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Post by BigSis » Thu, 08 Jul 2010 9:41 am

JR8 wrote:But there seems to be no concept of a sandwich shop. Fresh prawn/avo on granary, ham cheese and pickle in French, salmon and cream cheese on (any kind of) bagel an All Day Breakfast sani??? Well sorry, no chance... :-p

You ponder this and think. Is this a marketing opportunity? Then your timid side chips in and says, er maybe they just aren't into that kinda stuff...
Sandwich shops have come and gone over the years. I think the majority of people, although they might use these places occasionally, would favour the food courts over the sarnie bars most of the time (probably cheaper too).

The only sandwich place I know is the chain of O'Briens - which aren't that good and they seem to want to toast everything (and put cheese on it!) for some reason which I don't think was quite what the Earl of Sandwich had in mind when he invented the snack :wink:

Delifrance used to do some quite good sarnies (you could pick the bread and the fillings were substantial) but then most of them changed to 'Bistro' Delifrance and they don't seem to do as many sarnies now which is a shame (plus you have to pay service charge which you didn't when they were a cafe and you got your food at the counter).

I think a sarnie shop could work, but it'd have to be in the city, possibly a take-away place and only open Mon-Fri and rely on the lunchtime crowd. Actually if it did work and make a decent bit of cash, it could be a good gig - small place, cheap rent and you'd get off work about 4pm every day with all weekends free............hmmmmm!

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