Singapore Expats

SIA cabin crew

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Post by Guest » Fri, 26 Aug 2005 2:40 pm

there will definitely be an SQ interview within these few mths... no doubt abt it...

Ask yurself what izzit that u reallie want.. SQ or silkair? no free lunch in the world... and no job will wait for u... weigh the risks and benefits carefully and decide... after that, dun look back animore!


Re: Any Guys Out There Aspiring to be an SQ Cabin Crew as we

Post by RIAN RIAN » Fri, 26 Aug 2005 2:47 pm

silvr wrote:
RIAN RIAN wrote:
stonekool wrote:Hey all,
was wondering if there were any guys like me aspiring to be an SQ Cabin Crew as well.
By the way, any guys out there as well? And could you offer some useful advice for the interviews.

Thanks a Million.


Hey Stonekool,

i am one of the guys who really aspiring to be a cabin crew but there isn't any chance for now since most of the time airlines need only stewardess wannabes. Remember that time emirates post their ads? I was so disappointed they need only ladies. As for SIA, there isn't any new job postings... So we GUYS just have to wait and wait and wait...
hey! what do you meant by 'stewardess wannabes' ? aren't you yourself a steward wannabe too? dun be mean! :evil:
hey silvr...

don't get me wrong. my meaning of "wannabes" is not a bad thing. i didn't criticise ladies out there who wanna become stewardess. my wannabes mean those ladies who wanna make their dreams come true as a stewardess. don't get me wrong ok. i admit i'm a steward wannabe myself. Why get sooo worked up over a simple word like that?


Post by Failure » Fri, 26 Aug 2005 2:57 pm

I didn't get any reply from SILKAIR!!

That sucks!


Post by Guest » Fri, 26 Aug 2005 3:01 pm

Anonymous wrote:
Guest0000 wrote:
Anonymous wrote:waiting for SIA to open because I got into Silkair final round but wld want to try out SIA though.


Hey, just wondering when did u received the mail from Silkair?Thanks!
they sent it out yday but i actually called them up to chk because i need to know jus in case i need to apply for leave.
and they told me i was in.
but i don't know if i shd go
Which number did u call? Can I please have it.. the wait is KILLING ME...


Re: Any Guys Out There Aspiring to be an SQ Cabin Crew as we

Post by CHEERY GURL » Fri, 26 Aug 2005 5:07 pm

RIAN RIAN wrote:
silvr wrote:
RIAN RIAN wrote:
Hey Stonekool,

i am one of the guys who really aspiring to be a cabin crew but there isn't any chance for now since most of the time airlines need only stewardess wannabes. Remember that time emirates post their ads? I was so disappointed they need only ladies. As for SIA, there isn't any new job postings... So we GUYS just have to wait and wait and wait...
hey! what do you meant by 'stewardess wannabes' ? aren't you yourself a steward wannabe too? dun be mean! :evil:
hey silvr...

don't get me wrong. my meaning of "wannabes" is not a bad thing. i didn't criticise ladies out there who want to become stewardess. my wannabes mean those ladies who want to make their dreams come true as a stewardess. don't get me wrong ok. i admit i'm a steward wannabe myself. Why get sooo worked up over a simple word like that?

Ya Silvr. What's all this negativity? Why get so cranky? If that Rian Rian person was really cursing or insulting the girls, he wouldn't want to be in cabin crew team right? I don't think his words are wrong. He's just stating the right thing. I don't see any sarcasm in his entry. C'mon. Cheer up!


Post by Guest0000 » Fri, 26 Aug 2005 5:30 pm

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Guest0000 wrote:
Hey, just wondering when did u received the mail from Silkair?Thanks!
they sent it out yday but i actually called them up to chk because i need to know jus in case i need to apply for leave.
and they told me i was in.
but i don't know if i shd go
Which number did u call? Can I please have it.. the wait is KILLING ME...

Hi Anonymous,

I just received the mail and I was also selected to the next round. I guess we are facing the same situation right now. I was also comtemplating whether to join Silkair (fingers crossed) if I was successfully selected or should I just wait for the next SIA recruitment to start. But I guess maybe you should just try out for the Silkair interview, cause since we had already gone so far...therefore it's kinda of wasted if you didn't want to go for the next round. Anyway, you could also treat this coming interview as a learning experience. These are just from my personal point of view. So no need to treat my comments seriously. Hee. . .Hee. . .

