----------------------------------------Let me take some more Berries, or pills. It is the same no?
Germany has lots of pork.
Maybe I should have said pils, rather than pillsWhat pills?
Bacon's too salty for me. Yes, I remember the snichzels (how u spell it?) bratwursts, cold herring, gherkins and hey, some yummy gateaux. I like the rye bread and ham too. And, Henniken - all full of calories?

Early impressions are that food is saltier here than in SG or England for that matter. Bacon varies... it is a case of choosing your weapon (;)). That said they don't seem big on bacon here (thinking about it, I can't say I have noticed any!), but they are bonkers about sausages! Maybe it's like NYC where you can seemingly get 57 grades of smoked salmon, from the mildest creamiest 'Nova', to the very hard-core saltier and chewier 'Lox' (ahhh... give me Nova/cream-cheese on a toasted onion bagel any day

I haven't had a schnitzel yet; deep fried food holds little appeal apart from quality fish and chips and thai fish cakes. It is such an iconic dish, that when I try it I want it to be a good one. Yep lots of dishes of cold-cuts, meats and cheeses. The rye-bread is good (light rye, rather than hard-core pumpe-nickel (sp??)). Heine was my poison of choice in SG; they do some great beers here in Germany of that there is no doubt. Pretty weird to see people walking the streets, or on the subway, slugging bottles of beer. You'd be branded a wino for that in the UK (in fact drinking on the London U-ground is illegal)... here it just seems normal... Even the SGn wife has taken up going for a few beers after work. Now that is funny!

Onward ho!