Go see a GP, ask the doctor to write a note certifying your height.Karen05 wrote:Hi...
I tried a couple of times to apply... But I was always being kicked out in the 1st stage where they measure the height... I'm between 156-157cm..
Does anyone knows whether 156cm can get in?
If you are around 157.5cm, sure the measuring person-in-charge close one eye, depending your luck and your 'sa-jiao' skill. Some simple trick to pull are tip-toe and raise your head a bit higher, totally stand straight, butts up, chest up. don't slouch for goodness sake. Do the 'sedia' position.
If you are 157.0 to 157.9cm, wear high heels or do something to your hair when going for the interview. Do some 'lengthening' stretches.
Important tip: Go see doctor, best is govt. polyclinics early in morning as soon as you wake up as you are at your best height as while you are sleeping, your spine relax and thus, stretch vertically.