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Post by Plavt » Tue, 27 Dec 2005 10:56 pm

Just a tip for everybody here, don't know how important it is but watch your English when you spell place or peoples names use a CAPITAL letter.
When using the word 'I' a capital is always used. I do not know how important it is but it might help if you can show you can write good English.
Hope this helps.


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Post by Paige » Tue, 27 Dec 2005 10:57 pm

M wrote:
wawa wrote:Hey babes of 0940am~

I've been to the place b4 like 2 yrs ago...its along the upper changi rd...quite near to Tanah Merah. BUt since its in the morn...not wanting to be late I tink the safest is to take a cab frm Tampines cos the bus stop right in-front of the location which is bus no.2 takes a long time to arrive. Trust me~
nah, tenah merah is nearer and bus 24 services the route too. cab from tampines is much further than tanah merah isnt it? :cool:
Dear M,
Yup.. i agree wif u.. coz its juz straight all the way then u-turn.. IF really running.. grabbing a cab frm Tanah Merah mrt station is the fastest..

Paige :wink:

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Re: Singapore Airlines still weighing Boeing, Airbus offers

Post by superpinkystar » Tue, 27 Dec 2005 11:14 pm

M wrote:
SINGAPORE : Singapore Airlines is still weighing proposals from both US-based Boeing and its European rival Airbus, and no decision on the purchase of new passenger jets is imminent, the carrier's spokesman said Tuesday.

"We are still evaluating proposals from both manufacturers and we are not leaning one way or the other at this stage of the process," Stephen Forshaw, the airline's vice-president of public affairs, told AFP.

Neither has there been any decision on the number of aircraft, he said.

"The decision isn't imminent," Forshaw added.

Boeing shares hit an all-time high Friday after a report that Singapore Airlines was leaning to Boeing over Airbus for a big order of long-range jets.

But the airline, one of Asia's biggest carriers, could still be swayed by price cuts from Airbus, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The deal could involve firm orders for 66 to 80 Boeing jets, unidentified sources told the business newspaper.

"This is one of the last major Asian campaigns to be resolved and Airbus, whose A340 Singapore currently flies, will no doubt be slashing their prices to regain some market share after a triumphant year in the region for Boeing's wide-body offerings," Bank of America Securities analyst Nick Fothergill said.

Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific and Australia's Qantas both recently booked major orders for Boeing jets, after the company won a succession of big orders from China.

As of December 20, Boeing's net orders for 2005 stood at 870 planes, trumping Airbus, which in recent years has overtaken Boeing in numbers of planes delivered to customers.

While its young 90-plane fleet is mostly Boeing, Singapore Airlines will be the first to fly Airbus's new A380 superjumbo.

SIA has ordered 10 A380s with another 15 on option and will be the first airline to take delivery of the double-decker jet in November 2006. The company also operates five Airbus A340s.

Airbus is also counting on orders in Asia, announcing this month its biggest deal yet in China, for 150 mid-range planes worth nearly 10 billion dollars.
An interesting piece of news. More FAs are needed eh? :P

M :cool:

hey girls.
they are in demand for FAs cause of new flights to new destinations. plus new order of flights.good luck to all of you!!
*smile always

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Post by CamilleBax » Tue, 27 Dec 2005 11:14 pm

Hi all anyone going for the 10am slot? I have tried many times, think I'm too immune to it liao. But nonetheless, as long as I still have the interest towards it, I'll still go for it. :D

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Post by superpinkystar » Tue, 27 Dec 2005 11:46 pm

CamilleBax wrote:Hi all anyone going for the 10am slot? I have tried many times, think I'm too immune to it liao. But nonetheless, as long as I still have the interest towards it, I'll still go for it. :D
hey CamilleBax,
do not give up. this is my second attempt. i failed my management round. so close yet so far.imagine the disappointment i had.anyways, do not really want to talk bout it. just be positive and look forward to it.
*smile always

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Post by Ms G » Tue, 27 Dec 2005 11:59 pm

me me me! go together???
CamilleBax wrote:Hi all anyone going for the 10am slot? I have tried many times, think I'm too immune to it liao. But nonetheless, as long as I still have the interest towards it, I'll still go for it. :D

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Post by Trish » Wed, 28 Dec 2005 12:27 am

M wrote:
Trish wrote:hi wawa and julie, mine is also @ 9.40am...can we go together? OMG!!! I also having mixed feeling nw. I'm the kind who get nervous v easily and start to stammer in front of crowds n esp interview. How can i handle tis situation??? I thinking of backing out....
trish, mind over body. on the faithful day, mingle around with the rest of the girls and engage in conversations. this will distract you from your focus and hopefully, you will find your calmness on the day. it isnt that bad for the 1st round interview with 10 in a room, excluding the 2 interviewers, so basically just give your best shot. tension might be high, but learn to control yourself.

dont prepare too much for the interview. just learn and understand what might be posed to you, and just let your flair bring you through on that day itself.


