hi guys, i just had my vaser hi def 3 days ago. It's my 3rd day of recovery, i still have 4 more days to go before i can fly back home. I guess all the details you get about vaser hi def from the cosmetic surgery clinic's website is not as elaborate as the real things get. The surgery is similar like liposuction as far as general anesthesia is concern. That means you fell asleep not knowing what they do to you when you are unconscious.
In Naravee, they charge you US$6500 inclusive stay and regardless how many litres of fat needs to be removed or how many sites in your stomach. You are also given a 7 days hospitalized stay in the clinic without additional fee. But what i found to be most troubling is not the fee or the clinic itself. It's the treatment. For instance, i didn't know that during post-op they are going to attached 2 tubes on the sides connecting to the incision used to drain excess fluid leftover from the surgery. Ooh, there's also another drainage tube from your belly button. While no pain is incurred from these tubes, they are quite a cumbersome when you need to move around. Each time you wanna go to the toilet, you need the help of the nurse. Worst, they don't speak good English. There are a couple of Filipino's nurses but they are only around from 9-5.
Doctor will change the dressing and bandage that's wrapped around the treated area every day. There is no significant pain whatsoever. Most of the pain happen only when you try to push yourself too much from supine position to standing up without the assistance of the nurses. At least, that's what happens to me. I must say that i am pretty shocked with the post-op stage. I didn't realize it's going to be all day long in the room or on the bed for one week. I thought there'll be enough strength to move around the neighborhood. The clinic itself is not a downer aesthetically. They got good wifi signal but the ambience and environment is not as good as you might get from Bumrungrad. There is no starbucks or mcdonalds. I know you are not here for the fastfood, but at least being around those fastfood stores makes you imagine life being back on a normal track.
You can see the six pack already whenever they change the dressing. But i couldn't care about its result now. As they've said during pre-op, you only get to see it full after 3 months. I'll guess i'll just wait till the full view comes in display. If you guys have any question, don't hesitate to ask.