Hi Guys,
I went for the talk. Share some good tips with u all.
1) Smile ^_^ It seems to be easy right?
But If the interviewer were to ask you:"You are 26 this year, why do you come at this age?" etc.. Can u still smile back at him/her or show up your nervous face?
2)Don't hear too much rumours and myths on SIA interview. Eg: Shall I paint my nails red as I heard.. blah blah- NO, please don't make yourself look like a pontianak.
I mean is good to look into small little details like colour of your nails, bag to bring and etc. But if too much of hearing rumours will affect your entire presentation as you are scaring yourself.
3) Can u tell me your strong points and weakness?
Here u go: My weakness is I'm a hot temper person, but I have already
ton down myself ALOT, ALOT ALOT X1000 times also
NO use already. Please don't dig your own grave. Indirectly u r telling the interviewer that if customer was to be rude at me, I SWEAR i will whack his.... blah blah blah..(U get it?)
4) A small scar on your skin? Can I pass the skin check?
The general rules is "NO", u can't. BUT there is always an exemptional rules beside the general one.
*IMP- Please do not think u are so "heng" that the beautician did not realise u had a chicken pox scar. U r wrong. Silent does not mean ignorance. What you should do is tell her that this scar can be heal as you r goin for laser or do things to get rid the scar on (date). U see a doc regarding abt this scar at ...
(Please don jus say 4 fun, do get a doc 2 check first b4 interview) However, if it is just little pimples breakouts, do some make up.
5) If u really have questions, u can email me at
[email protected]
I'm going for FIRST time interviewing oso. I talk so much does not mean I can go in. Jus to be kind and share some tips. Please do not make means comments. Afterall, I attended the talks and jus sharing nia. And don make fun of my singlish. No one gotta talk lik tt during interview.
Cheers =)