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SIA cabin crew

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Post by Quasimodo » Thu, 23 Mar 2006 8:31 pm

Uuuuh, dahling. We don't do flying . . .

Seriously, there has been a gender switch at US aurlines.
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Post by Twinklez27 » Fri, 24 Mar 2006 5:59 am


This is my first time putting a msg up here man~ heez...have been reading the posts here for quite some time~ interesting~

Jus wondering, does anyone here knows about the take in rate for the kebaya round for the sat's and sun's batch?

Looking forward to all of your replies~

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Post by sapphire » Fri, 24 Mar 2006 8:09 am

tiki wrote:
Quasimodo wrote:
Plavt wrote:Singaporegrrl,

British Airways is a prime example the reason being the sex discrimination act which exists in this country. Some maybe interested to know that this airline has no upper age limit for cabin crew applicants - under about 60 that is.


This may surprise many , but most of the US-based carriers DO practise age discrimination - Flight Attendants have to be at least 107 years old, over 100kgs and have a waist measurement of 207cm. The blue rinse hair and nasty attitude are NOT optional.

Seriously, I was flying to San Francisco a few months back and my bloody company booked me on UA. While settling in, an elderly gentlemen on the other side of the aisle needed help placing a small briefcase in the overhead luggage compartment and asked the nearest FA (a guy).

His response:

'Uuuh, sorry, we don't do lifting'

And this is in Business Class

Yes, yes, I did place it for him.

you should've asked the FA, whether the planes do actually fly. :wink:
Ah, so I'm not the only one who's had a bad experience with UA. The nastiest possible staff in Sacramento. Arrived at the airport after close to 21 hours of flying, luggage goes missing and the woman was so damn rude. That typical American style - Can you not see I am talking to this person? This after I interrupted only 'cause the other guy was also complaining of missing luggage, all I said was mine is missing too. Ooh did I give her a piece of my mind! I bet she had never flown in her life or stepped out of Sacramento, which is exactly what I told her. :twisted:

Was attended to by a very nice Asian girl who understood I was hassled. My luggage had arrived by an earlier flight.
It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you.

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Post by Plavt » Fri, 24 Mar 2006 8:17 am

Funny how nobody has anything good to say about United Airlines even the pilots I have met here in London say they don't think much of their employer - says it all.


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Post by singaporegrrl » Fri, 24 Mar 2006 12:55 pm

I stumbled upon an ex-cabin crew's blog awhile ago and he had this as one of his entries.

In the past week, I have received a few queries by strangers I've never met before about how to prepare and what to expect from the final round interview for the SIA Cabin Crew interviews. I guess their pro-activeness in searching for information clearly shows how serious and determine they are in getting the job. Employers like that. One needs to show that you are interested in working with them, and would at least do some homework before their interviews.

Those who think they are good but their overconfidence would usually cloud their ability in performing well in interviews. Others think that a good job must fall right on their laps, simply because they are degree holders, and of course, the pay must be good too!

We have read it countless times about the negative attitudes of fresh university graduates these days. Am sure there are a significant number who are good and willing to try out different jobs at below expected pay, and kudos to them! Shows that they have a positive attitude. I have a friend who manages a recruitment company, and the stories she tells me about the sorry state of minds of some fresh graduates makes me shake my head in disbelief.

A good command of English is a prerequisite these days should you want to work with major companies. Don't go expecting the world from the employers if you can't have a good command of English.

Be prepared for the interview. Pretty looks and a smile would only get you so far. Memorising whatever you wanna say also won't do. Interviewers can tell, and it just takes a follow up question to throw you off and go "duh!".

What your wear is also important. Frankly, jeans, mini skirts, plunging necklines, tank tops, spaghetti straps, tubes, t-shirts would not go too well in any interviews... including cabin crew interviews. (Ok... I know some of my friends are envious of me, some might be even smacking my head saying... what's wrong with that?!) Dress appropriately unless you are participating in Singapore's next top model contest ok? (do they have any top models in Singapore? I plead ignorance)

Here are some of my experiences of a definite NO-NO when I was interviewing aspiring crew:

Candidate #1: Travelling has always been my passion, as it broadens my horizontal.
[I sure didn't wanna know how she broadens her horizontal.. .whatever that means!]

Candidate #2: I like to go traver-ring.

