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How to register business in SG

Posted: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 10:56 am
by wll6568
Hi guys, I am thinking of registering a business in Singapore, and I am going there at the end of the month, the problem is i am still at no clue on how to do this and the process. If anyone know, please point me out, thx!

Basically, I am a malaysian citizenship, and I am actually staying in Australia as a resident. From what I know, I need to apply for an Entrepass first. So I assume the stages are:

- Apply EntrePass at SingPost. Can we only do this at local singpost? Or can we do it online? How long does it take to receive my AIP letter?

- With AIP letter, now is to register with ACRA. Get the documents and fax to Work Pass Division. How long does it take again to get these documents before I could fax to WPD?

- Wait for Approval. How long does this take? - Once approved, collect entrepass with a Banker's guarantee. Anybody knows how to do this? Which bank should I go with? I remember I went to a bank once to setup a bank account but the girl told me I can't do that as I am not resident nor I am working in singapore.

- What's next?...

Posted: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 12:07 pm
by sundaymorningstaple