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SIA cabin crew

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Post by dyra » Tue, 16 May 2006 11:20 pm

12am wrote:
oceanmist wrote:
oceanmist wrote:Hi Biscotti_girl and serembanboy,

my interview is later at 1515 hrs! haha I'm now in office waiting to knock off (5 mins later)... because my boss only approved 1/2 day for my leave when i applied for 1!!!

Anyway it doesn't matter cause I work at Changi South =D

Will update later!
Hello ppl,

managed to clear round 2. The interviewer was really nice~ She made me feel very comfy, it was more like a chit-chat session kinda thing.

For those going tomorrow, just relax~ and remember to smile alot too!

Hah i'll be meeting my doom next Tuesday, round 3!~
Hi oceanmist,


What was in 2nd round excatly? What are the tips to pass kebaya test? I heard they made peoples to walk for a distance, what do they really looking for?

Did you see anyone no taller than 158cm? anyone over 28 passed ? Hear from you then :).

Good luck in round 3 :)
hi there,

congrats to u! :)

during the kebaya round, just need to walk to and fro, some will be holding trays while some no need. it depends on that day.

yup, there girls age 27 to 31 who passed the 3rd round and proceed to the final round.

good luck! :wink:

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Post by dyra » Tue, 16 May 2006 11:23 pm

Sheryl wrote:Plavt, singaporegrrl and prince, thanks for the advice.

biscotti_girl, your advice was great!!! i got through to the 3rd round.

oceanmist, congrats. i'm in the 1445 timeslot. Saw quite a number who made it to the 3rd round after my group.

But the interviewer kept pricking on my slight asthma during the interview. my childhood asthma recurred for a few weeks last year. After that its been normal and doctors didn't refrain me from any activities.

Just to ask all again, any issues on my slight asthma which has not been recurring since last year.

for the kebaya round, would the lancome beautician inspect al our body skin or just the back, collarbone and hand which i heard from friends...


the beautician will check ur face, lower arms, hands, collarbone for visible marks. basically the areas not cover by the kebayas.

congrats and all the best in ur 3rd round! :)

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Post by biscotti_girl » Wed, 17 May 2006 12:05 am

dyra wrote:
Sheryl wrote:Plavt, singaporegrrl and prince, thanks for the advice.

biscotti_girl, your advice was great!!! i got through to the 3rd round.

oceanmist, congrats. i'm in the 1445 timeslot. Saw quite a number who made it to the 3rd round after my group.

But the interviewer kept pricking on my slight asthma during the interview. my childhood asthma recurred for a few weeks last year. After that its been normal and doctors didn't refrain me from any activities.

Just to ask all again, any issues on my slight asthma which has not been recurring since last year.

for the kebaya round, would the lancome beautician inspect al our body skin or just the back, collarbone and hand which i heard from friends...


the beautician will check ur face, lower arms, hands, collarbone for visible marks. basically the areas not cover by the kebayas.

congrats and all the best in ur 3rd round! :)
Hi Oceanmist & Sheryl: Great! I'm Glad to know that you have successfully made it through to your round 3 of interview. Yup, at the Kebaya round, the Beautician & SIA RO will scrutinize your complexion, your posture and etc. If I'm not wrong, you gals will need to go for the water confidence test first then proceed for the uniform fit. Of course, they will give you a period of time to bathe and get ready. No worries! :wink:

Hi Srembanboy: Thanks for the well wishes, The nightmare was already over for me. I'm awaiting my training to commence. Cheers! Pardon me, I did not really read through all the 400 over pages of threads, did you tried for Stewards?

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Post by oceanmist » Wed, 17 May 2006 12:17 am

Sheryl wrote:Plavt, singaporegrrl and prince, thanks for the advice.

biscotti_girl, your advice was great!!! i got through to the 3rd round.

oceanmist, congrats. i'm in the 1445 timeslot. Saw quite a number who made it to the 3rd round after my group.

But the interviewer kept pricking on my slight asthma during the interview. my childhood asthma recurred for a few weeks last year. After that its been normal and doctors didn't refrain me from any activities.

Just to ask all again, any issues on my slight asthma which has not been recurring since last year.

for the kebaya round, would the lancome beautician inspect al our body skin or just the back, collarbone and hand which i heard from friends...

Hi Sheryl,

then we might probably be in the same waiting room! But i was one of the later ones to be called... Yup I think quite a few from 1515 lot got into the next round. There was 2 other girls who was in my batch for round 1, all 3 of us got in...

anyways, no worries about the asthma thingy. If you manage to pass the last round eventually, during the medical they have professionals to access you on whether you're suitable to fly.

Good luck to everyone for the upcoming interviews!

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Post by 12am » Wed, 17 May 2006 8:23 am

Thanks Dyra for your response :)

I heard just walk with confidence, but yet I also heard many many times alot of girls (nearly over 50%) were kicked out during kebaya test ... I wonder why???

My friend is turning 27 soon, she has a very sweet smile but she is not that shapy (as one of my SIA crew friend said that is what SIA is looking for), her height is 159cm but oh my god she was measured 156cm.... but in the previous posts by those experince mentioned there are girls of shorter than 158cm successfully became a FA...em... anyone knows someone in such case get in?

That's cool, good luck to those age 27 to 31 who have passed the 3rd round & final round, many peoples said hard to get in after 26, hopeful you all will make it through and fly up high, all the best. & god bless you all.."Gambade kudasai".

