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Not an SQ Girl, no Worries!

Post by Rewarded » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 5:56 pm

Hello Girls...

Just to share my life with you guys...

My cousin & I are the same age, 26 this year.

6 years ago, we graduated together from Singapore Polytechnic with the same Diploma. We both started working.

My cousin choose to be an SIA Stewardess, whereas I choose otherwise. I choose to work as an office girl in a company, doing some secretarial work to gain experience and to study part-time, for a Private Scretarial Diploma, a 1 year program.

After my PSD, i went to further my studies for a degree, Degree in Business Adminstration, Part time too, a 2 years program.

I spend 3 years, working as a Secretary and studying part time.

Time flies, 6 years down the road.....

I got my degree, and am working in a MNC Company as an Executive Secretary to the CEO, fetching $3,300.00 per month, and I am shortlisted for the promotion to the Assistant Manager, after the current one has been promoted to Manager. Am really happy.

My cousin, on the other hand, had flew for 6 years, she received her lump sum of money last year form completing 5 years with SIA. She is tired and thinking of getting a on ground job... she found a few recently, receptionist with $1200/month, junior secretary with $1500/month, and one more which is a Personal Assistant with $1600/month.

Look at the differences between us.... This cousin of mine used to chill at me when I did not made it to SIA when we applied together 6 years ago.. Because of my hegith problem, I am 156cm, whereas she is 4 cm taller than me. Just lucky to get in by the second try. I tried 5 times and I gave up.

Dont get the wrong idea that I am trying to show off, but I am just trying to tell you people that, choosing the right path at the right age is very important. For those whose interest is to become an Air Stewardess, go ahead to try and be one. However if your interest fails you, dont be discouraged, and hang around there, wasting time, thinking why SIA do not want you.... find interest in other areas... start to climb the career stairs in any area...

I am happy with my career status today. I am not saying that my cousin wont be able to make it, she will one day I believe, but what i can say is... though my career is not yet at peak, but i am already climbling up.... whereas she is just starting to learn to climb....

I feel satisfied being so far ahead of her.


Re: Not an SQ Girl, no Worries!

Post by Guest » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 6:32 pm

Rewarded wrote:Hello Girls...

Just to share my life with you guys...

My cousin & I are the same age, 26 this year.

6 years ago, we graduated together from Singapore Polytechnic with the same Diploma. We both started working.

My cousin choose to be an SIA Stewardess, whereas I choose otherwise. I choose to work as an office girl in a company, doing some secretarial work to gain experience and to study part-time, for a Private Scretarial Diploma, a 1 year program.

After my PSD, i went to further my studies for a degree, Degree in Business Adminstration, Part time too, a 2 years program.

I spend 3 years, working as a Secretary and studying part time.

Time flies, 6 years down the road.....

I got my degree, and am working in a MNC Company as an Executive Secretary to the CEO, fetching $3,300.00 per month, and I am shortlisted for the promotion to the Assistant Manager, after the current one has been promoted to Manager. Am really happy.

My cousin, on the other hand, had flew for 6 years, she received her lump sum of money last year form completing 5 years with SIA. She is tired and thinking of getting a on ground job... she found a few recently, receptionist with $1200/month, junior secretary with $1500/month, and one more which is a Personal Assistant with $1600/month.

Look at the differences between us.... This cousin of mine used to chill at me when I did not made it to SIA when we applied together 6 years ago.. Because of my hegith problem, I am 156cm, whereas she is 4 cm taller than me. Just lucky to get in by the second try. I tried 5 times and I gave up.

Dont get the wrong idea that I am trying to show off, but I am just trying to tell you people that, choosing the right path at the right age is very important. For those whose interest is to become an Air Stewardess, go ahead to try and be one. However if your interest fails you, dont be discouraged, and hang around there, wasting time, thinking why SIA do not want you.... find interest in other areas... start to climb the career stairs in any area...

I am happy with my career status today. I am not saying that my cousin wont be able to make it, she will one day I believe, but what i can say is... though my career is not yet at peak, but i am already climbling up.... whereas she is just starting to learn to climb....

I feel satisfied being so far ahead of her.
hey gals,

juz wanna say dun get dejected for not being a cabin crew.
Rewarded, you are quite persistant on trying SQ for 5 times. I'm 157cm, tried SQ once but gave up on this dream. I'm happy now too coz i found another job as a marketing executive. Though paywise is lower than being a cabin crew. I like my job and i get to travel too. :)
I dun mean to offend any of you or trying to be a sour grapes. Coz i went thru what you gals went thru and going thru too. Juz stay positive & Live your life to the fullest! Eventually, you will either have your dream as a cabin crew relive or find a better job like us...


