After going through the Ministry of Manpower Website I have a few questions about EPEC :
1) I have passed Intermediate Examination conducted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
For Chartered Accountancy Course there is no college/University to be attended regularly. We have to undergo articleship ie., training under a practicing member of ICAI for 3 years.
In the Employment Pass Eligibility Application, there is a field named "Mode of Learning" wherein we have to specify whether we studied through "Full Time", "Part Time" or "Distance Learning Mode"
As there is no college to be attended as such for pursuing CA course would I be right in mentioning the mode of Learning as "Full Time" or shall I mention it as "Distance Learning"? (as we do not attend any college)
2) My 2nd highest qualification is Bachelors Degree in Commerce earned through "Distance Learning" from a University which is recognised by MOM for granting of EP. However the same University is not mentioned in the EPEC Qulaification List.
My doubt is, since the Qualification is not mentioned in EPEC recognised Qualifications list and also I earned the Degree through Distance Learning Mode instead of Full time, will this adversly affect my EPEC application?
Any advice/information on the above will be gratefully appreciated.
Warm Regards,
PSR Sekhar