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Post by Saint » Mon, 06 Mar 2006 5:56 pm

louisv wrote: Thanks but what if I am a contact lens users? i can't see anything without it and the only thing is to wear goggles so I can see.
Not 100% sure, someone like Plavt will be along shortly I guess who might be able to clarify.

What I can say is, because you will be wearing a lifevest, your head will not actually go underwater, even if you do the jump into the water properly.

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Post by madwolfie » Mon, 06 Mar 2006 5:59 pm

ahhh.... logics :P

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Post by singaporegrrl » Mon, 06 Mar 2006 6:21 pm

Saint wrote:
louisv wrote: Thanks but what if I am a contact lens users? i can't see anything without it and the only thing is to wear goggles so I can see.
Not 100% sure, someone like Plavt will be along shortly I guess who might be able to clarify.

What I can say is, because you will be wearing a lifevest, your head will not actually go underwater, even if you do the jump into the water properly.
2 years ago, I attended the 21-day programme at Outward Bound Singapore. Almost every morning(unless we have expeditions) we'd be doing jetty jumps. Of course we had lifevest on. You'll be fully underwater for only about 3secs. I don't think it'll do any harm to your contacts unless you decide to open your eyes under water.
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Post by wawa » Mon, 06 Mar 2006 6:32 pm

louisv wrote:Hi Anyone know how water confidence test is conducted? Can we wear goggles and is it true that only backstroke is allowed? :D

goggles is optional, I actually brought mine and wore it during the jump. When you put on a lifevest..the only form of swimmin that is proper wld be backstroke...don't worry even those who cant swim in my grp managed to backstroke all the way to the end of the pool. Nutin is scary or life threatening at this round. Just jump..dont look down.

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Post by singaporegrrl » Mon, 06 Mar 2006 7:15 pm

wawa wrote:
louisv wrote:Hi Anyone know how water confidence test is conducted? Can we wear goggles and is it true that only backstroke is allowed? :D

goggles is optional, I actually brought mine and wore it during the jump. When you put on a lifevest..the only form of swimmin that is proper wld be backstroke...don't worry even those who cant swim in my grp managed to backstroke all the way to the end of the pool. Nutin is scary or life threatening at this round. Just jump..dont look down.
Yeah it's really nothing actually. You'll realise it after you've jump. I nearly got bored of 'jumping' at OBS. With the fact that I had my jumps into the sea with baby jellyfishes around, I advice to all going to the water confidence test, don't be afraid. There's nothing in there, only water.
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Post by Rosey » Mon, 06 Mar 2006 8:07 pm

Hey Wawa ,
U look great in SQ uniform .
Dun give up okay . Try try again .
Yeah !!
Cheers ,
wawa wrote:
louisv wrote:Hi Anyone know how water confidence test is conducted? Can we wear goggles and is it true that only backstroke is allowed? :D

goggles is optional, I actually brought mine and wore it during the jump. When you put on a lifevest..the only form of swimmin that is proper wld be backstroke...don't worry even those who cant swim in my grp managed to backstroke all the way to the end of the pool. Nutin is scary or life threatening at this round. Just jump..dont look down.

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Post by plyn » Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:48 pm

wawa wrote:
louisv wrote:Hi Anyone know how water confidence test is conducted? Can we wear goggles and is it true that only backstroke is allowed? :D

goggles is optional, I actually brought mine and wore it during the jump. When you put on a lifevest..the only form of swimmin that is proper wld be backstroke...don't worry even those who cant swim in my grp managed to backstroke all the way to the end of the pool. Nutin is scary or life threatening at this round. Just jump..dont look down.

Thought I should share my experience when I did my jump in early January. We were told to change into our swimming costumes (bikini, tankini, full body suit acceptable) and after we put on our life-vest, we were lined up in the mockup plane and told to jump individually. Some pointers that you might find useful..

1) Just don't hesitate to jump - it'll be over very soon, serious! But DO cross your arms across your lifevest when you jump in so that it doesn't fly out at the impact.

2) When you jump down, you will sink BUT only for a mere one or two seconds. Do not panic! When you get to the surface, turn and face the mockup and start swimming backwards. I don't know if it's a must to swim backstroke but what I did was to just kick my legs and use my hands to propel me backwards. Just get yourself to the end of the pool and at the same time, watch out where you are heading!

3) Goggles is optional but during my water confidence interview, I don't recall any girl wearing them. I wear contact lens too but it did not affect me much. Wear waterproof mascara too - you wouldn't want to look like a wreck too huh?

Hope it's useful to those going for the water confidence interview in the near future! :D All the best!

