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Post by leilashleigh » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 6:15 pm

mouse wrote:
leilashleigh wrote:
mouse wrote:hi leilashleigh,
start writing can log in to the website now.. hehe.. gd luck to you too!

For Singaporeans and Malaysians, if you are unable to attend the walk-in interviews, you may send in your application form to [email protected]. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Hey mouse! That was fast :P hmm have you tried writing in before? Did they call you to attend the interview at STC? Am curious on the chances of getting selected though.
hello :) As long as you meet the minimum requirements, you will be shortlisted. I think first come first serve. So better send now.. They will email you for the write in interview at STC. And yes, I have been to STC several times. Lost count too. Pray hard.
Hey mouse don't give up alright! :D Let's try our best!

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Post by Plavt » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 8:04 pm

mouse wrote: He asked me how will I manage that? I told him for safety reasons, I will want the passenger to be on his seat and I will consult my senior crew in charge of this situation.
That was likely the reason you failed...........

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Post by kzz29 » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 8:29 pm

I agree today's Round 1 had a high passing rate.Most Of the groups had a passing rate of more than half.However,I'm surprised that they are so strict on the height this time.I have been to SQ interviews a couple of times and height was never an issue.However,I was booted out at the height verification and Im really shocked.Maybe I suddenly shrunk?!The girl taking the height was really bent on not letting me pass and it was really a big letdown.I have been to other western airlines' interviews with higher height limit and I always pass the height test.Today's incident really left me scratching my head!I wonder if I should try again next time,sigh!
Btw,to Mouse,did you get called up to go for the write-in?I'm not sure if they are shortlisting candidates for it,can you let me know if there's any news?My friend missed today's interview and would like to try out.Thanks.

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Post by leilashleigh » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 8:51 pm

kzz29 wrote:I agree today's Round 1 had a high passing rate.Most Of the groups had a passing rate of more than half.However,I'm surprised that they are so strict on the height this time.I have been to SQ interviews a couple of times and height was never an issue.However,I was booted out at the height verification and Im really shocked.Maybe I suddenly shrunk?!The girl taking the height was really bent on not letting me pass and it was really a big letdown.I have been to other western airlines' interviews with higher height limit and I always pass the height test.Today's incident really left me scratching my head!I wonder if I should try again next time,sigh!
Btw,to Mouse,did you get called up to go for the write-in?I'm not sure if they are shortlisting candidates for it,can you let me know if there's any news?My friend missed today's interview and would like to try out.Thanks.
Hey kzz29, half of my group got booted out though. We were down with 8 when 2 pple didn't return for the round 1 interview.

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Re: Hi

Post by rxgnrxgn » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 9:28 pm

summerboy02 wrote:The passing rate for round 1 is very good.Average of 8 out of 10 will pass round 1 from what I have seen.

8 from my group proceeded to the next round.I'm one of the unfortunate two to be booted out of this round.

Other candiates are certain that I will proceed on to round 2 given my composed presentation.

Application forms are returned to all candidates who failed round 1.When I saw my application form,the Admin girl/interviewers had circled my "age".

Yes,I'm in my big 3,I'm 30 years old this year to be exact but I look like in my twenties.I felt discriminated due to the fact that they circled my age in the form and they could have done it discreetly.I think they must have booted me out because I'm 30 years old.

I must admit age is catching up.Should I give up this F%*@ dream of mine? OR try another time to reaffirm that candidates who are over the age of 30 stand NO CHANCE at all?
what is your gender?

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Post by rxgnrxgn » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 9:30 pm

slimslee wrote:I passed all rounds today and tomorrow is my interview with Management Round! So happpyyy...can't wait to get over with it and start training!!

Just wanted to leave an update on this 7th Aug interview...

I reached at 735am and I was in Group 8.
ROUND 1: 10 candidates to 2 judges - My grp - only 1 got booted out:)
Height test and certs verifications - My grp - 3 got booted out for height requirements :(

Then we were told to proceed on to a room for SKIN CHECK.
3 candidates were told to enter the room at a time.
There will be a bright light shining from the floor and this nice lady chats with me, wanting to let me relax i guess, while she chats with me, shes checking my face as well, and she also asked me to turn around and checked my hands, front & back. She also asked me if I had tattoo or birthmarks at my waist or body.

