Hi Connected,Connected wrote:Hi axuemi,
I have not been to any interview but from my humble opinion..I think you should give me a try! Although they did state Sin and PR..but they added a clause in the new website ..
"Suitably qualified female candidates from Japan, Korea, India, China, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia are welcome to apply."
So i guess it should be alright!
tenpin wrote:Yes, I think I will, but I'm still not very confident, which is.... not good.harlequin15 wrote:hi tenpin,tenpin wrote:I'll be going down with two other friends this weekend, and I'm really nervous, because my teeth... they're a little stained because I didn't take very good care of them when I was wearing braces... I'm kinda scared that they'll notice.
I'm not sure if they'll accept my friend's qualifications either, cos she took a private Dip. Are they very very particular about qualifications? And is there any chance they'd accept a private dip?
my teeth is not super white too & worse, not super straight. tts y im contemplating. but i guess we nvr knw until we try bahh... lets just give it a go?
See you all on Saturday! Planning to go very early; I heard the queue is insane.
ur batch quite a number of pple passed round 1, mine was 2/9 (1 left last min)..I am not one of themConnected wrote:Hey people!! back from the interview!! Was boot out at skin check round..haha
The Q for today is surprising short...and we reach there at around 9.30...and waited less than 5 mins and was issued to be in batch 59...Then we were ushered into a room to watch the SQ video while waiting for our turn for the 1st round..
Quite a long wait in the room..but it's ok as you will be seated down..but it really tensing when you see the batch before you going in 1 by 1..![]()
My batch passing rate for Round 1 was 5/10..while I saw some batches had only 1/10..I was really nervous when I did the introduction and stumble on my words..I thought I couldn't get in but was quite surprised they selected me..
Round 2 was taking of height, then checking of cert...after that will be skin check and walking...I got booted out at skin check because the person ask me if I suffer from breakout when I am at "that time of the month"..i said yes..and off I go..haha
But nonetheless...a great experience..really fun too!! Made alot of new friends and we will be all going back to try again next round!
snowss wrote:mine was to give a short intro about urself and which country would u like to visit and why?na0mi wrote:my group only 1 got through introduction out of 8 :s
what are the interesting introduction questions you guys were asked?
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