PS:Consulting others for opinons may not be a bad thing but it's not good as well. As it will only made you even more confused. Eventually, you will still be the one making the decision.

Posts: 13
Joined: Thu, 07 Jul 2005 10:26 pm

Male Crew

Post by stonekool » Fri, 26 Aug 2005 6:51 pm

Hi Rian Rian,
well.... I do know a couple of SQ guys and gals and we do meet up pretty often. Heheh, that's how I get the info of whom they are looking for. In fact, these are the very friends that really gave me an insight into the life of flying. And though I am not experiencing it now, I can for sure say that I will enjoy it should I get the chance.

Well, I sure will email you once they start looking for guys but I should presume that it will be soon.

By the way how old are you this year and what are you currently doing?

As for me, I am 26 this year and finished my Masters in Sydney in March this year. Afraid that they will keep questioning me despite my qualifications. Man....., is it so hard to just convince people that one's academic interest is an issue by itself whilst one's vocational interest is a totally different spectrum. Moreover, I thoroughly enjoyed my years in the service line and would definitely want to be in it, especially with SQ.

Cheers and Have a Great Weekend Ahead Mate,
Stone :D


Post by Guest » Sat, 27 Aug 2005 1:59 am

just me wrote:
Anonymous wrote:hi, found this info from another SIA forum and seems like the next batch of trainee stewardess will start like in dec. so i suppose SIA isn't going to recruit anymore cabin crew till next. guess the SIA interview in KL on 11th sept is the last of this year..

maybe can try other airlines for the moment...


Start sometime before xmas?? That's like in another 4 - 5 mths!! For those who are unemployed, wonder what they're gonna do for this long period of time.

yalor.. the lady told the gals who are unemployed to get a part time job first.
I dun think they are really in need of stewardess right now. :)
next batch of SIA trainees will start on 30 aug. there'll be another one or two more in october to fit in those who got selected from the recent july interviews.

don't think SIA needs any more cabin crew at the moment, but probably at the end of the year?

Posts: 13
Joined: Thu, 07 Jul 2005 10:26 pm

Male Cabin Crew

Post by stonekool » Sat, 27 Aug 2005 3:22 am

Hi Belle07,
thank you.....

Well, all I am doing is speaking from how I truly feel. Ya know, many a times I have been mocked at for wanting to fly due to my qualifications. But I told myself that I do not want to be stuck in a desk bound job for the next few years and regret not trying to go into flying. As I will tell others, go for your dreams as that is what will propel us to make the best of it and do a damn fine job at it as well.

Anyways, I hope to meet all the hopefuls in the next interview. That is if I ever get invited.

But nonetheless, keep up the steam guys as the light is just at the end of the tunnel.



Post by Guest » Sat, 27 Aug 2005 9:19 am

Guest0000 wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote: they sent it out yday but i actually called them up to chk because i need to know jus in case i need to apply for leave.
and they told me i was in.
but i don't know if i shd go
Which number did u call? Can I please have it.. the wait is KILLING ME...

Hi Anonymous,

I just received the mail and I was also selected to the next round. I guess we are facing the same situation right now. I was also comtemplating whether to join Silkair (fingers crossed) if I was successfully selected or should I just wait for the next SIA recruitment to start. But I guess maybe you should just try out for the Silkair interview, cause since we had already gone so far...therefore it's kinda of wasted if you didn't want to go for the next round. Anyway, you could also treat this coming interview as a learning experience. These are just from my personal point of view. So no need to treat my comments seriously. Hee. . .Hee. . .

PS:Consulting others for opinons may not be a bad thing but it's not good as well. As it will only made you even more confused. Eventually, you will still be the one making the decision.
Guest0000: Hey u know wat?!! Im stuck in the same situation as you! I kept thinking, if i were to be selected as MI crew, i'd be bound by the 15mths contract..and theres no way SQ will want me, not even if pay and break the bond. SQ's filthy rich and they need committed breaking bond is only a sign that "if i can do this now, i can do this again"..

