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Post by Shreked » Thu, 17 May 2007 12:59 am

abnegation wrote:
Shreked wrote:Ok! I got into TP's Hospitality & Tourism Mgt. I want to know whether the course that we took would increase our chance in getting in.
I'm your senior from Tourism Management. Graduated a year ago. To be honest, it does give you some sort of advantage but ultimately it boils down to your attitude and personality. :)

If you're what they're looking for, even better that you have a HTM Dip. If not, a degree in HTM wouldn't help either.
Wow! Nice! I'm a freshie! Hehe. Heard from a lot of people that having a HTM Dip cert is an advantage. But true, the attitude and personality plays an important part too.
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Post by abnegation » Thu, 17 May 2007 1:06 am

Shreked wrote: Wow! Nice! I'm a freshie! Hehe. Heard from a lot of people that having a HTM Dip cert is an advantage. But true, the attitude and personality plays an important part too.
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Post by bLiss_ » Thu, 17 May 2007 2:50 am

hoshino wrote:
bLiss_ wrote:Hello ppl! I passed thru all the SIA interviews and will be commencing my training on the 24th May. I've been reading this forum alot, and it really helps! Just wanna drop by to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed here. Thanks ppl =) and to all of you who is going to give it a try, all the best! Be confident and smile alot =) dont worry about your body size, as i'm quite big-boned and i got lucky! Btw,anyone starting training on the 24th May? i'm from KL and it will be great if someone can show me around..hehe
hey bliss, when and where did you go for the interview and medical check-up? just wondering how long does the whole process take, from the interview till commencing training for a malaysian..
hey! i went to the interview in KL on 28th Jan, passed the grp interview, kebaya round, one-to-one interview and swimming confidence test on the same day. i attended the final interview on 1st March and am commencing my training on 24th May.guess it takes bout 3-4 mths depending o ur resignition notice period. You have to take ur medical check up in a clinic in jalan Ampang =)

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Post by machi17 » Thu, 17 May 2007 4:15 pm

hI~ i'm totally new here.. anyone going for management round tmr? really nervous.. any tips?

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Post by Jean&Jean » Thu, 17 May 2007 4:29 pm

Dear All,
This is Jean here, a newbie, hehe :)
First of all, congratulations to bLiss!
I hope this forum could help me too!
Hmm, I am going to send my application for the Msian cabin crew recruitment. Here i need your help guys.
About the recent full-length photograph, should i do my photography at studio or just submit a self-taken one?
After sending my application, for how long i have to wait for their notification if i've been selected?
Thank you guys.
Hope you enjoy your time here like i do.
Have a good day :D

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Post by sujoiedevivre » Thu, 17 May 2007 9:58 pm

Jean&Jean wrote:Dear All,
This is Jean here, a newbie, hehe :)
First of all, congratulations to bLiss!
I hope this forum could help me too!
Hmm, I am going to send my application for the Msian cabin crew recruitment. Here i need your help guys.
About the recent full-length photograph, should i do my photography at studio or just submit a self-taken one?
After sending my application, for how long i have to wait for their notification if i've been selected?
Thank you guys.
Hope you enjoy your time here like i do.
Have a good day :D
i had sent my application too and i did sent a full-length photo too...profesionally took it at studio but they surely will still prefer a self taken too...take note dont forget to smile sweetly and the best is to wear an office dress code...eventually aite now there's no any interview held over here...By a giving a try u wont loose up the chances and instead u'll receive it...god bless u!!

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Post by onee » Thu, 17 May 2007 10:53 pm

Shreked wrote:Ok! I got into TP's Hospitality & Tourism Mgt. I want to know whether the course that we took would increase our chance in getting in.
omg.... hehh.. im also from tp htm! a freshie too!
=) which class u from? hehh.. care to share?

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Post by love`Qoo » Thu, 17 May 2007 11:06 pm

pardon me for my ignorance.. what's the different between the 1-1 intv n the mgt intv?? :???: are chances high getting booted out in the mgt rd?

do they usually prefer fresh grad or with exp?

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new recruitment!!! 3 june!

