Singapore Expats

Company Car or Car Allowance???

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Company car or allowance?

$1000SG Allowance
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Joined: Sat, 24 Jul 2010 12:07 am

Company Car or Car Allowance???

Post by frederic111 » Sat, 24 Jul 2010 12:14 am

Hi, should I take a company car or the car allowance???
I am moving to Singapore in the next month or two and have been offered a company car (pretty decent car I'm sure) OR $1000SG / month for an allowance.
It's my wife and I, no kids. I plan to work in zone 5 and try to find a flat on a convienent bus line.
What to do?

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Location: Singapore

Post by x9200 » Sat, 24 Jul 2010 7:30 am

You do not need a car in SG. You can satisfy all your needs travelling by cabs but depending on your home to work commuting distance 1000 may not be enough to cover the expenses. Other means of public transportation are good and cheap but esp. if you commute to work to somewhere more downtown (i.e. CBD) from the suburbs and you are not directly on an MRT line it takes time. In other words I would take the allowance if I have a good and reasonably quick connection from home to work by bus, MRT or private bus and the car if the distance is longer (>10km) and the commuting by MRT etc, takes too long. Working and living within the same district you would unlikely need a car.

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