Keith Toh wrote:Gist wrote:Keith Toh wrote:
Ya. Should at least tell them. Wasted man. I was too nervous till i nvr really think and i just smile and acknowledge him. sian. I should have mention it out man.
Hmm. Don think so but cause u mention u are slouching when u do a catwalk, so i think that is the reason. U have to be confident, stand straight (but not so straight to the extend) and just walk normally. haha. well. lets try again for the next interview man. no choice. What was the question u are given?
Oh. i see. well, see how it goes. maybe early june? Depends whether did they hit the requirement today cause last month 15th March also got one interview and this month also have means a lot candidates have failed on the day. so we shall see how it goes man.
Hahaha always the case. Yeah... Mine was pretty straightforward, it was 'if I had a million dollar what would I do with it?'. What about yours?
I hope so, let's keep our fingers crossed!

ya man. don know why SQ so strict about teeth but still got candidates get in. Probably the interviewer guy not in the right mood? haha.
Mine was "what is your favorite color, and why?". Got candidates speak very well but didnt get in.
Everything also must see luck man.
Hi guys, sorry to interupt. I'm not sure about the condition of your teeth so I cant really comment. But if your teeth is really the problem, they'll advice you to fix it
before they pass you. Chances of KIV is more for people who are already in their last few months of braces. But you can still try to mention you don't mind invisalign and see how. Haha
And also, there were indeed many people who failed the interview on 15 March, but quite a lot passed as well until the extent that they couldn't fit everyone into the next day for their final round at STC. Hence, they could be stricter this time because of that.
I'm currently on KIV and a staff told me the next walk-in interview will be in July. Long wait, but yea what to do..

Well nothing's confirmed yet, they might bring forward the next interview depending on this round's outcome..?
Couldn't agree more with the luck part. Keep trying!