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SIA cabin crew

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Re: Do I need to have flawless skin?

Post by Guest » Wed, 30 Mar 2005 12:23 am

Whitez wrote:Hi, I would like to apply for SQ air stewardess. But I used to be in the sun a lot and had some pigmentation/discolouration on my face and arms. Does SQ accept such flaws or do I need to have perfect skin?
I have a similar problem too. I have quite a lot of dark marks on my arms 'cos I used to scratch the skin after mosquito bites... (Sob)
I went to see a dermatologist lately and he said that the marks can be gotten rid of completely in about 6 months. All I need is to use some cleanser, toner and a cream. It's not so serious that I have to go under laser correction.

And I'm applying for SIA this time round also. The marks will still be there if they shortlist me and I turn up for the interview. But I just hope that they'll accept my reason and at least give me some probation about the skin situation....


Post by Guest » Wed, 30 Mar 2005 1:52 pm

hey . just wandering .. i work at the airport,, n i always wonder, after so many hours on flight, how come,,, the SQ girls makeup is still lkg nice,, but when i go travelling ,,all my foundation will dissapear once i reach my destination ,be it a 5 hr flight i know they wear a make up base,, but does anyone of u know the magic ... what base r they using ???


Why is it so demanding?

Post by KiraH » Wed, 30 Mar 2005 11:24 pm

Seriously,years back after O levels u could just go ahead and apply for the cabin crew job.Now it's A levels or from a local poly..How sad is it for those who actually took private diploma from a private school.
So is education more important now then experience?
Actually i'm part of it..i'm still going through my private dip and have 4 yrs in customer service and somehow am not confident in receiving a reply via long does it take anyway?for the reply?
Ironic how they could recruit educated pple with broken english eventually!like...what the hell??...Emirates is not that demandin..yet they are paying more..yeah yeah..i've tried for Emirates but never made it after the second interview. :( So who applied for SQ April's recruitment?keep in touch...


Post by Guest » Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:07 am

I've just sent out my application via email on Wednesday afternoon. Tried to do so on Tuesday night but my mail didn't get thru... their database was full then. So I guess you can tell how much applicants there are out there. Wow....

Anyway, it's my first time applying for a cabin crew job and I'm still in my final yr of degree studies. No work experience unless you consider my vacation jobs. Hee. Not really confident that I'll pass thru this time. But I really want to try the interview and hopefully it'll be a useful reference when I apply the next time.

Good luck to all trying!


SIA Interview

Post by Guest1 » Thu, 31 Mar 2005 11:20 am

When will SIA start sending emails to those who have been successfully selected for the Interview ?

~Just Me~

Post by ~Just Me~ » Thu, 31 Mar 2005 1:01 pm

I really wonder how the atmosphere is going to be like during the interview..Went for Emirates and Qatar airways before and it was a breeze..The first interview that usual introduction..One thing good abt the interview was,it's open to all.From all walks of life..of different age groups..Anyone could just turn up and give it a try.Why can't SIA do that?Have the first interview open to all.Wouldn't it better to see n hear for themselves what the actual person is like instead of judging from e pics which cld do a lil injustice?what abt personality??..
For those who hve scars, try again once it's healed or lightened..DON'T GIVE UP!!!...


Re: Why is it so demanding?

Post by propagandaz » Thu, 31 Mar 2005 3:33 pm

KiraH wrote:Seriously,years back after O levels u could just go ahead and apply for the cabin crew job.Now it's A levels or from a local poly..How sad is it for those who actually took private diploma from a private school.
So is education more important now then experience?
Actually i'm part of it..i'm still going through my private dip and have 4 yrs in customer service and somehow am not confident in receiving a reply via long does it take anyway?for the reply?
Ironic how they could recruit educated pple with broken english eventually!like...what the hell??...Emirates is not that demandin..yet they are paying more..yeah yeah..i've tried for Emirates but never made it after the second interview. :( So who applied for SQ April's recruitment?keep in touch...
Hi, just wondering how long did they take to call you after you submit your application online? And where did they hold their interview and was there alot of people who went? How were they dressed? Thanks alot!


