blizz1209 wrote:Dear all,
Is any1 scheduled to attend the water confidence test on 29/30 August? From the previous threads,i have noticed there'll be skin checks and psychometric test. Is this round with high passing rate? Will we be informed if we are selected for the next round straight after the session? Usually how soon will be the next round, ie: management?
I went 4 the walk-in on the 1st day. It's really scary 2 see that SIA eliminates people like nobody's business, they r so strict. Am feeling so worried and stress. Sigh...
Any1 is willing 2 share some experiences or on the same boat with me?
Thanks in advance.
I noticed that the Lancome Beautician was on the 1st day of interview at the Kebaya stage...
so im not sure if the same lady will be present during the skin check conducted during your swim rd,
all i can say it whether is it she or some other beautician,
ur skin will be assessed again(u will jump off from a mock plane(2m) and swim across and proceed to a well lit room..)
thereafter for those who passed the swim rd(results be out after ur quick shower), will proceed to take your psychometric test on the same day.
with regards to whether the passing rate is high or low? it really depends,
i knew of intakes where very little girls are eliminated.....but the recent july intake, most swim rds they eliminate abt 50%...
so be prepared and don be shocked with how they select...
during my rds.....the prettiest, gd posture, porcelain smooth face, tall, elegant ladies can be out too...whereas i had acne and a little puffy eyes on that day....i manage to pulll thru...hmm...its jus weird...
and the mgmt interview is usually arranged within a week's time? on a week day...
my swim rd was on monday.....and the mgmt interviews were on the same week(tuesday,wednesday and friday)
Basically everyone will be divided, split according to how soon u can begin training? lets say...ure unemployed, ur mgmt interview will be sooner den those who required 1-3 mths notice to resign from their current job....
in other words, they will give the earlier slots of mgmt rd to those who are unemployed as they can start their training immediately.... get it?
gd luck!