I wanted to be a FA as well once I finish my contract mid next year...em.. any suggestions when should I start apply for it, January or so next year ??? To be pessimistic, I heard if you fail once, you only can apply 6 months after, ...em... time is running age ..age is adding, 6 months not a short wait...

Once again, congrate to all those passed the current round, god bless you ...those didn't keep trying :wink:

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Post by serembanboy » Wed, 17 May 2006 9:15 am

congrats to those who made it thru :D
alwiz a nice way to start the day knowing that cyberpals are nearer and nearer to their dreams....after the kebaya, waz the next stage?
so to oceanmist, sheryl...all the best again.

to biscotti gal...congrats on making it thru :wink:
when wil u b reporting for ur training?
i did try for the last walk in in suntec...
i went all the way down from kl to try...
but was booted out coz i think (in my opinion), looks was the priority for the interviewer in my room... as for other interviewers, i dunno...
but the two guys he chose, i do have to say/agree that they r good looking, well built and speaks pretty well too...
but it was a good experience for me to attend a sq walk in interview in Singapore....i do hope that it wil come to kl for a walk in for the guys....usually for girls onli.... :(
besides i cannot realli afford to travel from kl to sg every time for interview too coz of my time, work, study...
so if think bek, if i do pass my first stage, then hv to wait for another date for the second stage, it will be troublesome for me to arrange for so many stuffs.....
anyway, smstms we do need to face and overcome obstacles in life to get what we want....hopefully, one day, sq wil b in town for a interview for m'sian stewards :wink:

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Post by serembanboy » Wed, 17 May 2006 11:11 am


wat kinda questions the interviewer asked in ur 2nd round? n how long is the interview? thx.

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Post by oceanmist » Wed, 17 May 2006 12:55 pm

serembanboy wrote:oceanmist/sheryl,

wat kinda questions the interviewer asked in ur 2nd round? n how long is the interview? thx.
Hi serembanboy,

I was lucky my interviewer was really nice. Didn't shoot tough situational question nor stared at me sternly from head to toe. It was more like a chit-chat session.

She merely asked me about what I did when I was in school, what my course was about and what I've learnt from it. Then she went on to ask about my current job and how well I liked it. Last question was in what ways do I think I'm suitable for this job (that's when you start "selling" yourself *shy* lolz)

It lasted quite long for my case, like 15 minutes or so(cause like what I said we were just chit-chatting), I think I talked too much though, but who cares she's already given me that slip of paper! Duration is not the main concern, it's how well you answer. Some managed to pass within like 5 minutes? But of course, if you were to give one-word answers all the time then you must be asking to get the booty. Elaborate on your points but don't beat around the bush or go off-topic.

Hope this helps!

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Post by mysty » Wed, 17 May 2006 5:59 pm

hello...anyone here started their training on 9th June? :) I just got the date confirmed yesterday. Just curious whether there are 9th June batchmates here. I'm from KL and will be flying to Singapore on 5th June to report myself there. I've been applying for the post since Dec '05 and finally, I will be starting my training next month after a long wait since Mid March management interview. For those that've been applying for the post, wish u all the best and may our dreams come true... :wink:

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Post by serembanboy » Wed, 17 May 2006 7:33 pm

hi mysty,

congrats in making ur dream come true :D

will like to know in ur dec interview, was there any flight steward interview for m'sian guys in kl? btw, y it took u so long to report for training?

cheers :wink:

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Post by mysty » Wed, 17 May 2006 7:54 pm

serembanboy wrote:hi mysty,

congrats in making ur dream come true :D

will like to know in ur dec interview, was there any flight steward interview for m'sian guys in kl? btw, y it took u so long to report for training?

cheers :wink:

Thanks, serembanboy. Actually my interview was not held on Dec, but was applied online on Dec. Then my interview was conducted on 19th & 20th Feb at Concorde Hotel KL. My final interview was on 16th March. I saw a number of guys went for the interview though. So, i think u already missed out that one. But don't worry, i think they will conduct another interview very soon bcos the number of ppl who got in this time are not so many. If they in need of ppl, they will recruit again. :)
Actually, i also have no idea what took them so long to reply me and to start my training. But what they told me was it depends on the availability of training classes and work permit approval. So, the whole process for me to reach for my dreams was about half a year (1/2 yr) Phew... :o Anyway, try to look out for SIA recruitment soon in the papers or the website. Take care.

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Post by Matt10 » Wed, 17 May 2006 7:58 pm

Does anyone out there knows how many hours on an average does a SIA cabin crew fly each month? :D

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Post by Plavt » Wed, 17 May 2006 8:14 pm

Matt10 wrote:Does anyone out there knows how many hours on an average does a SIA cabin crew fly each month? :D
I think this may depend on a number of factors such as; how many are on holiday, sick or maternity leave, attending in-house courses, number of staff available due to resignations or still in training. Finding an average for every flight attendant would be very difficult since the number of hours flown will differ with each individual.


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Post by blancD » Wed, 17 May 2006 9:35 pm

according to some of the crews, it is roughly about 7 working days and 3 rest days. other factors may depend on the destination you're assigned
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Post by iDO » Thu, 18 May 2006 12:12 am

Hi ppl, i'm new here....

Questions to ask....

i'm standing at 1.58cm BUT i'm weighting onli 38kg(heard from ppl saying that usually SIA do not want any skinny n petite ladies, they prefer proportion figure to fleshy)... n i DO NOT have any Diploma or 5 Credits of 'O' Lvl(i got have 2 credits)...

So hws the chances like??

Last edited by iDO on Thu, 18 May 2006 1:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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