Post by Guest » Thu, 31 Mar 2005 3:35 pm

~Just Me~ wrote:I really wonder how the atmosphere is going to be like during the interview..Went for Emirates and Qatar airways before and it was a breeze..The first interview that usual introduction..One thing good abt the interview was,it's open to all.From all walks of life..of different age groups..Anyone could just turn up and give it a try.Why can't SIA do that?Have the first interview open to all.Wouldn't it better to see n hear for themselves what the actual person is like instead of judging from e pics which cld do a lil injustice?what abt personality??..
For those who hve scars, try again once it's healed or lightened..DON'T GIVE UP!!!...
Hi, care to share how long did Emirates take to call you after you submit the application online? And how did they contact you? Via email or phone? Is there alot of applicants at the interview and where was it held? Thanks...



Post by KKL » Thu, 31 Mar 2005 9:19 pm

I understand that the pool that all applicants need to jump into during the water-confidence test is 3 metres deep, how about the distance between the aircraft and the pool then? Is it very high because although I can swim but I'm rather afraid of heights. Though I know I won't be in any risk, but I will just get scared.

Can any kind soul out there kindly advise me of the distance? I will really appreciate it very much.

By the way, I'm just curious. How long will the successful applicants be expected to start training after they are notified of their selection and will they be paid during the training?

Thank you....

~Just Me~


Post by ~Just Me~ » Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:53 pm

Well,the Emirates and Qatar airways were both held in a hotel.Depending which..I saw the add in the papers.Did not register online coz i know for sure the chances of me getting a reply from them wld be slim.My fren did like just that and till now she has not heard from them whereas i've been thru the experience from "walking in" for an interview. :) It's really funny how Singaporeans don't dress up formally for an interview!Some come in mini skirts,jeans...shessh!'s an interview for crying out loud!Get my hint?
PLS..if anyone who has applied for the April's intake on SQ and has received a reply,do us a favour n let us know so that we can stop checking our E-mails everyday!!hahaha..CHEERS!!


SIA Flight Stewards Interview

Post by Hi-all » Thu, 31 Mar 2005 11:09 pm

Can anyone here tell me briefly whats the interview process like for Flight Steward ?
What is it that the interviewers are looking out for ?




Post by shoegal » Fri, 01 Apr 2005 2:58 am

Hi everybody,
I'm flying with SIA currently. Just want to share my view of the interview with u girls or guys.
SIA use to have walk in interview but i think because too many applicants so is not easy for them to interview everybody within that few hours.
I feel that it really doesn't matter what u say or how u look (shirt, pants, mini skirt) during the interview. Is more on how u behave, example: how u stand or sit, how u smile, when others are talking how u react......etc. They prefer people who got confident but not over confident. They will never know how good is your english or how good is your customer service in less then a min. They just want to see the overall of u and the rest they believe they can train u to be one.
If they didn't shortlist u, doesn't mean u are not up to standard. Just that this time round they got better choice. TRY AGAIN another time. U will not lose anything.
ALL the BEST to you girls and guys..


Re: Questions

Post by shoegal » Fri, 01 Apr 2005 3:04 am

KKL wrote:I understand that the pool that all applicants need to jump into during the water-confidence test is 3 metres deep, how about the distance between the aircraft and the pool then? Is it very high because although I can swim but I'm rather afraid of heights. Though I know I won't be in any risk, but I will just get scared.

Can any kind soul out there kindly advise me of the distance? I will really appreciate it very much.

By the way, I'm just curious. How long will the successful applicants be expected to start training after they are notified of their selection and will they be paid during the training?

Thank you....

Is only around 1m plus from the aircraft to the pool. If u scare don't be the first 1 nor the last. when u see everybody in front of u jump, u will just follow and jump. Trust me if u really want the job u will have the courage. :D

~Just Me~

Post by ~Just Me~ » Fri, 01 Apr 2005 12:26 pm

My fren just came back from her first flight and came back crying.Reason being,senior stewardess bullied or rather should i use the term unfriendly, to her and her buddy just because they are new.Is it a trend?Do senior stewardess tend to be bossy and mean around newbies?She's not my only fren that have been thru the first bad experience..infact most of my frens in the cabin crew industry faced the same thing when on their first flight out.WHY??


Post by Guest » Sat, 02 Apr 2005 1:29 pm

Hi just fren.. just wanted to know how they bullied her? and did she made any mistakes? is that her first flight after training or in the training session? I will have my first flight soon, and kinda surprised... please let me know thanks

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