confused wrote:hi i'm a new recruit for sia, havent decide whether i will join or not, although my work permit has been approved. heard a lot about the politics, backstabbing, and racisism that exists.
could anyone give me any explanation regarding this issue?
is it true that the roster might be influenced on your manners otr attitude to the seniors, if you got backstabbed somehow, you may not be able to defend yourself, rite? i mean, does the ground staff who take care of the roster can be influenced by what the seniors had to say?
thx a lot..
we have a Rostering department and a Planning department. they dont know u personally, and u are just a personnel number to them. they assign flights according to the team roster, and according to other reasons, such as ur previous flight, ur minimum rest, ur leave, the crew complement, etc. we have about 6000 cabin crew. i dont think anyone have the time to bother abt individual crew roster. our salary/allowances are balanced up according to a yearly average to make it fair for all. if u think that ur roster had been unfairly planned, bring ur roster to the office or the union.
if u are corrected during the flight, try to clarify the issue when the time is proper. if u are alienated in the team, try to consult the person u can talk to in the team and find out what is the issue that makes them stay away from u. if u cant communicate with all the remaining team members, doesnt it say something about u?
about racism.. i'm an indian, and i am a muslim. and i dont feel that i had been treated unfairly by the majority chinese crew. i had been bypassed thru 2 promotional interviews coz of a flight that i missed. it doesnt make me feel demoralised to see my juniors being promoted. it was my fault anyway. there's always a bright side to things.
i started flying when things were much worse, aircrafts were not as "user-friendly" as it is now, and zapping was a culture. i got chased out of the galleys, seen things being thrown at some crew, and all. we all got out of that phase of being a "junior" and start to enjoy the flights as the years progressed. zapping dont exist anymore coz we dont believe it in.
if u have problems while starting ur new job, email me at
[email protected]. i'll try to help u out in the capacity that i can or introduce u to our crew friends who will be able to do the same.