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Post by flumpet » Fri, 18 Jun 2010 5:55 pm

derenla wrote:flumpet: got through the interview but told to go home meaning she passed the medical everything? or just the first few rounds?

anyway if i am only able to start in sept is it okay to go the this upcoming interview? thanks! :D
no she didn't make it that far. but the fact that they told her to stop trying even though she made it past the 1st few stages means that september is most likely the cut off date.

You can try, this is just my guess.

All the best!

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Post by artsan » Fri, 18 Jun 2010 5:57 pm

derenla wrote:flumpet: got through the interview but told to go home meaning she passed the medical everything? or just the first few rounds?

anyway if i am only able to start in sept is it okay to go the this upcoming interview? thanks! :D
Starting in September should be alright, my friend went for the 8 May walk-in and got through (haven't got Mary's call but he didn't get called back for any "extra" medical) so should be safe. Oh the point is, he's ORD-ing in September.

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Post by aircastles » Fri, 18 Jun 2010 8:43 pm

hey artsan! :)

I've been snooping around the forums for a while now.. and when I saw your post, I found it hitting quite close to home for me and I hadddd to register to ask you about it. ahh.. I don't even know if my medical has cleared after soooo long =\

derenla: yep :) I would encourage to go for it! all the best!

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Post by artsan » Fri, 18 Jun 2010 9:04 pm

aircastles wrote:hey artsan! :)

I've been snooping around the forums for a while now.. and when I saw your post, I found it hitting quite close to home for me and I hadddd to register to ask you about it. ahh.. I don't even know if my medical has cleared after soooo long =\

derenla: yep :) I would encourage to go for it! all the best!
Hey aircastles, um... so your question is whether you have cleared your medical? Trust me, two of the people I met during the interview was not called back for anything after their medical check, and they waited (and waited and waited, agony!) until this morning to get called by Mary (for July's batch.) So I'd say you're quite safe if there's no news till now.

There are various reasons for HR to delay the call, but be positive! You should have this in the bag already. If you want to link up, I've PMed you my FB address so you can holler there. ;)

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Post by aircastles » Fri, 18 Jun 2010 9:14 pm

hey artsan! :) thanks for replying so quickly! haha, well.. similarly with your friend, I will be done with national slavery in Sept too and I went for the interviews on 8 May too, so I thought you were talking about me and you were one of the friends I made from my interview group.

haha talk about being conceited. :P

yesssss, it's very agonising. every day I awake with an itch in my heart, hoping M would call with good news, but I guess since my availability date is in sept, do you think they'll only call me in Aug?

OH! I got your PM! thanks a lot artsan :) I'll add you up on fb even though we won't be batchies =| hopefully we'll be future colleagues :)

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Post by artsan » Fri, 18 Jun 2010 9:29 pm

aircastles wrote:hey artsan! :) thanks for replying so quickly! haha, well.. similarly with your friend, I will be done with national slavery in Sept too and I went for the interviews on 8 May too, so I thought you were talking about me and you were one of the friends I made from my interview group.

haha talk about being conceited. :P

yesssss, it's very agonising. every day I awake with an itch in my heart, hoping M would call with good news, but I guess since my availability date is in sept, do you think they'll only call me in Aug?

OH! I got your PM! thanks a lot artsan :) I'll add you up on fb even though we won't be batchies =| hopefully we'll be future colleagues :)
Yes, I believe based on the "immediate" availability upon ORD, HR will call you boys about 3 weeks before ORD date to commence training shortly after. My friend's ORD-ing on the 11th, and I told him to anticipate the call around mid-August. Yeah, just a ballpark from me.

Meanwhile, just relax already...! My friend told me he's numb from the wait (his excitement also died down by a lot haha), and he said he'll just enjoy pre-ORD life for now.

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Post by Spiky » Sat, 19 Jun 2010 5:52 am

artsan wrote:
derenla wrote:flumpet: got through the interview but told to go home meaning she passed the medical everything? or just the first few rounds?

anyway if i am only able to start in sept is it okay to go the this upcoming interview? thanks! :D
Starting in September should be alright, my friend went for the 8 May walk-in and got through (haven't got Mary's call but he didn't get called back for any "extra" medical) so should be safe. Oh the point is, he's ORD-ing in September.
Hi just to share anyway for a heads up to others (nsf guys etc), the info above is similar to my case, except that i will be ord-ing in august. And yes i overheard the admin staff talking about the cut off date being in Sept. Question is, will the June interview be the last for the year 2010?
1) Maybe not, reason being there is no point waiting too long (i.e >2+ months) for a person to start training as he/she can always go for the next interview, which is why they reject those. For example my case, i'm available in august and so is underdog, and we are gonna have to wait extra long and am still waiting. It's taxing on us (No contract signing = nothing is confirmed) and it's just as tedious for them to put us on hold/waiting list and go through the trouble to finally slot us in when the time comes. What about those in Sept?
BUT from the looks of it there are still people who made it even though their availability is Sept.
2) Probably yes. there are already 2 batches in May, 5 batches in June, July (not sure abt it but likely to be same as June) and there's august to talk about. On top of that, the recent massive recruitment of foreign crew.
which you can see on the SIA website.


