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by janhui » Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:54 pm
Hi, i'd my mgmt interview 5 weeks ago & made it thru that round. However, during the arrangement for the medical checkup, i was told that my application couldn't be confirmed yet as i WAS from one of SIA's subsidiary airlines. Some verifications are required & certain guidelines are to be followed. I was told to wait for their phone call or email. It has been 5 weeks but there's no news yet. I don't even know am i being rejected now. So lost...

Should i assume that i've been rejected or will SIA at least inform me if i'm being rejected? Could any kind soul out there please advise? Thanks!
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by Plavt » Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:59 pm
janhui wrote:Hi, i'd my mgmt interview 5 weeks ago & made it thru that round. However, during the arrangement for the medical checkup, i was told that my application couldn't be confirmed yet as i WAS from one of SIA's subsidiary airlines. Some verifications are required & certain guidelines are to be followed. I was told to wait for their phone call or email. It has been 5 weeks but there's no news yet. I don't even know am i being rejected now. So lost...

Should i assume that i've been rejected or will SIA at least inform me if i'm being rejected? Could any kind soul out there please advise? Thanks!
In that case you had best
write to them and ask them being as polite as possilble of course.
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by janhui » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 1:19 am
Thanks for the reply, Plavt.

I'd called in 3 weeks ago and was asked to send an email, which i did, but still no news. I'm afraid they'll find me annoying if i call/write in again. What i need is just a confirmation. Even if i am really being rejected, i'll feel at ease. The anticipation is driving me crazy!

I understand that they're busy with the ongoing interviews and this's part of the reason why i dare not call & disturb them. Yet, afraid they may have overlook my case. Should i wait till the last interview (which is on this Thur) is over then i call? *SIGH* Thanks again for lending a pair of eyes reading my post (other than a pair of listening ears). haha!

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by blancD » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 1:30 am
why don't you just give them a call? just before the last interview, so if they overlook anything, you have a last try for that particular interview period. and besides you can clear off all your doubts.just my two cents
"City of Ang3Ls"
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by ashie » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 4:40 am
Sorry to say this but this forum is sooo wasted on shazni's dream becoming a flight steward. You don't have to keep repeating the same thing over and over again. No offence. Shazni, you have a really long way to go so be a kid and enjoy school and not think about having a career.
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by angela » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:41 am
janhui wrote:Thanks for the reply, Plavt.

I'd called in 3 weeks ago and was asked to send an email, which i did, but still no news. I'm afraid they'll find me annoying if i call/write in again. What i need is just a confirmation. Even if i am really being rejected, i'll feel at ease. The anticipation is driving me crazy!

I understand that they're busy with the ongoing interviews and this's part of the reason why i dare not call & disturb them. Yet, afraid they may have overlook my case. Should i wait till the last interview (which is on this Thur) is over then i call? *SIGH* Thanks again for lending a pair of eyes reading my post (other than a pair of listening ears). haha!

Hi Janhui,
I'm afraid to say that we're in the same boat management interview was way back somewhere in mid-March and i've had my medical check-up a week after. Like you said, the anticipation is driving me crazy as well, so i took the initiative to call them up. I was told that they are yet to receive my medical results. Perhaps two more weeks to go before they could make any confirmation.
Please be patient....
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by pretty_pointes » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 1:12 pm
hi dear all....i'd jus like to know how long after one is accepted into SIA will the training start?
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by janhui » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 2:51 pm
Hi Angela,
Sorry to hear abt your case too.. But at least u are 1 step ahead of me by gg for the medical checkup already. Now, just fingers crossed for both of us
Hi blancD,
Thanks for the advise too. Seems like that's the only option i have, got to pluck up some courage to call them again later.