Post by Guest » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 12:02 am

Ex SQ Guy wrote:Hi guys (and girls as well),

Being a cabin crew (CC) is not really that glamorous. It's a lot of hard work.

I was a cabin crew (CC) with SQ before and maybe I can share something to those aspiring CCs..

Going to the interview is a start for all CCs. What differentiates an eventual CC from the norm is the attitude and your determination to be one. The interviewers can sense your honesty and sincerity. They know who makes a CC the moment a person steps into the room.

So, during the interview, don't be plastic. YOu can be plastic after your sign your contract. It's ok to be ignorant abt flying but not without common sense. It's alright to see you don't know or unsure abt certain things. The interviewers do not care abt your knowlege abt flying.

During training, you are expected to do a lot of reading. And you will be very very stressed! So be mentally and physically prepared. You will be given many notes and textbooks. There will also be a lot of tests. I'm not sure abt Qatar Airlines but for SQ, the average is abt one test per week.

What you learn will be roughly 1)Inflight Service 2) Safety and Security 3) First Aid 4) Technicality of the airline e.g. codes, aircraft types. 5) passengers handling

There will be a lot of practical demonstrations. Those who are shy will stand to lose. Also, you must be able to grasp ideas and new knowlege very fast. The tests will require CCs to pass with high grades. The passing criteria is usually ard 80%.

Also, you will be trained for different types of aircrafts. That means for eg, when finished training for B777 aircraft, you need to start all over again to be trained for 747 megatop or airbus 380 etc... So must remember the dif aircraft types because everything is very different.

If you fail and test, you are allowed only one resit and if you fail again.. I think Qatar will ask you to leave and you must pay the bond ... (if it's the same like SQ)

In the training phase, hard work, determination and loads of guts are required. ( I enjoyed my safety training very much but it can be very very physically taxing. And jumping into the cold water for ditching is scary..hahaha)

Then after the hard and dry training.. you get the very much anticipated Supernumerary Flights (SNYs).. You will go for short trips .. maybe a 2 or 3 day pattern .. to let you get accustomed to working on board and exp life outside the country, and you get accessed ... work hard during this phase.. take any shit as it comes and you will be safe. trust me.

After that it will be graduation... Yeah!!

You will be on probation for half a year. (Most airlines practised this duration) and you must finish the bond of 2 years to 3 years. If you quit beforehand, you have to pay money. For my case, I paid abt $5000 SIN dollars because I broke my bond to go for my studies. That amt is considered little because I have only 8 more months to the end of my bond. (I finished 1 and 1/4 years)

The actual flying.. agreed by my friends who are in major airlines like emirates, SQ, Cathay Pacific, British Air and United Air, I can say.. many crew are nice ppl.. or rather most crew.. but there will always be some or a handful who are very very disgusting! They are rude, uncouth, loves bitching and may be quite physical and use vulgarities.

One thing to note.. as young CCs, you can complain or write in to the office whoever bullies you or ill-treated you on flight. You have your rights to do so. Don't let the seniors or your leading crew threaten or push you down. If you go by black and white based on what you learn from the school and you have a great attitude and is courteous, you will be safe. The office will always return justice.

On board you will help passengers carry luggages, prepare meals for them (a lot of technical knowlege in heating meals too!), clean the cabin plus toilets, take care of all passengers' needs.. including vomits, children, turbulences, loads of heavy manual work, and little rest (bad esp if it's a long flight) plus many many more.. you will exp them in time to come. Everything is abt teamwork and also independence. (But nothing beats the bitchy colleagues.. haha... )

During flying, always ensure u check whatever u need to know abt that flight. Always read the CC newsletter or check the CC web for updates. You will get checks by your leading and even the office. If you fail, you will get written in...which is irreversible and bad for promotion.

In summary, a CC not only must posses the inner qualities (external , sperficial ones are now rather secondary), he/she must be able to adapt to different ppl and environment. Always remember, don't join in the crowd to "bitch" or "zap" juniors.. Who knows.. the junior may one day be your superior? I have seen many cases of once-your-junior becoming he leading or even office executives.. (office executives are higher in rank than cabin crew). So, be humble and friendly, know what you are doing inflight and adopt the "I don't want to care too much" attitude and you will be very very safe...

One more advice : Only trust yourself.

Alright... have fun being a cabin crew... :)
This was from an EX-SQ guy... he posted in another forum... juz wana share with all of you...