M :cool:
Hi M,

tks for ur encouragement n easement. Words fr u guys definitely make me feel much more better. I will rem wat u say. Hope tt i will have more confident in myself on tt day thinking tt I am one step closer to my dream. God bless all of us!

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Post by Trish » Wed, 28 Dec 2005 12:35 am

wawa wrote:
Trish wrote:hi wawa and julie, mine is also @ 9.40am...can we go together? OMG!!! I also having mixed feeling nw. I'm the kind who get nervous v easily and start to stammer in front of crowds n esp interview. How can i handle tis situation??? I thinking of backing out....
Hey Trish,

pls dont ever tink of backing out!! If you do...tink of those who r waiting badly wanting and waiting to receive the email invites. You must stay focus. Tell you the truth, I do face the same problem...stammering at my words whenever I speak infront of many ppl...its the tension n the feeling of nervousness tat will dampens us down thus we got to fight tat negative vibes n give our best shot!! We have ample time from now to get prepared for ourselves, infact all these while I'v been tinkin all sorts of possible questions tat might be posed to me. So I'm practising...practise n practise.....SInce Trish and julie havin the same time slot...n me staying at Tampines we can meet somewhere to head down the place togeta. Cab sharing?
Tks Wawa...Yeah we got to fight away all the negatives...hee u r so hardworking...i'm ok with cab sharing..u all so good stay in east area...

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Post by Trish » Wed, 28 Dec 2005 12:45 am

M wrote:
wawa wrote:Hey babes of 0940am~

I've been to the place b4 like 2 yrs ago...its along the upper changi rd...quite near to Tanah Merah. BUt since its in the morn...not wanting to be late I tink the safest is to take a cab frm Tampines cos the bus stop right in-front of the location which is bus no.2 takes a long time to arrive. Trust me~
nah, tenah merah is nearer and bus 24 services the route too. cab from tampines is much further than tanah merah isnt it? :cool:
oh ok...tks for the Wawa where are we meeting then???

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Post by Trish » Wed, 28 Dec 2005 12:57 am

Dear Irin, Berdee 5155 and CamilleBax,

Don't worry!!! Since SIA is employing more FAs for the new year, i believe all of us here have a higher chance tis time round regardless of all factors.

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To all who have not got their invitation.

Post by rapanzel » Wed, 28 Dec 2005 1:17 am

Anyone who r like me who hasn't received any invitation by SIA? I sent my application form through snail mail on the Wed of the week. Inside the application form, I had declarded that I last applied for the position was in October 2005. I wonder if it is because of this that I am not invited.

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Post by S.V » Wed, 28 Dec 2005 8:42 am

Julie dear,

u are not kiasu at all.... your effort had paid off le.... me sent mine on 14th through email... no reply to date... maybe upon seeing my 'piggy' photo... they faintz le.... thinking that this person 'buay pai seh'... this pattern still wanna give it a shot... hahahaha

Paige.... Welcome back!!!!..... good luck to ya..... :D
'Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly' :)

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Post by wawa » Wed, 28 Dec 2005 8:50 am

Trish wrote:
M wrote:
wawa wrote:Hey babes of 0940am~

I've been to the place b4 like 2 yrs ago...its along the upper changi rd...quite near to Tanah Merah. BUt since its in the morn...not wanting to be late I tink the safest is to take a cab frm Tampines cos the bus stop right in-front of the location which is bus no.2 takes a long time to arrive. Trust me~
nah, tenah merah is nearer and bus 24 services the route too. cab from tampines is much further than tanah merah isnt it? :cool:
oh ok...tks for the Wawa where are we meeting then???

Hey Trish,

I'm staying around Tampines Central, the fastest way to get there is by cab frm home cause I dont wana be late catching the bus. Maybe when we reached the waiting room, lets us all say 'Hi' to each least we could warm up for the intv by doing our own intro. I remembered it takes quite a while before your name is called out for the height and certificates collection. What do ya tink? Add me @ msn [email protected] so that I can xchange no. with you.

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Got my invite

Post by jerlyn » Wed, 28 Dec 2005 9:49 am

I recieved my invite!
anybody on 07/01/06, sat 8.40am please pm me, let's brave it together!

Jerlyn Ang

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Post by jerlyn » Wed, 28 Dec 2005 9:59 am

Trish wrote:hi wawa and julie, mine is also @ 9.40am...can we go together? OMG!!! I also having mixed feeling nw. I'm the kind who get nervous v easily and start to stammer in front of crowds n esp interview. How can i handle tis situation??? I thinking of backing out....
mine is the earliest!!! Trish, wawa and Julie...bestest luck! and we will fly our dreams high to reality.
anyone, anyone..i am so excited!
who says what blacklist previously? :P
Julie, i was hoping we would be colleagues tog... :D

Jerlyn Ang

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