Post by aezl » Thu, 17 May 2007 11:27 pm ... etails.jsp

Local Flight Stewardesses
We will be conducting a recruitment exercise for Flight Stewardess in Singapore. If you meet the following standards, we will be pleased to meet you at our walk-in interview.

Singapore or Malaysian citizenship
Females who are at least 1.58m;
At least 2 GCE ‘A’-level credits and 2 ‘O’-level credits including General Paper in the GCE ‘A’-level examination; or a Diploma from a local Polytechnic.
(Those with at least 5 GCE ‘O’-level credits, including English, and relevant working experience may also apply).
For Malaysian qualifications, a minimum grade of B4 in English at SPM level is required for the above.
Preference will be given to candidates who are able to speak foreign languages or are experienced in customer service.

If you make it through our rigorous selection process, you will undergo about 4 months’ training. On successful completion of training you will commence flying duties.

Remuneration & Service Benefits
Apart from the opportunity to experience various cultures and meet new people from around the world, you can look forward to a total income of about S$3,500 a month, including fixed salary and variable incentive allowances. Plus an annual wage supplement of one month’s basic salary and profit-sharing bonus. You will also be entitled to free travel to any SIA destination once a year and enjoy discounted travel at other times.

If you measure up to our requirements and are interested to apply, please download and complete this application form.
Please bring the following documents for registration between 9am and 12noon.

Completed application form
Passport-sized photograph
Original(s) and a photocopy each of:
a) your birth certificate
b) all educational certificates
c) identity card
Interviews will be conducted on 3 June 2007 at:

Raffles City Convention Centre
Swissotel The Stamford
4th Level – Atrium Ballroom
No. 2 Stamford Road
Singapore 178882

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Post by butterfliesweet » Thu, 17 May 2007 11:40 pm

i really want to go for this upcoming interview man..but i've another yr to go b4 i graduate... its so tempting.. *multiple sighhh!

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Hi everyone

Post by swist » Fri, 18 May 2007 9:32 am

Hello everybody.

Was wondering if anyone is interested in the interview on 3rd June' 2007.

Kind of nervous because the previous timeI went, I was underage.

Hopefully, I can find some girls who wanna go for the interview on 3rd June'07 as well... maybe we can go together ???

When we go in a group, won't be too nervous! :)

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Post by Shreked » Fri, 18 May 2007 7:25 pm

onee wrote:
Shreked wrote:Ok! I got into TP's Hospitality & Tourism Mgt. I want to know whether the course that we took would increase our chance in getting in.
omg.... hehh.. im also from tp htm! a freshie too!
=) which class u from? hehh.. care to share?
1H06! You?
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Post by babyger » Fri, 18 May 2007 8:27 pm

i know it may be a repeated question but just wanna cfm is mgmt interview a 2-1 process ??

usually 2 females or 1 male 1 female ??

btw, what do they chk during medical checkup ?? can give details ??

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Post by onee » Fri, 18 May 2007 9:03 pm

Shreked wrote:
onee wrote:
Shreked wrote:Ok! I got into TP's Hospitality & Tourism Mgt. I want to know whether the course that we took would increase our chance in getting in.
omg.... hehh.. im also from tp htm! a freshie too!
=) which class u from? hehh.. care to share?
1H06! You?
dunno whether r we in e same lecture! hehh. =)) oh ya, check yr ole-bb, theres this CHANGI YOUTH AMBASSDOR. im gg for it. go together also. it be a good experience. theres certificate, allowance and seal points. =)

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Post by aezl » Fri, 18 May 2007 10:25 pm

onee wrote:
Shreked wrote:
onee wrote: omg.... hehh.. im also from tp htm! a freshie too!
=) which class u from? hehh.. care to share?
1H06! You?
dunno whether r we in e same lecture! hehh. =)) oh ya, check yr ole-bb, theres this CHANGI YOUTH AMBASSDOR. im gg for it. go together also. it be a good experience. theres certificate, allowance and seal points. =)
So that's where people get to work as changi youth ambassdor! i used to work in the airport and was wondering how did they get the job. its really a good opportunity =p

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