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Post by louisv » Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:08 am


Thought I should share my experience when I did my jump in early January. We were told to change into our swimming costumes (bikini, tankini, full body suit acceptable) and after we put on our life-vest, we were lined up in the mockup plane and told to jump individually. Some pointers that you might find useful..

1) Just don't hesitate to jump - it'll be over very soon, serious! But DO cross your arms across your lifevest when you jump in so that it doesn't fly out at the impact.

2) When you jump down, you will sink BUT only for a mere one or two seconds. Do not panic! When you get to the surface, turn and face the mockup and start swimming backwards. I don't know if it's a must to swim backstroke but what I did was to just kick my legs and use my hands to propel me backwards. Just get yourself to the end of the pool and at the same time, watch out where you are heading!

3) Goggles is optional but during my water confidence interview, I don't recall any girl wearing them. I wear contact lens too but it did not affect me much. Wear waterproof mascara too - you wouldn't want to look like a wreck too huh?

Hope it's useful to those going for the water confidence interview in the near future! All the best!

Hi Plyn,

Thanks for this valuable advice. After we get out fromt he pool, do we remove the life jacket for them to check our body for scars or tatoos?

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Post by carsiao » Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:29 am

The checking of scars and tatoo is before the jump. People out there, what you have to worried is not about any of the physical test but rather the way we behaviour and present ourselves, its not anything that can be learnt overnight, even if we can tell you about all the detail in the rounds, but if you are not who you are, I believe everyone will notice it. People out there, what I will suggest is, not to worry about the rounds but to look at ourselves and said do we have the cut to be one, if you think you have, no tests or number of round is of any issue to us. Bruce ourselves up and be brave to face whatever obstacles that come across in our life. Being a air crew will not be as difficult as you think. :):):):)

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Post by simperboi » Tue, 07 Mar 2006 10:26 am

hi, jus like to check with anyone here make it to the last round of mgt interview ? jus another curious point, i heard that tattoos are not allowed and most likely u might flunk it if u have, but it prove wrong.

just like to ask, is it a norm thing SIA will request for all your bank acc. particulars, marriage cert, photocopy of edu. certs and filling up the employment form before the mgt interview?? does this means at this time, most likely everyone will pass thru, unless you screw yourself real bad?

rumors are spreading, which said, if u have relatives working in SIA, you will stand a better chance? is it true?

does SIA really require so much people, which is why they made this round a walk-in interview as to secure a bigger group? cause from the previous time, where they have only email method on a few mere made thru, and i can see this time round, ia lot of ppl made it thru to the last stage, at least 30 which compared to the last interview which are only about max 10 or 15.

last but not least, sorry for being so long-winded. i understand we guys goes thru 2 stages less than girls, but is it true they really need stewards that much to the extend where they even open up to people with tattoos too or even conversate in a shy manner? it seems like those who got kicked out are really those who are really introvote as in really sit all by themself instead of mixing around, and the amount been kicked out so far , i would say out of 30, only 1 or 2 was kicked out since day 2

thanks in advance for your advices.

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Post by misdemeanor » Tue, 07 Mar 2006 11:08 am

carsiao wrote:The checking of scars and tatoo is before the jump. People out there, what you have to worried is not about any of the physical test but rather the way we behaviour and present ourselves, its not anything that can be learnt overnight, even if we can tell you about all the detail in the rounds, but if you are not who you are, I believe everyone will notice it. People out there, what I will suggest is, not to worry about the rounds but to look at ourselves and said do we have the cut to be one, if you think you have, no tests or number of round is of any issue to us. Bruce ourselves up and be brave to face whatever obstacles that come across in our life. Being a air crew will not be as difficult as you think. :):):):)
Checking of tattoos is before the jump, will they ask you to strip or someting? or will they just check with your swim suit on? They won't ask you to bare your front or whatsoever will they? :/

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Post by singaporegrrl » Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:18 pm

misdemeanor wrote:will they ask you to strip or someting?
misdemeanor wrote:They won't ask you to bare your front or whatsoever will they? :/
A flight attendant, like any other professional positions, is a job that respect you as a person. They do not go to that extend. Therefore, there is no such thing.
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Post by carsiao » Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:47 pm

Hi people who are curious about the issue on whether SIA is doing a mass recruiting, I will like to speak a few words, frankly speaking, tatoos whether is it allowed or not, depend on the location where ya tatoo is.

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Post by charkwayteow » Tue, 07 Mar 2006 9:06 pm

Did anyone receive the email yet and was interviewed on Sunday? It's a really long wait right guys? :shock:

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Post by singaporegrrl » Tue, 07 Mar 2006 9:20 pm

charkwayteow wrote:Did anyone receive the email yet and was interviewed on Sunday? It's a really long wait right guys? :shock:
Why don't you contact the cabin crew department to enquire?
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