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Re: SIA recruiting stewardesses from China

Post by givemeaclue » Mon, 26 Feb 2007 5:52 pm

Plavt wrote:
givemeaclue wrote:Yup. The recruitment ad is on the website. Hmmm. I really don't know what to think about this. Are there currently women from the PRC serving onboard SIA flights? Food for thought. LOTS of thought. PRC women clad in THAT kebaya serving onboard Singapore Airlines. We've got ladies from Japan, Korean, Indonesia, Malaysia and India. Truly multicultural. Which is probably a good thing. Why then do I suddenly feel awkward about the thought of PRC ladies in THAT kebaya? Of course, i understand that these women will probably serve onboard most of the flights to and from China. But my gosh. This certainly puts a new perspective on things.
I am really not sure what you are getting at since you have no problem with the other nationalities amongst the crew? Chinese or any other nationality they are just people, try to understand them and their society if that's what bothers you.
There are many men and women from modern PRC here in Singapore. Working men and women. And, the women do not exactly have a very good reputation. So, it's just a little weird seeing that they will be part of the SIA cabin crew in the very near future, if not already so.

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Re: SIA recruiting stewardesses from China

Post by Plavt » Mon, 26 Feb 2007 6:12 pm

givemeaclue wrote:. And, the women do not exactly have a very good reputation.
Perhaps you would care to explain as your statement means nothing to me?

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Post by ningie » Mon, 26 Feb 2007 9:02 pm

p3i86 wrote:
ningie wrote:To : p3i86

Sorry i cant reply your private msg cos i havent got enough post count to do so. Yup im from NP. Going to the interview @ 27th. What time is your session?

Fellow SIA-wannabes....Can someone be very kind to roughly tell me what questions do they ask in Round 1 and Round 2? Im so nervoussss for tmr's interview!!
thats fine....mine is at 1115...yours?
mines at...1030! u can email me at [email protected]

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Re: SIA recruiting stewardesses from China

Post by givemeaclue » Mon, 26 Feb 2007 9:13 pm

Plavt wrote:
givemeaclue wrote:. And, the women do not exactly have a very good reputation.
Perhaps you would care to explain as your statement means nothing to me?
They are perceived to be homewreckers. Money-hungry homewreckers. It's unfair to generalize, of course. But sadly, they make the news doing so. And causing lots of damage along the way. I have worked with several women from the PRC here in Singapore. I can't say that the ones I've worked with are wrecking homes. Thankfully. I guess when the a particular group of people are constantly getting bad press because of the unsavory acts of others also from that same group, it makes for a rather unappealing picture of the said group.

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Post by Plavt » Mon, 26 Feb 2007 9:57 pm

Best not to take too much notice of the news, articles are often grossly sensationalist and often magnify incidents out of all proportion to what actually happened.

I live in a multicultural are with around 30,000 Turkish-=Cypriots at one time as may Greek-Cypriots, there is large proportion of Black people and today there is large Kurdish and Polish Community alongside a few Italian, Spanish, Indian, Albanian and even the odd Japanese family.

In all groups there are people of dubious intent or character and the it is great misfortune that these are people who often most noticeable and as a result easily remembered. Yes there are characteristics of cultures and races that others outside them don't like - we are all racist to some degree irrespective of what some try to claim.

However, the selection procedure should 'weed out' any of the 'undesirables' , just treat them like anybody else and lookout for the cultural misunderstandings. I think you may be fairly well practiced already. :)

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:54 am

Hi givemeaclue,

We'll never know u know.. We might meet some of these women whom u label 'undesirable'.

There are bound to be ppl like them in every sector of the working world. In the airlines too. Its inevitable.

Hmm.... Sometimes SIA might not be even able to see who ppl really are DEEP down. They might not be able to filter ppl properly. Sometimes, All they need are actresses & voila, u're in.

Like if u're not really nice inside, just act that u're normal or just act nice. If u're good at acting, then congrats. If they see no other flaw in you, U're in. :shock:

But if U do happen to, unfortunately, work with such ppl, maybe just mainain a distance? There's nothing else we can do right? :? :?

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Post by givemeaclue » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 4:13 pm

So then...

Now that it is confirmed that SIA will be hiring stewardesses from China, would that mean that there will be fewer locals serving onboard flights to and from China?

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Post by pressedflowers » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 5:00 pm

Hi everyone, I'm new here and will be going for the 4th March interview. Just wanted to ask if visible tatoos are a big no-no. I have a small (about 1.5cm) tatoo on my left thumb and I also have a few small bumps on my right ear (scars from piercing). Will that be a big issue? Thanks and good luck to all of you who are going for the interview too! :)

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Post by Plavt » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 5:37 pm

givemeaclue wrote:So then...

Now that it is confirmed that SIA will be hiring stewardesses from China, would that mean that there will be fewer locals serving onboard flights to and from China?
Doubtful: I think you already know the airline has a contingent of native Japanese, Taiwanese and Indonesians for the appropriate routes. In addition the turnover of staff may make their presence unnoticeable in terms of staff numbers.

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Post by Plavt » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 5:40 pm

pressedflowers wrote:Hi everyone, I'm new here and will be going for the 4th March interview. Just wanted to ask if visible tatoos are a big no-no. I have a small (about 1.5cm) tatoo on my left thumb and I also have a few small bumps on my right ear (scars from piercing). Will that be a big issue? Thanks and good luck to all of you who are going for the interview too! :)
From what I have read here on past occasions the answer is yes to both. Perhaps you can get rid of that tattoo and wait until those scars heal if they will heal? Try at some other date and spare yourself the misery of being rejected. :(

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Post by cabbage_girl » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 6:29 pm

ningie wrote:To : p3i86

Sorry i cant reply your private msg cos i havent got enough post count to do so. Yup im from NP. Going to the interview @ 27th. What time is your session?

Fellow SIA-wannabes....Can someone be very kind to roughly tell me what questions do they ask in Round 1 and Round 2? Im so nervoussss for tmr's interview!!
Sorry.. I'm lost. You mean there is an interview on 27th, a weekday? Thought they do not conduct walk-in interviews on weekday? Can someone enlighten me? Thanks!

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Post by cabbage_girl » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 6:35 pm

koko77 wrote:cabbage

you a crew now? or still undergoing interview for the swimming test? if you wanna cover ur freckles. you gonna use concealer. And if you still have time, you should use whitening, there are several spot corrector in the market. For freckles and marks from pimple. So you can check out.

When you put on make up. Don't simply use 2 way cake. You might wanna try damp ur sponge and use the 2 way cake instead. it got better coverage.

Hi Koko,

Just managed to read your tips! Thanks a lot. Nope, neither am i a crew nor undergoing any swimming test. Just a gal who is tried my luck and got kicked out of the 3rd round. :(

Maybe I should try my luck again this sun!! Haha

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Post by GroundZiro » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 8:19 pm

Hi all, I'm new here, I'm just wondering what is the chance to be kicked out in the water confident test??

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Post by M » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 8:28 pm

GroundZiro wrote:Hi all, I'm new here, I'm just wondering what is the chance to be kicked out in the water confident test??
Don't be afraid when you take the plunge. Show no sign of fear and if you do, your interview might end prematurely. :-({|=

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Post by M » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 8:29 pm

cabbage_girl wrote:Sorry.. I'm lost. You mean there is an interview on 27th, a weekday? Thought they do not conduct walk-in interviews on weekday? Can someone enlighten me? Thanks!
Could have been an in-school recruitment. \:D/

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