Candidate #3: Apart from that I like to read.
Me: Ah that's good, so what's the latest you have read?
Candidate #3: Errr.... the dictiona-ra-ry?
Me: Mmmmm... in-te-rest-ing... indeed. [I don't know what to make of it, nothing wrong with reading the dictionary... I think... but she didn't pass anyway]

Candidate #4: Once I looks ups in the skies, and I sees a aeroplanes, I would thens thinks of me becomings a stewardess. I like traver-ring.
[another one?]

I don't mean to blow these people away, I'm just making a point that employers need the right people for the job. And this particular job is definitely not for them.
Jangan tanya soalan merepek boleh tak?

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Post by zoergal » Fri, 24 Mar 2006 4:07 pm

Twinklez27 wrote:Hihiz~

This is my first time putting a msg up here man~ heez...have been reading the posts here for quite some time~ interesting~

Jus wondering, does anyone here knows about the take in rate for the kebaya round for the sat's and sun's batch?

Looking forward to all of your replies~
As far as I know, there were 2 batches for the recent Round 3.

1st batch: one week ago, 17 out of 60 proceed to mgmt interview. :mad:
2nd batch: which is yesterday, 32 out of 48 proceed to mgmt interview. :lol:

Hope i clarify ur enquires. hehe... :D

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Post by vivi » Fri, 24 Mar 2006 4:38 pm

singaporegrrl wrote:
donno wrote:From what I know, SIA doesnt allow female applicants who is married. Or already have a child.

This applies to many airlines.

But once they are confirmed FA of the airline, they are allowed to get married and have children. But for stewardesses who are pregnant, they will be grounded. After they have given birth, they will continue flying but with some conditions.
I am not sure about SIA but many other airlines allow people to apply even when they are already married. Emirates would be an example.

Yes flight attendants who are pregnant are to be grounded, or worse, terminated. From what I know, SIA introduced a "Flying Mother" agreement that allows former stewardesses who became mothers to return to flying. Several conditions apply for them to qualify. They must be at least of leading ranking when they resigned, their absence from duty must not exceed two years and they must be able to pass a refresher course and still be "in shape" in the SIA uniform.

Oh yah! I came across a few blogs of SIA flight attendants as well.

The first two are still in training but already started their SNY flights. From the similarity of their entries and dates of entries, I assume they are from the same batch. The 3rd one have been flying for awhile now. And the last one have just been promoted to LSS. Enjoy!
Hi people just to let you know that although Emirates do not specifically says they dont employ married personnel, my friend who went through the interview said that they do not employ married people. It is in accordance to the country law. :roll:

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Post by louisv » Fri, 24 Mar 2006 7:39 pm

Wednesday guys batch: 3 were eliminated after water confidence test. The 3 who were eliminated were slightly overweight for their height.
Anyone can advise on the casualty rate for management interview? :)
Last edited by louisv on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 12:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by funkysc10 » Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:04 pm

wow 32/48 frmo the 2nd batch got in? that's not bad...

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Post by zoergal » Sat, 25 Mar 2006 10:28 am

funkysc10 wrote:wow 32/48 frmo the 2nd batch got in? that's not bad...
Agree...this is the 1st time that i heard so many ppls actually proceed to Mgmt interview..... :D

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Post by louisv » Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:58 am

How is the Mangement interview and the tea party conducted?

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Post by Shreked » Sat, 25 Mar 2006 1:23 pm

my friend passed all the interview and he's heading for the training course in may if i'm not wrong...

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Post by donno » Sat, 25 Mar 2006 2:14 pm

Why is SIA keep recruiting more cabin crew?

Is it because of increasing passengers or because the current cabin crews are quitting?

Does cabin get sacked? :lol:
10 April 2006

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Post by singaporegrrl » Sat, 25 Mar 2006 2:49 pm

donno wrote:Why is SIA keep recruiting more cabin crew?

Is it because of increasing passengers or because the current cabin crews are quitting?

Does cabin get sacked? :lol:
There were a few posts earlier stating that SIA need alot of new flight attendants this year before the launching of the Airbus A380. Many of its senior crews have finished the A380 fleet course and will be on board the A380 when it start its service later this year.
Jangan tanya soalan merepek boleh tak?

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Post by donno » Sat, 25 Mar 2006 3:45 pm

OMG, just because of the new plane, more crews are needed..

But only about 10 planes will be coming... Each airbus, roughly 20 crews..

By the way do cabin crew get sacked or fired??
10 April 2006

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