A major decision, like selecting a place that you will spend a big portion of your time in for years to come, should never be rushed. See as many options as possible, sleep over it, discuss it with your family and then make a decision!LindaJ wrote:Should we agree to take up the place that we like immediately or we should see as many as possible before deciding.
Boy is THAT an understatement!beppi wrote: Keep in mind that many Singapore property agents are dishonest, and the rest is doing it primarily for their own profit, not for your benefit.
East coast is better for the park area with lots of foody place's, around katong area, some of the older condo's are quite cheap, I know between 2 and 3K with swimming pools. no mrt though only bus.LindaJ wrote:Thank you for the advices! My family viewed many properties this weekend- Melvile park, Simei green, Changi Rise condo, Savanah and many others. It is difficult to decide….. well… I guess there's no one place that really stands out. I heard from some friends that the area Simei is relatively suburb (somehow quite far from city), though I think it only took us no more than half an hour to reach the Plaza Singapore in the city by taxi today. The agents suggested East Coast or Tangong Rhu area. Is it a better choice and are there better amentities in those areas? Your advise is appreciated and helpful.
Any ideas on where to look for a reputable agent?ksl wrote:Everyone should e more cautious in quoting high rental budgets.
With only 6000 agents registered and over 35000 agents in Singapore, its pretty obvious many will be take for a ride. With the difference in rental split between Agent and Landlord.
Keep your exact budget a secret and just describe what you are looking for, within a lower price range, and work up slowly if the properties aren't suitable. You will have more control over what you want and the price you want to pay.
A rogue agent may just offer you a 3500$ property for 6K and if you like the property, you will probably pay with no questions asked.
So you have to be just as shrewed as the agents. Keep your exact budget to yourself working on the lowest condo price range first to see what is offered!
Many older units are very cheap I have seen some at 2500 The new condo's are of course within the top end of price to Sq mtr, though prices are at a low with many empty units.
It is a tenants market, now there are restrictions on foreign expatriates allowed to work in Singapore, so use the information to bargain down the price, only works if you have the time to look around.
Crusoe yes its feasible for 2 Bedroom local HDB apartments!
BigSis wrote:I've had plenty of agents over the years telling me that such and such a place is 'not an expat condo' - it's complete rubbish, what they're really saying is 'it's cheaper and I won't get paid as much'.
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