the MNC (not local companies) demanded it as a way of making sure that they didn't get ripped off as so often happens in some Asia countries once the local powers "take over". So you see, Singapore didn't have the money at all, all they had at the time was cheap labour and the desire to attract foreign money to set up and initially drive the local economy. Those foreign MNC's are the ones who brought the money to Singapore and also paid the expat salaries. It wasn't Singapore at all. In fact, is it possible for a foreigner to work for the government at all in a salaries position? I've not heard of one, but that's not to say it not possible - but probably not the norm.

Oh, yeah, lots of SME's now hire "expats" as well. Normally these are lower grade and used a lot for face purposes. (just like me in my current & last company)


I think this thread needs to be locked down, but I'm gonna watch it for a little while longer to see if the major proponents who have degenerated to just slagging each other can back off a bit. (from both sides).


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Post by x9200 » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 2:51 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote: In fact, is it possible for a foreigner to work for the government at all in a salaries position? I've not heard of one, but that's not to say it not possible - but probably not the norm.
R&D and science. Typical expat contracts included.


Post by anneteoh » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 5:38 pm

JR8 wrote:Answer the question moron
Read this directed at Leona and play your role with fairness and justice. This is a testing point.
Last edited by anneteoh on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by anneteoh » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 6:04 pm

You also have discussions like this one and opinions like yours or Anne's suggesting that there is no problem at all.

Hey, hold on x9200! I'd never ever said there's no problems at all in SG , and I'm in no way siding with anyone, but I can remember Leona saying, " Notthing's a 100% perfect." You can retrace backwards and find the exact post if you like, but you can trust me to be honest.

For myself, as a human being, I've lived long enough to know that no spot on this earth is problem free - that would be very nice indeed. But I do believe that SG offers a lot of positive things for people living in it. However, judging from what's going on here in this forum itself, there're dissatisfactions -and compliants like there'll always be where people are concerned - you can take that from both the locals and the expats.

Philosophically, I'd rather shut out problems (unless it's someone's whom I can help with ) and focus on nirvana. Difficult anywhere where the moral line is blurred. Is there hope for a better world?


Post by anneteoh » Sun, 21 Nov 2010 6:12 pm

[quote="SMS I think this thread needs to be locked down, but I'm gonna watch it for a little while longer to see if the major proponents who have degenerated to just slagging each other can back off a bit. (from both sides).


That would be unnecessary if we appreciate freedom of speech. What's called for is to warn name callers or lock out persistent offenders.

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