Singapore Expats

SIA cabin crew

Join in the discussion about employment, interview as a cabin crew, pilot in major airlines.
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Post by Amazed » Sun, 17 Apr 2005 9:11 pm

I think you should repeat exactly what you just said during your interviews. Tell us whether you're successful :roll:


Post by SQGuy » Sun, 17 Apr 2005 9:24 pm

Basically, it's desirable you can at least FLOAT on water or swim a bit. You will have a lifevest on. But I think it's wiser in the long-run to pick up some swimming skills even if you get in. You basically jump from 3m with a vest on. You won't drown :P but you probably swallow a few gulps of water if you're not competent!

Good luck to all.


Post by Mark » Sun, 17 Apr 2005 10:57 pm

SQGuy, how different are the guys' interview from the girls? Please advise. :shock:


Post by Foster » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 9:36 am

Tips to Breeze Through Singapore Airlines Interview

1st round: Talk in SMS-lingo to a panel of experts who will select the best candidate who can confuse everyone.

2nd round: Ask the panel, how to introduce themselves and then smile and clutch a textbook.

3rd round: Wear a kebaya, shave your legs and then tell the panel that he/she can't swim, but heck, who cares if the passenger dies, I can't save everyone!

4th round: Swimming exercise - jump off 3m and then wait for your kebaya to inflate - if it doesn't just scream "I can't rescue everyone".... and drown.

5th round: Post on a forum meant for expats on SIA interview tips and let other wonder what's the purpose of this forum!

Congrats you're successful!



Why you apply??

Post by Ketut » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 4:19 pm


Why you apply for this job? It sucks!!

SIA is a shit company! With a very bad management!
Look at the postings! The girls are only used as a wet bed sheet for the captain and stewards.
Better go orchard tower then you make some money from it!!
Sorry but if you don't do what they want then you can clean the toilet!!
I know some stewardess and they have told me some stories!!! It sucks!!!
SIA "Sex in Air"

Ketut Partha


Post by waiting » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 4:44 pm

Anonymous wrote:See this is what i mean by SQ hiring cabin crews with the ability to study but with hollow brains when it comes to having own SENSES!!Geez pple..really wish u all luck..u'll need it...And pls, once u are out there flying,don't bring down the company's name by being DUMB...How could one not know how to dress for an interview and another one asking help on how to introduce ureself??What the hell?!!!

OMG.. u can don answer, but can u don give unnecessary comments... We are dumd then what are you? busybody? or big mouth? brainless, we are just asking qnuestions as we are not so sure. We are not as OLD as you to be so familiar with the procedure. I know you have been going for interviews for many times and NV got in.. so please keep ur comments to yourself. thanz alot.


Post by Amazed » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 4:55 pm

This person can't even type a proper sentence in grammatically correct English. Are you sure you are a graduate? - Even GCSE holders have a better grasp of the language! You seriously going for this interview? I wonder whether this airline requires a written test of English.

No wonder SQ's cabin crew rating didn't make it past Skytrax, the quality is going down.

I rest my case. :roll:


To Waiting: This forum is meant for expatriate careers. It is highly questionable whether you even fit that profile. I suggest you wait somewhere else.


Post by confused » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 5:01 pm

Amazed wrote:This person can't even type a proper sentence in grammatically correct English. Are you sure you are a graduate? - Even GCSE holders have a better grasp of the language! You seriously going for this interview? I wonder whether this airline requires a written test of English.

No wonder SQ's cabin crew rating didn't make it past Skytrax, the quality is going down.

I rest my case. :roll:


To Waiting: This forum is meant for expatriate careers. It is highly questionable whether you even fit that profile. I suggest you wait somewhere else.
Amazed, for the upper part who are you referring to?


Post by ToAmazed » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 5:06 pm

Well.. guess that u are a grammar fixer or something...

i just wondering whether all singaporean expat is always correcting others ?

I also wondering whether in singapore, they dun have any respect to others as they have to criticise each other and think that his/her life is the perfect one.

Please.. correct ur self before u correcting someone else and i'm pretty sure if you are an expert and educated then you wont be having this manner.


Post by Amazed » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 5:19 pm

Criticism? - Learn to distinguish between fair comment and criticism first, then come back to me.

It's amusing to find prospective employees flooding this forum - and none are expats!

Moderators - Could you please close this topic as it's hardly relevant to most expats here I suppose unless anyone wants to discuss frequent flyer points with me? :lol:

We wouldn't want a catfight here would we? (Grin)

Cheers! :D


Post by Amazed » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 5:22 pm

confused > I refer to this preceeding post. :lol:
waiting wrote:
Anonymous wrote:See this is what i mean by SQ hiring cabin crews with the ability to study but with hollow brains when it comes to having own SENSES!!Geez pple..really wish u all luck..u'll need it...And pls, once u are out there flying,don't bring down the company's name by being DUMB...How could one not know how to dress for an interview and another one asking help on how to introduce ureself??What the hell?!!!

OMG.. u can don answer, but can u don give unnecessary comments... We are dumd then what are you? busybody? or big mouth? brainless, we are just asking qnuestions as we are not so sure. We are not as OLD as you to be so familiar with the procedure. I know you have been going for interviews for many times and NV got in.. so please keep ur comments to yourself. thanz alot.

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Strong Eagle
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Post by Strong Eagle » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 5:59 pm

Amazed wrote:Moderators - Could you please close this topic as it's hardly relevant to most expats here I suppose unless anyone wants to discuss frequent flyer points with me? :lol:
OMG... u can don ask dat but we can don give no lock. we dun no how 2 an we dun can not be brd nazis. we r not dumd. thanz alot 4 ur idea

To amazed

Post by To amazed » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 6:55 pm

Hey amazed, why dont u give a "COMMENT" to the moderator's spelling and grammars then. :roll:

To Amazed

Post by To Amazed » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 7:10 pm

oo yeah.. and to amazed: cant u read the title of the forum? SIA CABIN CREW...
so i think the content is of course about the job and everyone should be allow to ask everything about this JOB/CAREER not about the flight frequent flyer.

so if you dun like it, u are pleased to not read this forum and you can open a new forum about the flight frequent flyer.

Thank you and hope you understand that you are annoying us here.


Post by Guest » Mon, 18 Apr 2005 8:31 pm

waiting wrote:
Anonymous wrote:See this is what i mean by SQ hiring cabin crews with the ability to study but with hollow brains when it comes to having own SENSES!!Geez pple..really wish u all luck..u'll need it...And pls, once u are out there flying,don't bring down the company's name by being DUMB...How could one not know how to dress for an interview and another one asking help on how to introduce ureself??What the hell?!!!

OMG.. u can don answer, but can u don give unnecessary comments... We are dumd then what are you? busybody? or big mouth? brainless, we are just asking qnuestions as we are not so sure. We are not as OLD as you to be so familiar with the procedure. I know you have been going for interviews for many times and NV got in.. so please keep ur comments to yourself. thanz alot.
hahaha..Typical posting from a person who admits it all!Well like it or not my dear,you will be working with ADULTS so u better think like one or you'll just be pushed around.Guess this is would be your first job huh? interview huh?By the way,i'm really not interested working as a waitress.I'd rather travel comfortably and having people like you serve me. :D

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