Posts: 31
Joined: Thu, 12 May 2005 9:09 pm
Location: Malaysia

Re: Qatar Airways Interview KL

Post by becky » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 12:12 am

Toriri wrote:
becky wrote:Hey guys, anyone went to Qatar Airways walk in interview in KL on the 4th of Sept? and made it to final? hehe............200 people applied and only 60 made it to second round interview on lucky enough to be called back on the 5th but failed to enter round three for group discussion session(nobody in my group succeeded in entering round three) because well, the time keeper of my group didn't notice that we have exceeded the time limit given to us(5 minutes) and the interviewers were unhappy because of that. only 20 made it to round 3 and most candidates i thought were good, didn't make it. So to all who will be applying for the walk ins for Qatar or maybe Emirates, punctuality is very important and being attentive is also a must(listen to instructions carefully). Well, it's a good experience anyway hehe and i befriended a Korean girl and we are good friends. Great experience and hope I'll make it to final for SIA's interview on the 11th. Good luck guys :)

hi Becky,

how many rounds of interviews are there for qatar? and what are the rounds consist of?

thanks a lot!
there are 3 rounds all together. first round, u just have to apply......hand in ur resume and two pics(passport and full length). i just handed up one passport size pic and it's ok :). In the morning, u have orientation...u learn bout Qatar and Qatar Airways and then the inteviewers will speak, telling you more about their experience as cabin crews and the advantages of being one. Then in the afternoon, each interviewers(3 all together) sit behind a table, collecting resumes and pics from applicants and short interview to see how well u speak the english language(those who doesn't speak good english, were adviced to leave and apply again after 6 months and those under 21 of course). Then u go home. At 4pm, those applicants who succeeded in the first round, are being called up one by one to attend the second round interview the next morning session and one afternoon session(business attire). Each session consists of 30 applicants...all together 60 out of 200. In the second round, in the morning, you have an english test(objective questions) and very easy.....grammer very important! upon entering the hall, they give each applicant a number with ur name and u have to stick it onto ur coat or blouse etc . while sitting for the test, they call you one by one by ur number and height and weight will be taken behind a partition. When time's up, u leave the hall and they will mark ur the papers. In the afternoon, applicants will be devided into 4 groups and given 40 minutes each for group discussion are not allowed to steal glances at the interviewers while discussing(even accidentally!) coz they say you're trying to be recognized! and beware of the time limit given to u.........they want punctuality!


Post by Law » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 2:27 am

r there any guys thr in the qatar interview? or they want girls only?

Posts: 31
Joined: Thu, 12 May 2005 9:09 pm
Location: Malaysia

Post by becky » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 11:45 am

Law wrote:r there any guys thr in the qatar interview? or they want girls only?
Yeap, there were guys attending the walk in interview. But, they were only allowed to hand up their resume and pics. Qatar will keep those resume and pics in their that next time when they are looking for male stewards, they will inform you about it, if they think u qualify :). I saw a couple of guys.

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Re: hello

Post by becky » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 12:12 pm

reena wrote:i wont be sharing any cab with u all cause im from jb..i will get there myself i guess...dont get to excited on the interview as its not confirm to be on the 18th..yeahh!i dont think they will blacklist you,lah...god knows if they remember u applied before 6 mths or not..unless they check their records,right?
Hey Reena, wot time and venue will the Emirates be conducted at? My friend wants to go and want me to check for her. Thanks


Post by To BECKY » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 12:40 pm

Hi Becky, after the group discussion on the 2nd day, when will you know whether you have been selected? Will there be any 3rd day of interview after that? Thanks for sharing!

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Location: Malaysia

Post by becky » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 1:11 pm

To BECKY wrote:Hi Becky, after the group discussion on the 2nd day, when will you know whether you have been selected? Will there be any 3rd day of interview after that? Thanks for sharing!
Well, you'll know on that day itself if you're being selected for third round coz..........after group discussion(all 4 groups done), they will ask you to wait outside while they discusss bout it inside the hall. Then bout 40 minutes later, they will ask you to enter the hall, they will say their goodbyes first and then read out loud the numbers(sticker with number and name on it). Those numbers which were not metioned, failed to enter round 3.


Post by Curiuos » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 3:02 pm

Hi everyone,

I would like to know what do they (the recruiter) access during the water-confidence test on the second round of the interview?

Good luck everyone out there...


Post by Guest » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 4:35 pm

Thanks fo sharing! Can tell us what forum this is from?
Anonymous wrote:
Ex SQ Guy wrote:Hi guys (and girls as well),

Being a cabin crew (CC) is not really that glamorous. It's a lot of hard work.

I was a cabin crew (CC) with SQ before and maybe I can share something to those aspiring CCs..

