I'm in the exact position as you guys. Still waitingkinderjoy wrote:yes...babyhugss1990 wrote:Oh man. What's your situation like? Exactly like mine?kinderjoy wrote: hey babe, me too.. i totally can understand how u feel...
Abercrombie wrote:FS - Flight Steward
FSS - Flight Stewardess
LS - Leading Steward
LSS - Leading Stewardess
CS - Chief Steward
CSS - Chief Stewardess
IFS - Inflight Supervisor
IFSS - Inflight Supervisor (Female)
Make that double, flumpet. I was called up for several follow-up check ups with expensive specialists. Submitted my last specialist's letter last Friday so hoping to get the call this week. You wrote how long notice period? Mine's like 1 month, but I can start earlier.flumpet wrote:i'm so sick of waiting when my friends have already been called up...
Derenla, personally I ORD-ed last September and am currently working full-time. On the note of waiting for the call, I think it's because we came this far after all the rounds of interview, and want it too badly, even waiting for that one day (or even few hours) for the call will make us cranky.derenla wrote:hey guys im just wondering what are you all doing now? are you all still working, just ORD etc? i was thinking if you still have a job while waiting for the call it wouldnt be that bad right.
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