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Kakis on the 26th!

Post by maine21 » Mon, 21 Jun 2010 2:24 pm

Dear folks, anyone going for the 26th? wanna meet up and head there together? =) pls pm!

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Post by Abercrombie » Tue, 22 Jun 2010 7:32 am

SIA Cabin Crew Walk-In-Interviews on 26 June 2010 (Saturday)

We will be conducting walk-in interviews in Singapore as well as in Kuala Lumpur this weekend. If you have any relatives or friends interested to be a cabin crew, you may wish to inform them of the details below.


Grand Hyatt Singapore
Hibiscus Room
10 Scotts Road
Singapore 228211

Registration is from 0830h to 1400h.

Kuala Lumpur

Park Royal Kuala Lumpur
Level 2
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

Registration is from 0900h to 1400h.

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Post by Abercrombie » Tue, 22 Jun 2010 7:33 am


* Singapore or Malaysian citizenship
* Females who are at least 1.58m; Males who are at least 1.65m in height
* Degree/ Diploma
* At least 2 GCE ‘A’-level credits and 2 ‘AO’-level credits including General Paper in the GCE ‘A’-level examination
* At least 5 GCE ‘O’-level credits including English and working experience
* For Malaysian qualifications at SPM level, at least 5 credits including a minimum grade of B4 in English and working experience is required
* Completed, are exempted from, or are not liable for National Service. Those in the process of completing NS may also apply.

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Post by flumpet » Tue, 22 Jun 2010 9:24 am

Abercrombie wrote:Requirements

* Singapore or Malaysian citizenship
* Females who are at least 1.58m; Males who are at least 1.65m in height
* Degree/ Diploma
* At least 2 GCE ‘A’-level credits and 2 ‘AO’-level credits including General Paper in the GCE ‘A’-level examination
* At least 5 GCE ‘O’-level credits including English and working experience
* For Malaysian qualifications at SPM level, at least 5 credits including a minimum grade of B4 in English and working experience is required
* Completed, are exempted from, or are not liable for National Service. Those in the process of completing NS may also apply.
Try to go much earlier. If you think you have what it takes, then try to be in the first few groups. I think the chances of you getting selected will be higher. If you go too late your interview might be conducted around lunch time. Which I feel is not a really good period.

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Post by worridhopeful » Tue, 22 Jun 2010 5:09 pm

hi guys, well i wana ask how long is the ban for SIA if you fail management, do they have records of it? i went for the march interview and i was told to try again after cause i gave my availability only in sept. its already been 4 mths...i heard from some people its 6 mths, and some others who said 3 thinking to go for the 26th walk in.

would it be same? is there any existing crew who failed management, tried and got through after afew mths? please advise. thanks!

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Buying the guide book

Post by XueEn » Wed, 23 Jun 2010 12:39 am

Hi Guys,

I will be going for the 26 June 2010 interview. This is my first time going. Therefore, I wanna buy the guides for SIA interview. But is a little costly. Anyone want to share please email me at [email protected] I'm pool sharing. Good luck then :D
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Post by XueEn » Wed, 23 Jun 2010 11:33 am

Last edited by XueEn on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Xue En Sheren

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Tips sharing

Post by XueEn » Wed, 23 Jun 2010 12:28 pm

Hi Guys,
I went for the talk. Share some good tips with u all.
1) Smile ^_^ It seems to be easy right?
But If the interviewer were to ask you:"You are 26 this year, why do you come at this age?" etc.. Can u still smile back at him/her or show up your nervous face?

2)Don't hear too much rumours and myths on SIA interview. Eg: Shall I paint my nails red as I heard.. blah blah- NO, please don't make yourself look like a pontianak.
I mean is good to look into small little details like colour of your nails, bag to bring and etc. But if too much of hearing rumours will affect your entire presentation as you are scaring yourself.

3) Can u tell me your strong points and weakness?
Here u go: My weakness is I'm a hot temper person, but I have already ton down myself ALOT, ALOT ALOT X1000 times also NO use already. Please don't dig your own grave. Indirectly u r telling the interviewer that if customer was to be rude at me, I SWEAR i will whack his.... blah blah blah..(U get it?)

4) A small scar on your skin? Can I pass the skin check?
The general rules is "NO", u can't. BUT there is always an exemptional rules beside the general one.
*IMP- Please do not think u are so "heng" that the beautician did not realise u had a chicken pox scar. U r wrong. Silent does not mean ignorance. What you should do is tell her that this scar can be heal as you r goin for laser or do things to get rid the scar on (date). U see a doc regarding abt this scar at ...
(Please don jus say 4 fun, do get a doc 2 check first b4 interview) However, if it is just little pimples breakouts, do some make up.

5) If u really have questions, u can email me at [email protected]
I'm going for FIRST time interviewing oso. I talk so much does not mean I can go in. Jus to be kind and share some tips. Please do not make means comments. Afterall, I attended the talks and jus sharing nia. And don make fun of my singlish. No one gotta talk lik tt during interview.
Cheers =)
Last edited by XueEn on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Xue En Sheren

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