Going to the interview is a start for all CCs. What differentiates an eventual CC from the norm is the attitude and your determination to be one. The interviewers can sense your honesty and sincerity. They know who makes a CC the moment a person steps into the room.

So, during the interview, don't be plastic. YOu can be plastic after your sign your contract. It's ok to be ignorant abt flying but not without common sense. It's alright to see you don't know or unsure abt certain things. The interviewers do not care abt your knowlege abt flying.

During training, you are expected to do a lot of reading. And you will be very very stressed! So be mentally and physically prepared. You will be given many notes and textbooks. There will also be a lot of tests. I'm not sure abt Qatar Airlines but for SQ, the average is abt one test per week.

What you learn will be roughly 1)Inflight Service 2) Safety and Security 3) First Aid 4) Technicality of the airline e.g. codes, aircraft types. 5) passengers handling

There will be a lot of practical demonstrations. Those who are shy will stand to lose. Also, you must be able to grasp ideas and new knowlege very fast. The tests will require CCs to pass with high grades. The passing criteria is usually ard 80%.

Also, you will be trained for different types of aircrafts. That means for eg, when finished training for B777 aircraft, you need to start all over again to be trained for 747 megatop or airbus 380 etc... So must remember the dif aircraft types because everything is very different.

If you fail and test, you are allowed only one resit and if you fail again.. I think Qatar will ask you to leave and you must pay the bond ... (if it's the same like SQ)

In the training phase, hard work, determination and loads of guts are required. ( I enjoyed my safety training very much but it can be very very physically taxing. And jumping into the cold water for ditching is scary..hahaha)

Then after the hard and dry training.. you get the very much anticipated Supernumerary Flights (SNYs).. You will go for short trips .. maybe a 2 or 3 day pattern .. to let you get accustomed to working on board and exp life outside the country, and you get accessed ... work hard during this phase.. take any shit as it comes and you will be safe. trust me.

After that it will be graduation... Yeah!!

You will be on probation for half a year. (Most airlines practised this duration) and you must finish the bond of 2 years to 3 years. If you quit beforehand, you have to pay money. For my case, I paid abt $5000 SIN dollars because I broke my bond to go for my studies. That amt is considered little because I have only 8 more months to the end of my bond. (I finished 1 and 1/4 years)

The actual flying.. agreed by my friends who are in major airlines like emirates, SQ, Cathay Pacific, British Air and United Air, I can say.. many crew are nice ppl.. or rather most crew.. but there will always be some or a handful who are very very disgusting! They are rude, uncouth, loves bitching and may be quite physical and use vulgarities.

One thing to note.. as young CCs, you can complain or write in to the office whoever bullies you or ill-treated you on flight. You have your rights to do so. Don't let the seniors or your leading crew threaten or push you down. If you go by black and white based on what you learn from the school and you have a great attitude and is courteous, you will be safe. The office will always return justice.

On board you will help passengers carry luggages, prepare meals for them (a lot of technical knowlege in heating meals too!), clean the cabin plus toilets, take care of all passengers' needs.. including vomits, children, turbulences, loads of heavy manual work, and little rest (bad esp if it's a long flight) plus many many more.. you will exp them in time to come. Everything is abt teamwork and also independence. (But nothing beats the bitchy colleagues.. haha... )

During flying, always ensure u check whatever u need to know abt that flight. Always read the CC newsletter or check the CC web for updates. You will get checks by your leading and even the office. If you fail, you will get written in...which is irreversible and bad for promotion.

In summary, a CC not only must posses the inner qualities (external , sperficial ones are now rather secondary), he/she must be able to adapt to different ppl and environment. Always remember, don't join in the crowd to "bitch" or "zap" juniors.. Who knows.. the junior may one day be your superior? I have seen many cases of once-your-junior becoming he leading or even office executives.. (office executives are higher in rank than cabin crew). So, be humble and friendly, know what you are doing inflight and adopt the "I don't want to care too much" attitude and you will be very very safe...

One more advice : Only trust yourself.

Alright... have fun being a cabin crew... :)
This was from an EX-SQ guy... he posted in another forum... juz wana share with all of you...


Post by Guest » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 4:41 pm

From the forum "Any Qatar or Emirates cabin crew here? "
Anonymous wrote:Thanks fo sharing! Can tell us what forum this is from?
Anonymous wrote:
Ex SQ Guy wrote:Hi guys (and girls as well),

Being a cabin crew (CC) is not really that glamorous. It's a lot of hard work.

I was a cabin crew (CC) with SQ before and maybe I can share something to those aspiring CCs..

