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Re: Swimming Test

Post by Plavt » Wed, 11 Jan 2006 9:11 pm

You will find that all major airlines are pretty much on par when it comes to requirements.

I really wish people would read and understand the above statement. There is no such thing as a major airline with lesser standards than SIA in terms of recruitment. All have criteria and these airlines can afford to be very select due to heavy competition from applicants. Under these circumstances you somehow or other are going to have to prove your worth. Although I have said several times do some research (excuse me being a 'parrot') in addition look for information that people don't usually have which in some way will benefit you. Believe me that is not as difficult as it sounds. Nothing to stop you going to the library buying books and browsing the web. Here's a clue for those of you are serious and you may be able to find some reading on this; find one of the reasons (there are several) why people (passengers) are killed in air crashes. One answer is simple and those of you who have been on flights may have noticed. Anybody care to try and answer?


:P :P

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Post by cutiechar » Wed, 11 Jan 2006 9:26 pm

hey all

I am currently with Tiger airways.. will be glad to answer any questions with regards to Tiger..can PM me..


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Re: 11 Jan

Post by Paige » Wed, 11 Jan 2006 9:38 pm

M wrote:33 ladies and 35 gentlemen made it for the final round management interview after today's water confidence and psychometrics test.

Congratulations to those whom made it and best of luck for management either next week or week after!

M :cool:
Congrats to all those who make it for the final round!!! :D
All the best to all of you... :D

Paige :wink:

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Re: SIA cabin crew

Post by queenie-me » Wed, 11 Jan 2006 10:05 pm

Hopeless wrote:Hey QUEENIE!

I am called up for Tiger Airways interview too! I scheduled it to be on Friday 1845h. Do let me know how the interview is ya? =)

As for Paige, I heard she was called up too.... wonder if she'll be going.. at least to give it a try. The pay is indeed low leh.... a negative factor....
mine is at 6.00 pm. I HOPE I GET THRU ;)
tommorrow's my birthday too...
ermm, why don't u leave me your contact? maybe after my turn thru i could tell u abit.

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Re: 11 Jan

Post by plyn » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 12:25 am

M wrote:33 ladies and 35 gentlemen made it for the final round management interview after today's water confidence and psychometrics test.

Congratulations to those whom made it and best of luck for management either next week or week after!

M :cool:
Hi M,

I would like to know if yesterday's 3rd round only included the uniform fitting, psychometrics test and water confidence test?

Was there any panel/mass interviews?

Could you kindly describe the water confidence test, how high was the jump and the atmosphere? Thanks alot!

:) plyn

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Re: 11 Jan

Post by M » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 12:47 am

plyn wrote:Hi M,

I would like to know if yesterday's 3rd round only included the uniform fitting, psychometrics test and water confidence test?

Was there any panel/mass interviews?

Could you kindly describe the water confidence test, how high was the jump and the atmosphere? Thanks alot!

:) plyn
Hi, what you have stated is correct. No interviews will be held, mainly checks, online and confidence test.

For the water confidence test, the pool is 3m deep and you're required to jump off from the mock plane which is roughly 2m from the water surface. With a life vest, you're required to make it to the other side of the pool.

Day 2 is usually kinda slack except for the body checks?

M :cool:

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Re: 11 Jan

Post by plyn » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 1:01 am

M wrote: Hi, what you have stated is correct. No interviews will be held, mainly checks, online and confidence test.

For the water confidence test, the pool is 3m deep and you're required to jump off from the mock plane which is roughly 2m from the water surface. With a life vest, you're required to make it to the other side of the pool.

Day 2 is usually kinda slack except for the body checks?

M :cool:
Thanks for the info, M! Appreciated it! :)

Wahhh. I have this huge blue-black bruise (abt the size of 2 fifty-cent coins) on my right thigh - not a birthmark though. Think they'll pick on me for that?


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Re: Swimming Test

Post by Menaquinone » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 1:12 am

Plavt wrote:

You will find that all major airlines are pretty much on par when it comes to requirements.

I really wish people would read and understand the above statement. There is no such thing as a major airline with lesser standards than SIA in terms of recruitment. All have criteria and these airlines can afford to be very select due to heavy competition from applicants. Under these circumstances you somehow or other are going to have to prove your worth. Although I have said several times do some research (excuse me being a 'parrot') in addition look for information that people don't usually have which in some way will benefit you. Believe me that is not as difficult as it sounds. Nothing to stop you going to the library buying books and browsing the web. Here's a clue for those of you are serious and you may be able to find some reading on this; find one of the reasons (there are several) why people (passengers) are killed in air crashes. One answer is simple and those of you who have been on flights may have noticed. Anybody care to try and answer?


:P :P
Hey Plavt,

Your posts gave me alot of food for thought. 1st let me just briefly give tht question a try. .. PAssengers should have made their escape from the aircriaft orderly instead of scrambling for dear lives? No? or maybe FAs cannot swim not to mention save lives when trapped in the deep blue ocean?