A game of memory with Uno Cards. 8 candidates in the room and we were asked to split into 2 teams. It doesnt matter who wins as we were basically tested on teamwork, cooperation and communication among peers! :) This was fun yet scary as you know the interviewers are observing you!
After this game, it was one-to-one interview and this was the same room as the memory game.
Basically, my interviewer asked me questions on my job, why I want to switch career, what is considered as good customer service, what if there was unreasonable passenger on flight-how would I handle it. Then he asked me to choose a faced-down card on the table and read a passage. And also to answer the question imposed on that passage itself.
My passage was that if I saw a passenger taking a teaspoon from the plane - how would I handle it?

After which, we waited for our results which I GOT THROUGH and we were given a letter to come down the next day at an allocated timing to go through the management round!!

:wink: i'm so going to flyyyy :lol:
for your cert checking? we need to bring both true and copy of the cert right? need to show any transcript?

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Post by synn » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 10:39 pm

hello, just checking for girls who write in before may i know how long does it take for them to inform you to go down to STC for interview after you send it? Do I fill in the microsoft fill and send it back to them or can i print, fill in then scan in and send them the scan copy?

thanks in advance!

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Post by slimslee » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 11:01 pm


For walk-in interviews, you're only required to bring your ORIGINAL certs.
It's until the management round where they will require you to bring photocopied of your certs, passport, IC.. :)

:wink: my passion to fly is finally fulfilling and it's happening tomorrow ! :wink:

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Post by rebeccacious » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 11:11 pm

missSHER wrote:hey guys..
for those who didnt get through today, dont give up and try again alright?
this was my 5th or 6th try, and i finally made it to the management round!!
tmr is the day, and i really hope i'll get in this time round.

can any kind soul please advise what i should look out/prepare for tmr's management?

thanks in advance!! :D
hey babe! congrats for making it through to the management round - you're almost there! for the management round there will be a group of 6 candidates and 2 interviewers. they're very nice people! usually from HR. they will ask you to introduce your partner, the person seated next to you. then you'll read a passage each, after that there will be a debate on current issues. last time mine was about the rights to showcasting the worldcup.

after that, most likely all will pass.. my group all of us made it through. then there will be the kebaya round, very simple, take your time and choose a kebaya that suits you, wear the sandals and walk up to the interviewer. she will check your leg and arms for scars. kebaya round very high passing rate, once you made it through management means you're 99% there. :) all the best babe, see you at STC soon!
SIA ♥♥

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Post by missSHER » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 11:23 pm

rebeccacious thanks for replying to my post!! :D

the last i heard, it was 4 candidates to 2 interviewers. now its 6??

and wow your topic on showcasing the world cup is tough eh!

anyway do you think they will boot people out of the kebaya round cause they are on the skinny side? i'm not too skinny, but my arms are rather thin! haha.

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Post by rebeccacious » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 11:24 pm

missSHER wrote:rebeccacious thanks for replying to my post!! :D

the last i heard, it was 4 candidates to 2 interviewers. now its 6??

and wow your topic on showcasing the world cup is tough eh!

anyway do you think they will boot people out of the kebaya round cause they are on the skinny side? i'm not too skinny, but my arms are rather thin! haha.
hmmm i went for the june interview it was changed to 6 candidates! yeah but all they want to see is you've your own opinion, must speak up! those who don't they will keep prompting you and that's not good.

nah, i've a friend who is super skinny and she got in, now my batchmate. lol :)
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Post by missSHER » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 11:24 pm

oh and are there mirrors in the room where u change into the kebaya?

they give you sufficient time to pick and change into the kebaya?

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Post by rebeccacious » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 11:27 pm

missSHER wrote:oh and are there mirrors in the room where u change into the kebaya?

they give you sufficient time to pick and change into the kebaya?
yes mine had mirrors. they give you up to 10 minutes to pick and change into the kebaya! :)
SIA ♥♥

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Post by missSHER » Sat, 07 Aug 2010 11:28 pm

thank you so much for your prompt response babe!
haha. i guess im just gonna surf abit and try to read up on some of the current affairs!!
really hope to join you at STC soon, hehe.
enjoy your training eh! :D

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Post by namron02 » Sun, 08 Aug 2010 2:26 am

Rebeccacious, you make me want to go try again the next recruitment! I tried in January for the first time this year and got booted out the last round, the management round. I was upset to be honest, more so cause I didn't know what was the reason, I thought I did well. But I guess it happened for a reason and I shall try again the next time round.

You saying the management round has high chance of passing got me feeling a little bit hopeful. I really want to fly and be a flight attendant. I hope there'll be another recruitment soon.

Congrats to all who got through and good luck for the management round. Tho whose who didn't, don't give, be strong, try again.

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