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Post by kekeai_82 » Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:15 am

Plavt wrote:
kekeai_82 wrote:
Plavt wrote:kekeai_82,
Was the English you failed part of the diploma or a seperate qualification?
Hello Plavt,

Seperate. The one that I got D7 is my O'level. :(
Then as suggested by NS~KBH don't worry about it they would more likely go by their assessments than your qualifications. Either way a diploma is a higher qualification which supersedes most if not anything else you have done prior.

Possibly the airline has had candidates lie about their qualifications in the past and is just trying to safeguard its recruitment procedures.

Tip: Try to find some 'Key Facts' cards for English; they are a good guide to using basic grammar. In the UK they are sold in W.H. Smiths the stationery retailer but I don't know the equivalent store in Singapore.
'Key Facts' cards? Never heard of it. I 'll ask around.

Thanks Plavt & NS~KBH ! :)

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Post by sQ-StEwaRd-ShazNi » Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:16 am

hullabaloo_girl wrote:Just wondering, I know that no visible scars on exposed areas are allowed. Is that the same for birthmarks no matter how big or small?
Let's just put it this way..If it isn't ugly or disturbing,then it should be fine.Is your birthmark exposed?Oh and if it could not be seen in the uniform then it will be fine too..I hope your birthmark could be accepted.
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Post by NS~KBH » Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:59 am

kekeai_82 wrote:

<snip> A year in the customer service line with good testimonials written by my bosses.
Preference will be given to candidates who are able to speak foreign languages or are experienced in customer service.
^extracted from the SIA website.

kekeai_82 wrote:
However, it still bothers me as I referred to the past entries and it seems like a pass in English is a very important requirement and also heard that some people were asked to leave straight away at the door because of certain requirements are not up to their expectation.
No. What they are really looking for is how you communicate with their customers. They are not recruiting you as a news reporter or journalist. The 1st thing they will do is to ask you some questions and it really depends on how you answer. No stammering, no \"rojak\" language (mixing hokkien, chinese, your dialect and some broken english to combine and form a sentence), no \"lah\"; \"leh\";\"loh\" and all sorts of funny language you used in singapore with your friends (singlish as majority of the singaporeans called it!).

If you tell me you got a D7 for your english, i do not believe it because judging from your post, your command of english is better than me who used to score a B3 for my english and an A2 for my \"A\" level GP paper.

*I hoped that my post will make you understand that not all those people with very good scores for their english examinations will get through the rigorous selection. It really depends on how you communicate with others and if you have watched the news not too long ago, Singapore Minister of Education, Mr Tharman said that majority of the singaporeans can read well, write well but cannot speak well.*

I believed that Plavt can help by judging my command of english and give comments if necessary.

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Post by Plavt » Fri, 15 Dec 2006 1:11 am

NS~KBH has stated what I have been, in so many words, saying all along which is also confirmed by a post by ryanstarr and ex-stewardess who sometimes post here. Your English need not be perfect and nobody would expect it to be but if you just concentrate on basic grammar and speaking properly avoiding slang and singlish you will be looked on far more favourably.

The reason the airline don't like local colloquialisms is simply because most people outside Singapore would not know what was meant. For many it has unsurprisingly become and ingrained habit and a habit as you know is difficult to break. Just concentrate on the basics and think what you say more often is one way to try to overcome your difficulties - don't worry it can be done.

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Post by NS~KBH » Fri, 15 Dec 2006 1:22 am


You forgot to mention 1 more thing.

Always speak slowly and clearly. Singaporeans tend to speak very fast. My lecturer from USA scolded me for speaking too fast. :oops:

Why i explain in so many words is because i need to quote examples for easier comprehension of this topic. :D
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Post by anti_spy999 » Fri, 15 Dec 2006 3:06 pm

NS~KBH wrote:Plavt,

You forgot to mention 1 more thing.

Always speak slowly and clearly. Singaporeans tend to speak very fast. My lecturer from USA scolded me for speaking too fast. :oops:

Why i explain in so many words is because i need to quote examples for easier comprehension of this topic. :D
Singaporeans are well known for speaking like a "machine gun". :P
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really interested in SIA cabin crew

Post by aishah » Fri, 15 Dec 2006 9:55 pm

Hi anyone ,
I really need some help here.Im aware that they need at least a requirement of diploma holders and o level cert but i dont have any of the certs but only holding ITE nitec cert and n level cert.Am able to speak and write english fluently. However i do have lots of experience in customer service and pretty good in that and would really like to further my experience in airlines. Im really interested in SIA airlines. Do you think thay will hinder me from SIA cabin crew?? :? :(
Last edited by aishah on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by kekeai_82 » Fri, 15 Dec 2006 10:22 pm

Thanx folks!
I feel so much better now... :)

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Post by Plavt » Sat, 16 Dec 2006 7:34 am

kekeai_82 wrote:
'Key Facts' cards? Never heard of it. I 'll ask around.