P/S: if the ans sounds stupid, thats because i was just rattlg off whatever comes to my mind. No research done. Just squeezing out a little of whats left from my brain juice storage.

The thing about swimming is...though it is common sense to all that swimming is one ability that FAs must have, an aspiring-FA like myself may be lacking in this aspect. But can i make this one point which is... will SQ be accepting of such inadequacies and still be willing to take in these "non-swimmers"? who by the end of the training can promise to hone their swimming skills? At least that is what i hope to do or achieve.

And yes.. this is one questiosn that i've been trying to ask, albeit in a less direct way as from previous posts.

kind regards,

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Re: Swimming Test

Post by Plavt » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 1:24 am

Menaquinone wrote:
Plavt wrote:

You will find that all major airlines are pretty much on par when it comes to requirements.

I really wish people would read and understand the above statement. There is no such thing as a major airline with lesser standards than SIA in terms of recruitment. All have criteria and these airlines can afford to be very select due to heavy competition from applicants. Under these circumstances you somehow or other are going to have to prove your worth. Although I have said several times do some research (excuse me being a 'parrot') in addition look for information that people don't usually have which in some way will benefit you. Believe me that is not as difficult as it sounds. Nothing to stop you going to the library buying books and browsing the web. Here's a clue for those of you are serious and you may be able to find some reading on this; find one of the reasons (there are several) why people (passengers) are killed in air crashes. One answer is simple and those of you who have been on flights may have noticed. Anybody care to try and answer?


:P :P
Hey Plavt,

Your posts gave me alot of food for thought. 1st let me just briefly give tht question a try. .. PAssengers should have made their escape from the aircriaft orderly instead of scrambling for dear lives? No? or maybe FAs cannot swim not to mention save lives when trapped in the deep blue ocean?

P/S: if the ans sounds stupid, thats because i was just rattlg off whatever comes to my mind. No research done. Just squeezing out a little of whats left from my brain juice storage.

The thing about swimming is...though it is common sense to all that swimming is one ability that FAs must have, an aspiring-FA like myself may be lacking in this aspect. But can i make this one point which is... will SQ be accepting of such inadequacies and still be willing to take in these "non-swimmers"? who by the end of the training can promise to hone their swimming skills? At least that is what i hope to do or achieve.

And yes.. this is one questiosn that i've been trying to ask, albeit in a less direct way as from previous posts.

kind regards,

Nothing to do with swimming; clue: think of the flights you have been on.


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Post by mahalo21 » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 1:35 am

Hi all,

from e posts i've seen, only 33 gals n 35 guys made it to e mgt rd n a few more will b cut there. What i can is, airline interviews are very 'wierd' n different from normal job interviews. Even if yr rejected, most of e times u'll be thinking 'Wat's wrong with me?" but dun put yourself down cos this is how it works. As many have noticed, those tt speak well, well-groomed got cut during e 1st rd n maybe some who din do too well,dress shabbily got in instead. This ALWAYS happens! SO wat i wana say is, dun give up n keep trying cos this is very much a LUCK thing as well.

As long as e interviewer likes u, even if u may hv flaws, they wil still put u through n vice versa, if u have all it takes but if they dun like what they see, den too bad. This is it. I've been trying so many times for this n everytime i get cut during e first rd, i feel a sense of rejection n feel upset but i've learnt not to take it too hard cos there r pp who get e job on their first try n those tt hv tried many times but never got thru to e mockup plane b4.

Jus keep on trying n try to improve n do yr best each time u present yrself. One day we'll make it. Think of this: hundreds get shortlisted but look at wat happened, only 30+ get to e mgt rd, it is not easy at all. This has been a dream since young n i duno how long i'll take to make dis dream come true, but as long as im still alive, i'll keep trying til i get e job.

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Re: Swimming Test

Post by Menaquinone » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 1:52 am

Plavt wrote:
Menaquinone wrote:
Plavt wrote:

I really wish people would read and understand the above statement. There is no such thing as a major airline with lesser standards than SIA in terms of recruitment. All have criteria and these airlines can afford to be very select due to heavy competition from applicants. Under these circumstances you somehow or other are going to have to prove your worth. Although I have said several times do some research (excuse me being a 'parrot') in addition look for information that people don't usually have which in some way will benefit you. Believe me that is not as difficult as it sounds. Nothing to stop you going to the library buying books and browsing the web. Here's a clue for those of you are serious and you may be able to find some reading on this; find one of the reasons (there are several) why people (passengers) are killed in air crashes. One answer is simple and those of you who have been on flights may have noticed. Anybody care to try and answer?


