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by Sky16 » Fri, 29 Nov 2013 1:13 pm
drearydaisies wrote:pgbunny wrote:Anyone starting training on 9th Jan? I received a call this morn! My doctor was the young lady with bangs & I also had to go for a 2nd checkup! So for those waiting for the call, you'll probably get it soon!:)
Hi! Do you have any outstanding documents to submit? I didn't have my passport with me on the day of the interview and the lady said she'll arrange a day for me to go down and submit it. Does this mean that I'll probably receive the call (if I clear my medical) only after I submit the documents needed?
They sent me an email to go down this morning to submit my O level cert. the HR told that the training would start on the 9th jan and that to wait for the letter to be snail mailed to me! Didnt get any call though so
I wonder if it's confirmed. Check your email!
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by drearydaisies » Fri, 29 Nov 2013 1:55 pm
Sky16 wrote:drearydaisies wrote:pgbunny wrote:Anyone starting training on 9th Jan? I received a call this morn! My doctor was the young lady with bangs & I also had to go for a 2nd checkup! So for those waiting for the call, you'll probably get it soon!:)
Hi! Do you have any outstanding documents to submit? I didn't have my passport with me on the day of the interview and the lady said she'll arrange a day for me to go down and submit it. Does this mean that I'll probably receive the call (if I clear my medical) only after I submit the documents needed?
They sent me an email to go down this morning to submit my O level cert. the HR told that the training would start on the 9th jan and that to wait for the letter to be snail mailed to me! Didnt get any call though so
I wonder if it's confirmed. Check your email!
I didn't receive any email

Oh no. I wonder if that means that I didn't get through. Guess I just have to keep waiting...
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by xin1993 » Fri, 29 Nov 2013 3:14 pm
missyu wrote:pianoplayer wrote:
omg i feel the same way. tried 5 times on n off in total n am not sure if i should continue trying. also, nearing the cut off date of age 25 soon.

I guess it's our dream jobs, so that's why we keep trying. In my group there were 2 girls who hit 30 already. I guess what matters most is how you carry yourself in the first few rounds?
I always got booted out in the first round, too nervous seeing the 2 interviews

Hi pianoplayer! Like what missyu said, we keep trying because we really want to be SQ cabin crew. 25 is not the cut off age so don't worry. I feel better that there's someone who knows my feelings of getting rejected multiple times. It's hard but let's believe in ourselves. I can't wait for the next interview. Hope all of us get in this time!

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by vaingirl101 » Fri, 29 Nov 2013 3:35 pm
pgbunny wrote:vaingirl101 wrote:Hey ladies, went for the 23rd November interview, passed and went on to the 24th Nov interview. Got into Kebaya round but is placed on KIV list due to my coloured hair and ONE pimple scar. The lady said that they will email me with a date to come back for review.
Anyone in the same boat??
Hopefully they'll get back to me with a review date.

Hello! I was in the same boat as you, Interview on 5 oct, but KIV during the kebaya round on the following day! I Have since cleared all & awaiting training! As long as you improve on the areas mentioned to you, you'll have a good chance!:)
They will send you an email about 2 weeks before the review date (Usually its on a Sunday, one day after the Cabin crew interview date posted on the website).
Thank you for letting me know on how yours went, I was afraid that they'll chuck my application one side and forget all about me.
By the way, CONGRATS on getting the job babe! Happy training and happy flying. I hope my turn comes soon.
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by pgbunny » Fri, 29 Nov 2013 3:42 pm
Sky16 wrote:drearydaisies wrote:pgbunny wrote:Anyone starting training on 9th Jan? I received a call this morn! My doctor was the young lady with bangs & I also had to go for a 2nd checkup! So for those waiting for the call, you'll probably get it soon!:)
Hi! Do you have any outstanding documents to submit? I didn't have my passport with me on the day of the interview and the lady said she'll arrange a day for me to go down and submit it. Does this mean that I'll probably receive the call (if I clear my medical) only after I submit the documents needed?
They sent me an email to go down this morning to submit my O level cert. the HR told that the training would start on the 9th jan and that to wait for the letter to be snail mailed to me! Didnt get any call though so
I wonder if it's confirmed. Check your email!
drearydaisies, This means you have probably cleared your medical & therefore will need your outstanding documents!

I believe you'll be informed of the training date on the day you submit the documents to them!
There won't be a call, instead the package will be post-mailed to you in about a week or so! It's confirmed! Congrats
Sky16 ! we'll be starting on the same date!