Can be purchased from Amazon, (UK site only as far as I can tell) very simple to use and I think available at various levels. English schoolchildren and students use them too. Believe me they do help. :D

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hey : ))

Post by kristen » Sat, 16 Dec 2006 8:41 am

any idea if there be a recruitment drive next year february?

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Re: hey : ))

Post by Plavt » Sat, 16 Dec 2006 9:01 am

kristen wrote:any idea if there be a recruitment drive next year february? ... etails.jsp

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Post by blizz1209 » Sat, 16 Dec 2006 11:47 am

kekeai_82 wrote:
NS~KBH wrote:kekeai_82 wrote:
Hello folks,
I hope you guys can help me out here.
There is an upcoming SIA interview in January and I am aware that a Diploma holder is qualified enough to apply for the post. However, there is a slight difference in this recruitment, it mentions that they want ALL the Educational certificates. For your information, I am a Diploma holder from one of the local Polytechnics but I have failed my English (D7). Do you think it will hinder me from being SIA crew? Should I give it a try on that day?
I feel so demoralize....... :(
Heyy....... as long as you can speak fluently, write properly like how you post, i am sure you will be able to get through.
My O level english score is B3, so what? <--Is it a big deal? As long as your O level cert does not show F9 will do fine. Do you have any customer service experience or any other talents?

Just go & try and be confident. :-)
From what i know, SIA really checks through all your educational certs. They will verify all your certs after your group interview and before your uniform fitting round (if u r a gal). For the subsequent round, SIA just looks at your highest qualification cert, ie: for your case, your diploma cert. They won't look at your previous certs anymore. But for the 1st interview, they do.There is definitely no such thing like as long as u speak & write well, u r safe. SIA makes sure all its candidates pass their english.

That's what i experienced during my interview.

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Post by anti_spy999 » Sat, 16 Dec 2006 2:11 pm

blizz1209 wrote:
kekeai_82 wrote:
NS~KBH wrote:kekeai_82 wrote: Heyy....... as long as you can speak fluently, write properly like how you post, i am sure you will be able to get through.
My O level english score is B3, so what? <--Is it a big deal? As long as your O level cert does not show F9 will do fine. Do you have any customer service experience or any other talents?

Just go & try and be confident. :-)
From what i know, SIA really checks through all your educational certs. They will verify all your certs after your group interview and before your uniform fitting round (if u r a gal). For the subsequent round, SIA just looks at your highest qualification cert, ie: for your case, your diploma cert. They won't look at your previous certs anymore. But for the 1st interview, they do.There is definitely no such thing like as long as u speak & write well, u r safe. SIA makes sure all its candidates pass their english.

That's what i experienced during my interview.
D7 is only 1 or 2 marks away from getting a C6. They might take into account that her poly diploma course are also in english but she managed to pass everything. All in all, just go and try. remember to smile and speak fluently.

Sorry if i have some typo errors because i have injured my left hand. :cry:
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Post by hullabaloo_girl » Sat, 16 Dec 2006 9:08 pm


Thanks for that. It is exposed but it's not disturbing or ugly or anything like that. Not raised and nothing growing out of it. Well, we'll see how it goes. Thanks.

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Post by kekeai_82 » Sun, 17 Dec 2006 8:48 pm

anti_spy999 wrote:
blizz1209 wrote:
kekeai_82 wrote: From what i know, SIA really checks through all your educational certs. They will verify all your certs after your group interview and before your uniform fitting round (if u r a gal). For the subsequent round, SIA just looks at your highest qualification cert, ie: for your case, your diploma cert. They won't look at your previous certs anymore. But for the 1st interview, they do.There is definitely no such thing like as long as u speak & write well, u r safe. SIA makes sure all its candidates pass their english.

That's what i experienced during my interview.
D7 is only 1 or 2 marks away from getting a C6. They might take into account that her poly diploma course are also in english but she managed to pass everything. All in all, just go and try. remember to smile and speak fluently.

Sorry if i have some typo errors because i have injured my left hand. :cry:
I am troubled again.Should I go and try it out? I wonder if there is anyone who is in the same situation as I am now.... :???: Maybe I can just tell them that I forgot to bring my O'level cert... Hahaha

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