:P :P
Hey Plavt,

Your posts gave me alot of food for thought. 1st let me just briefly give tht question a try. .. PAssengers should have made their escape from the aircriaft orderly instead of scrambling for dear lives? No? or maybe FAs cannot swim not to mention save lives when trapped in the deep blue ocean?

P/S: if the ans sounds stupid, thats because i was just rattlg off whatever comes to my mind. No research done. Just squeezing out a little of whats left from my brain juice storage.

The thing about swimming is...though it is common sense to all that swimming is one ability that FAs must have, an aspiring-FA like myself may be lacking in this aspect. But can i make this one point which is... will SQ be accepting of such inadequacies and still be willing to take in these "non-swimmers"? who by the end of the training can promise to hone their swimming skills? At least that is what i hope to do or achieve.

And yes.. this is one questiosn that i've been trying to ask, albeit in a less direct way as from previous posts.

kind regards,

Nothing to do with swimming; clue: think of the flights you have been on.

u haven't answered my last question. ...

back to the quiz.. they dun buckle up? thats a v open-ended question.


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Post by Menaquinone » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 1:55 am

mahalo21 wrote:Hi all,

from e posts i've seen, only 33 gals n 35 guys made it to e mgt rd n a few more will b cut there. What i can is, airline interviews are very 'wierd' n different from normal job interviews. Even if yr rejected, most of e times u'll be thinking 'Wat's wrong with me?" but dun put yourself down cos this is how it works. As many have noticed, those tt speak well, well-groomed got cut during e 1st rd n maybe some who din do too well,dress shabbily got in instead. This ALWAYS happens! SO wat i wana say is, dun give up n keep trying cos this is very much a LUCK thing as well.

As long as e interviewer likes u, even if u may hv flaws, they wil still put u through n vice versa, if u have all it takes but if they dun like what they see, den too bad. This is it. I've been trying so many times for this n everytime i get cut during e first rd, i feel a sense of rejection n feel upset but i've learnt not to take it too hard cos there r pp who get e job on their first try n those tt hv tried many times but never got thru to e mockup plane b4.

Jus keep on trying n try to improve n do yr best each time u present yrself. One day we'll make it. Think of this: hundreds get shortlisted but look at wat happened, only 30+ get to e mgt rd, it is not easy at all. This has been a dream since young n i duno how long i'll take to make dis dream come true, but as long as im still alive, i'll keep trying til i get e job.
Aloha hawaiian gal/guy,

Your sincerity really did come through alot in your last post. Inspiring and if u can repeat the essence of all this in your interviews, i bet the SQ ppl will be touched. At least i am.


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Re: Swimming Test

Post by Plavt » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 2:11 am

Menaquinone wrote:
Plavt wrote:
Menaquinone wrote: Hey Plavt,

Your posts gave me alot of food for thought. 1st let me just briefly give tht question a try. .. PAssengers should have made their escape from the aircriaft orderly instead of scrambling for dear lives? No? or maybe FAs cannot swim not to mention save lives when trapped in the deep blue ocean?

P/S: if the ans sounds stupid, thats because i was just rattlg off whatever comes to my mind. No research done. Just squeezing out a little of whats left from my brain juice storage.

The thing about swimming is...though it is common sense to all that swimming is one ability that FAs must have, an aspiring-FA like myself may be lacking in this aspect. But can i make this one point which is... will SQ be accepting of such inadequacies and still be willing to take in these "non-swimmers"? who by the end of the training can promise to hone their swimming skills? At least that is what i hope to do or achieve.

And yes.. this is one questiosn that i've been trying to ask, albeit in a less direct way as from previous posts.

kind regards,

Nothing to do with swimming; clue: think of the flights you have been on.

u haven't answered my last question. ...

back to the quiz.. they dun buckle up? thats a v open-ended question.


Nope and not being ordely is not the answer either: another clue imagine yourself in the same situation. I know this is an open ended question - I did point out there is more than one answer.

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Post by Menaquinone » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 2:29 am

Obviously if its a plane crash... chances are.. prep yourself for heaven.
Plane crash.. r normally quite fatal aren't they? So should it happen... why do u say passengers die.. what about the FAs and pilots.. i bet their odds of suriving a plane crash are nothing higher than the passengers'

Maybe when its a life and death situation, the mantra "to each his own" gets put into practice. Everybody will only be watchign their own backs and no decent soul out there will bother to help anyone besides themselves.

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Re: Swimming Test

Post by Ms G » Thu, 12 Jan 2006 2:31 am

they know not of the safety procedures, and where the emergency exits are?

Plavt wrote:
Menaquinone wrote:
Plavt wrote:
Nothing to do with swimming; clue: think of the flights you have been on.

u haven't answered my last question. ...

back to the quiz.. they dun buckle up? thats a v open-ended question.


Nope and not being ordely is not the answer either: another clue imagine yourself in the same situation. I know this is an open ended question - I did point out there is more than one answer.

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