May God bless me! Hope to share good news with you guys soon.
Hi pretty_pointes,
Not very sure. But just fyi, the group of successful candidates who attended the interview with me are split up into different training dates.
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by sQ-StEwaRd-ShazNi » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 3:23 pm
Thanks for the advice ashie....But if you think twice,when you were a kid if you really want something you would do anything no matter what it takes to get it ....I suppose you experienced what i've experience before.....I agree that I've wasted lots of space in this forum....Ashie sorry to say this but you really broke my heart when I read what you said coause NO ONE on this forum has said this kinda thing to me before not even the meanest person in the forum...Well take Saint as an example...He told me to enjoy life before pursuing my career as an FS....I dont see him saying anything mean....I'm really heartbroken....But I can still continue posting in this forum right??/I mean I'll post information....Can I?????Coz I'm afraid that someone will break my heart again.
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by sQ-StEwaRd-ShazNi » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 3:29 pm
Matt10 wrote:Shazni,
Since you will be having your streaming at the end of this year and if you are keen in tourism industry, i suggest you concentrate on your Geography rather than History, so you will be taking Geography for the O levels. And also pass your E or A maths, english or literature and science(any combination).
Get an aggregate of 15 points or better so you can apply for a course in Singapore Polytechnic which is called Tourism annd Resort Management where you will be having a module called Airline Service Management, Cultural Diversity and Sensitivity, foreign language etc. This course prefers students who pass their human geography subject, any other humanities subject students are welcome to apply too.
This is a good course if you want to have a career in the service, travel and tourism industry.
I think in the future, private diplomas will not be recognised by SIA. Hopefully.
Yo Matt I want to take POA for next year.Well the course that you said Tourism and resort management thingy....Will I have a bright fututre ahead well I don't want to be an FA forever but just to do it for 10 years???Another question....What if my agrregate is not 15??I can't apply for SP right
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by Plavt » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 3:39 pm
Ashie was not being mean, she said much the same as I said take your time you cannot know what may happen in years to come. When you make a post try to find something useful and interesting as you keep saying the same things over and over again. Your time could used more constructively elsewhere by doing something such as researching what the job involves and what kind of a person you need to be. That would be better than wasting your time would it not?
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by singaporegrrl » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 5:54 pm
sQ-StEwaRd-ShazNi wrote:Yo Matt I want to take POA for next year.Well the course that you said Tourism and resort management thingy....Will I have a bright fututre ahead well I don't want to be an FA forever but just to do it for 10 years???Another question....What if my agrregate is not 15??I can't apply for SP right
Well it really does not matter what diploma you take. Even if you a MacDonald's floor manager, you won't get the job if you don't possess the qualities the recruiters are looking for. Think of something else that you want to do besides being a FA. Pursue that course. It may not be customer related at all. It may be engineering or accounting. SIA's requirements only state that A Levels or diploma preferred. They didn't state what modules you should have learnt in school. Don't worry. Take your time.
Jangan tanya soalan merepek boleh tak?
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by sQ-StEwaRd-ShazNi » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:41 pm
Thank you singaporegrrl for this advice.....Now I have a wider opinion of what I could do...But of course(Like duh....You all should probably know what I want to be)....But anyway I am still a teenager.I think what Saint,Plavt,You(singaporegrrl,ashie and all the others as well said that I should take my time....Well guys I really appreciate this...Next time you see me post I will post info not my DREAMs.
Yours truly;

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by Saint » Thu, 13 Apr 2006 12:38 am
No harm in posting Shazni, just don't let your enthusiasm get the better of you and think before you post
Just to let you all know, Mrs S and I are just about to take a flight with SQ from London Heathrow to Singapore in 4 hours time
I'll let you know if the service is better than we've had before

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by Cheesie » Thu, 13 Apr 2006 12:48 am
Hey guys, my friend who has just started the training 2 weeks ago told me this, she say she saw quite alot of ppl sending thier application form in already.. she say they are having the recruitment soon.. So shall we send in as well? Or we wait for the recruitment den send? If we send now den when the recruitment times, need to send again??

SIA returning cabin crew 2022
Replies: 18
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Hi all anybody returning crew apply online application may I know what’s the estimation waiting time?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Hi there, anyone know if SQ still taking back returning crew? Is there any email address? Thank you
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Last post by lavenderrose
Mon, 18 Nov 2024 12:25 pm
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Last post by ahdick9
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SQ to hire 2000 more cabin crew
I’m taking this as a positive sign that the flight industry is coming back, perhaps now it is finally safe to say that SG is reopened for good.
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Last post by Lisafuller
Tue, 31 May 2022 3:15 am
Finnair cabin crew
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Anyone with them?
Now they are flying for both
Helsinki and Sydney now. Looks good though :)
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For the swimming test, does it have to be Free style ?
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Last post by ExSIAgirl
Sat, 09 Sep 2023 11:27 pm
SIA Crew
Replies: 4
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Sad day for many SIA crew, losing their jobs, hope they can soon get back to their jobs.
Pilots are taking 50-60% paycuts to keep their jobs.
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They can come here but not so much for local going there.
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Thu, 01 Oct 2020 4:17 pm
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