Going to the interview is a start for all CCs. What differentiates an eventual CC from the norm is the attitude and your determination to be one. The interviewers can sense your honesty and sincerity. They know who makes a CC the moment a person steps into the room.

So, during the interview, don't be plastic. YOu can be plastic after your sign your contract. It's ok to be ignorant abt flying but not without common sense. It's alright to see you don't know or unsure abt certain things. The interviewers do not care abt your knowlege abt flying.

During training, you are expected to do a lot of reading. And you will be very very stressed! So be mentally and physically prepared. You will be given many notes and textbooks. There will also be a lot of tests. I'm not sure abt Qatar Airlines but for SQ, the average is abt one test per week.

What you learn will be roughly 1)Inflight Service 2) Safety and Security 3) First Aid 4) Technicality of the airline e.g. codes, aircraft types. 5) passengers handling

There will be a lot of practical demonstrations. Those who are shy will stand to lose. Also, you must be able to grasp ideas and new knowlege very fast. The tests will require CCs to pass with high grades. The passing criteria is usually ard 80%.

Also, you will be trained for different types of aircrafts. That means for eg, when finished training for B777 aircraft, you need to start all over again to be trained for 747 megatop or airbus 380 etc... So must remember the dif aircraft types because everything is very different.

If you fail and test, you are allowed only one resit and if you fail again.. I think Qatar will ask you to leave and you must pay the bond ... (if it's the same like SQ)

In the training phase, hard work, determination and loads of guts are required. ( I enjoyed my safety training very much but it can be very very physically taxing. And jumping into the cold water for ditching is scary..hahaha)

Then after the hard and dry training.. you get the very much anticipated Supernumerary Flights (SNYs).. You will go for short trips .. maybe a 2 or 3 day pattern .. to let you get accustomed to working on board and exp life outside the country, and you get accessed ... work hard during this phase.. take any shit as it comes and you will be safe. trust me.

After that it will be graduation... Yeah!!

You will be on probation for half a year. (Most airlines practised this duration) and you must finish the bond of 2 years to 3 years. If you quit beforehand, you have to pay money. For my case, I paid abt $5000 SIN dollars because I broke my bond to go for my studies. That amt is considered little because I have only 8 more months to the end of my bond. (I finished 1 and 1/4 years)

The actual flying.. agreed by my friends who are in major airlines like emirates, SQ, Cathay Pacific, British Air and United Air, I can say.. many crew are nice ppl.. or rather most crew.. but there will always be some or a handful who are very very disgusting! They are rude, uncouth, loves bitching and may be quite physical and use vulgarities.

One thing to note.. as young CCs, you can complain or write in to the office whoever bullies you or ill-treated you on flight. You have your rights to do so. Don't let the seniors or your leading crew threaten or push you down. If you go by black and white based on what you learn from the school and you have a great attitude and is courteous, you will be safe. The office will always return justice.

On board you will help passengers carry luggages, prepare meals for them (a lot of technical knowlege in heating meals too!), clean the cabin plus toilets, take care of all passengers' needs.. including vomits, children, turbulences, loads of heavy manual work, and little rest (bad esp if it's a long flight) plus many many more.. you will exp them in time to come. Everything is abt teamwork and also independence. (But nothing beats the bitchy colleagues.. haha... )

During flying, always ensure u check whatever u need to know abt that flight. Always read the CC newsletter or check the CC web for updates. You will get checks by your leading and even the office. If you fail, you will get written in...which is irreversible and bad for promotion.

In summary, a CC not only must posses the inner qualities (external , sperficial ones are now rather secondary), he/she must be able to adapt to different ppl and environment. Always remember, don't join in the crowd to "bitch" or "zap" juniors.. Who knows.. the junior may one day be your superior? I have seen many cases of once-your-junior becoming he leading or even office executives.. (office executives are higher in rank than cabin crew). So, be humble and friendly, know what you are doing inflight and adopt the "I don't want to care too much" attitude and you will be very very safe...

One more advice : Only trust yourself.

Alright... have fun being a cabin crew... :)
This was from an EX-SQ guy... he posted in another forum... juz wana share with all of you...


Post by Guest » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 7:28 pm

i dun wan to be based in Doha.. I only wan to join SIA....


Post by Guest » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 11:38 pm

qatar is 21 or 20 for age?it's stated 20 in the papers?

Posts: 31
Joined: Thu, 12 May 2005 9:09 pm
Location: Malaysia

Post by becky » Thu, 08 Sep 2005 3:08 am

Anonymous wrote:qatar is 21 or 20 for age?it's stated 20 in the papers?
hehe sorry guest. It's 20! typed wrongly :).

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