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Found a buyer and got the LTA PIN number Now what?

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Found a buyer and got the LTA PIN number Now what?

Post by QRM » Fri, 25 Jun 2010 9:26 pm

This is the first time I have sold a car in Singapore. I was told I need to get a transfer Pin from LTA. This I now have in an envelope. I have already bought my new car.

The Guy buying the old one is a dealer and he said he will run through it all. Hes a nice bloke but what I have learnt in my stint in Singapore, no disrespect to any of the locals, but if theres a chance of making a fast buck and taking the piss, integrity and morals go out the window.

Just checking to see what the procedure are, Googling doesn't help, I still cant get my head around all this ESA (Electronic Service Agent) PARF, Barf, COE, Open Cat 5 COE, OMV, Quota premiums and redemptions etc.


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Post by revhappy » Sat, 26 Jun 2010 2:54 pm

If you are selling your car to an individual, it is very easy. Both buyer and seller go to LTA and transfer is done in 5 mins flat!

Dealer I guess slightly complicated as you will not tfr it in the name of the dealer, so until the dealer finds a buyer, not sure whos name the car will be.

If you have gone to a reputed dealer you should be ok. If you are still worried, go to car/bike specific forum and you should get all the info you need.

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