*sigh* do u have msn? Can I have your addy? I really need smbody to talk to now..


Post by idyllic » Sat, 27 Aug 2005 10:24 am

sorry stimes i used guest to post in fact.
anyway i was selected for the tea party but i guess my situation was explained by many kind ppl here. (U seem to be able to comprehend my situation really well, guess i guess we r in the same predicament) and I dunno if i go for SQ.
But i will go for Silkair tea party and see how it goes first.

I have a degree from NUS and often the interviewers would ask why would I apply to be a FA. When I told the gals (from silkair batch) i hope to do my masters in Arts one day, I was being ridiculed at. kinda sad coz I din expect such mockery coming, but then again many gals r not thinking of furthering their studies.
And I am very (acutely) worried about the bad (i heard) culture SIA has, so i am so troubled.
Meeting up an ex-SIA gf later...she wld have loads to share with me.
So i will continue to share/update.



Post by idyllic » Sat, 27 Aug 2005 10:44 am

my msn is [email protected] jus in case anyone wanna talk to me.



Post by Guest » Sat, 27 Aug 2005 11:57 am

Anonymous wrote:
Guest0000 wrote:
Anonymous wrote: Which number did u call? Can I please have it.. the wait is KILLING ME...

Hi Anonymous,

I just received the mail and I was also selected to the next round. I guess we are facing the same situation right now. I was also comtemplating whether to join Silkair (fingers crossed) if I was successfully selected or should I just wait for the next SIA recruitment to start. But I guess maybe you should just try out for the Silkair interview, cause since we had already gone so far...therefore it's kinda of wasted if you didn't want to go for the next round. Anyway, you could also treat this coming interview as a learning experience. These are just from my personal point of view. So no need to treat my comments seriously. Hee. . .Hee. . .

PS:Consulting others for opinons may not be a bad thing but it's not good as well. As it will only made you even more confused. Eventually, you will still be the one making the decision.
Guest0000: Hey u know wat?!! Im stuck in the same situation as you! I kept thinking, if i were to be selected as MI crew, i'd be bound by the 15mths contract..and theres no way SQ will want me, not even if pay and break the bond. SQ's filthy rich and they need committed breaking bond is only a sign that "if i can do this now, i can do this again"..

*sigh* do u have msn? Can I have your addy? I really need smbody to talk to now..

Sure. . . no pro! Just add me at [email protected].. :wink:


Post by Guest » Sat, 27 Aug 2005 12:04 pm

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Guest0000 wrote:
Hi Anonymous,

I just received the mail and I was also selected to the next round. I guess we are facing the same situation right now. I was also comtemplating whether to join Silkair (fingers crossed) if I was successfully selected or should I just wait for the next SIA recruitment to start. But I guess maybe you should just try out for the Silkair interview, cause since we had already gone so far...therefore it's kinda of wasted if you didn't want to go for the next round. Anyway, you could also treat this coming interview as a learning experience. These are just from my personal point of view. So no need to treat my comments seriously. Hee. . .Hee. . .

PS:Consulting others for opinons may not be a bad thing but it's not good as well. As it will only made you even more confused. Eventually, you will still be the one making the decision.
Guest0000: Hey u know wat?!! Im stuck in the same situation as you! I kept thinking, if i were to be selected as MI crew, i'd be bound by the 15mths contract..and theres no way SQ will want me, not even if pay and break the bond. SQ's filthy rich and they need committed breaking bond is only a sign that "if i can do this now, i can do this again"..

*sigh* do u have msn? Can I have your addy? I really need smbody to talk to now..

So u are idyllic rite?Hee. . .If you are then I just add u in my msn okai?


Post by Guest0000 » Sat, 27 Aug 2005 1:01 pm

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote: Guest0000: Hey u know wat?!! Im stuck in the same situation as you! I kept thinking, if i were to be selected as MI crew, i'd be bound by the 15mths contract..and theres no way SQ will want me, not even if pay and break the bond. SQ's filthy rich and they need committed breaking bond is only a sign that "if i can do this now, i can do this again"..

*sigh* do u have msn? Can I have your addy? I really need smbody to talk to now..

So u are idyllic rite?Hee. . .If you are then I just add u in my msn okai?

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