wawa wrote:louisv wrote:Hi Anyone know how water confidence test is conducted? Can we wear goggles and is it true that only backstroke is allowed?

goggles is optional, I actually brought mine and wore it during the jump. When you put on a lifevest..the only form of swimmin that is proper wld be backstroke...don't worry even those who cant swim in my grp managed to backstroke all the way to the end of the pool. Nutin is scary or life threatening at this round. Just jump..dont look down.
Thought I should share my experience when I did my jump in early January. We were told to change into our swimming costumes (bikini, tankini, full body suit acceptable) and after we put on our life-vest, we were lined up in the mockup plane and told to jump individually. Some pointers that you might find useful..
1) Just don't hesitate to jump - it'll be over very soon, serious! But
DO cross your arms across your lifevest when you jump in so that it doesn't fly out at the impact.
2) When you jump down, you will sink
BUT only for a mere one or two seconds. Do not panic! When you get to the surface, turn and face the mockup and start swimming backwards. I don't know if it's a must to swim backstroke but what I did was to just kick my legs and use my hands to propel me backwards. Just get yourself to the end of the pool and at the same time, watch out where you are heading!
3) Goggles is optional but during my water confidence interview, I don't recall any girl wearing them. I wear contact lens too but it did not affect me much. Wear waterproof mascara too - you wouldn't want to look like a wreck too huh?
Hope it's useful to those going for the water confidence interview in the near future!

All the best!