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by pgbunny » Fri, 29 Nov 2013 3:46 pm
vaingirl101 wrote:
Thank you for letting me know on how yours went, I was afraid that they'll chuck my application one side and forget all about me.
By the way, CONGRATS on getting the job babe! Happy training and happy flying. I hope my turn comes soon.
Haha don't worry, they won't forget about you!
Thank you:) All the best for your KIV!:)
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by Sky16 » Fri, 29 Nov 2013 6:43 pm
pgbunny wrote:Sky16 wrote:drearydaisies wrote:
Hi! Do you have any outstanding documents to submit? I didn't have my passport with me on the day of the interview and the lady said she'll arrange a day for me to go down and submit it. Does this mean that I'll probably receive the call (if I clear my medical) only after I submit the documents needed?
They sent me an email to go down this morning to submit my O level cert. the HR told that the training would start on the 9th jan and that to wait for the letter to be snail mailed to me! Didnt get any call though so
I wonder if it's confirmed. Check your email!
drearydaisies, This means you have probably cleared your medical & therefore will need your outstanding documents!

I believe you'll be informed of the training date on the day you submit the documents to them!
There won't be a call, instead the package will be post-mailed to you in about a week or so! It's confirmed! Congrats
Sky16 ! we'll be starting on the same date!

Awesome! Yes thank you!! See you around

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by ms.simplicity » Fri, 29 Nov 2013 6:59 pm
terravanilla wrote:
I just received the email ytd, will be heading down on the 28th to sign the deed. See you guys there?

Hi Sweet~ tks for yr pm. wanted to reply but it said i need more post to reply. awwww~ but truly appreciate it! tks u so much! congrats to u! and i hope someday we could fly together too~ Cheerios~
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by pianoplayer » Sat, 30 Nov 2013 1:50 am
missyu wrote:pianoplayer wrote:
omg i feel the same way. tried 5 times on n off in total n am not sure if i should continue trying. also, nearing the cut off date of age 25 soon.

I guess it's our dream jobs, so that's why we keep trying. In my group there were 2 girls who hit 30 already. I guess what matters most is how you carry yourself in the first few rounds?
I always got booted out in the first round, too nervous seeing the 2 interviews

so did e two girls get booted out too?
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by missyu » Sat, 30 Nov 2013 2:02 am
pianoplayer wrote:
so did e two girls get booted out too?
One of them got in through the first round. So I guess it has nothing to do with age. As long as you're not past 30, I guess it never hurts to try

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by eloise » Sat, 30 Nov 2013 2:20 pm
pgbunny wrote:Anyone starting training on 9th Jan? I received a call this morn! My doctor was the young lady with bangs & I also had to go for a 2nd checkup! So for those waiting for the call, you'll probably get it soon!:)
what notice period did you girls give? Congrats!
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by yoyobin » Sat, 30 Nov 2013 6:09 pm
Hello, all, I was from the August interview and was put on kiv due to being underweight....
Hence, I put on weight and went to the November review.. The lady was pretty satisfied with the increase in weight. However, she pointed out a new issue, and told me my skin condition was not good enough.. She told me to improve on it, and will contact me again...
Anyone experience something like that? Will I really be called up again.. I'm just afraid il be rejected. Thanks..
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by pgbunny » Sat, 30 Nov 2013 10:44 pm
eloise wrote:pgbunny wrote:Anyone starting training on 9th Jan? I received a call this morn! My doctor was the young lady with bangs & I also had to go for a 2nd checkup! So for those waiting for the call, you'll probably get it soon!:)
what notice period did you girls give? Congrats!
Thanks!:) I wrote my availability as End December.
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by pgbunny » Sat, 30 Nov 2013 10:47 pm
yoyobin wrote:Hello, all, I was from the August interview and was put on kiv due to being underweight....
Hence, I put on weight and went to the November review.. The lady was pretty satisfied with the increase in weight. However, she pointed out a new issue, and told me my skin condition was not good enough.. She told me to improve on it, and will contact me again...
Anyone experience something like that? Will I really be called up again.. I'm just afraid il be rejected. Thanks..
I've heard of such cases! They really will call you back for another KIV!:) But I've also heard that max KIV is twice, though I'm not too sure whether or not its true :/
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by terravanilla » Sun, 01 Dec 2013 4:50 pm
I just received the email ytd, will be heading down on the 28th to sign the deed. See you guys there? :)[/quote]
Hi Sweet~ tks for yr pm. wanted to reply but it said i need more post to reply. awwww~ but truly appreciate it! tks u so much! congrats to u! and i hope someday we could fly together too~ Cheerios~[/quote]
No problem and good luck! ^^
SIA returning cabin crew 2022
Replies: 18
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Hi all anybody returning crew apply online application may I know what’s the estimation waiting time?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Hi there, anyone know if SQ still taking back returning crew? Is there any email address? Thank you
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Finnair cabin crew
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SIA Crew
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