Hey guys,
I was wondering about my chance of getting TEP (training employment pass) approved? after reading many people got EP and WP rejected on the forum,I started to get nervous .
So here is my situation, I am gonna be a senior student ,I study in a University in the Netherlands major in Physiotherapy, in my senior year my education program requires me to do internships, a clinic in SG offered a position for 5 months, however they have never taken an intern before, we are both new when comes to applying for a TEP. They offer me a salary around 1100 SGD/month,I have no job experience in physiotherapy field. in TEP form my work experience is worked part time in a bar, and volunteered in NGOs which may look silly on my application forum ...I was just trying to be as honest as possible,in addition I have no accommodation in SG so far. I read people got their EP/WP rejected due to lack of working experiences or salary not high enough....how about for TEP,is it the same?
what do you think my chances are?
If I got rejected I would get into trouble of having my graduation delayed therefore loss scholarship.....lots of financial trouble would come up. I am kinda stressed out.
Please lemme know what do you think.
Much appreciated !