I have a similar problem too. I have quite a lot of dark marks on my arms 'cos I used to scratch the skin after mosquito bites... (Sob)Whitez wrote:Hi, I would like to apply for SQ air stewardess. But I used to be in the sun a lot and had some pigmentation/discolouration on my face and arms. Does SQ accept such flaws or do I need to have perfect skin?
I went to see a dermatologist lately and he said that the marks can be gotten rid of completely in about 6 months. All I need is to use some cleanser, toner and a cream. It's not so serious that I have to go under laser correction.
And I'm applying for SIA this time round also. The marks will still be there if they shortlist me and I turn up for the interview. But I just hope that they'll accept my reason and at least give me some probation about the skin situation....