Congratulations future colleague! I just received mine tooosmmy wrote:Hey guys! I finally received the golden call today at 4.30pm!

They will ask you all sorts of questions ranging from your favourite food to open situational questions. I believe the main objective of the first round is to see how well you can listen to instructions, answer to the point and how you present yourself. Just my pov. Good luck!Redcolour wrote:hi guys just curious what kind of questions do you guys usually get in round 1?
Thank you for sharing...the questions in 1st round sound so random until I have no idea what to answer if it were me...haa~pinping wrote:my whole interview ... -2013.html
Thanks pinping! How many times you tried?pinping wrote:my whole interview ... -2013.html
5 time in total..yoyobin wrote:Thanks pinping! How many times you tried?pinping wrote:my whole interview ... -2013.html
I think cut off age for SIA is 29/30. SIA prefers young applicants tho. Some late twenties still will get tru.acherryx wrote:Hi all, anyone know what is the cut off age for females? Heard it is an unspoken of about 25 yo. But have heard that if you maintain your looks well it doesn't matter? Thanks!
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