Question wrote:Umnn... Question... Are there any guys who has receive reply from SIA? Or this coming interview is only for the girls?
Question again... Since that most of the questions and answers posted on this forum concerns mostly on the "superb" beauty outlook.... as in facial looks and height and personality and lah lah lah... .. SOo, does all this apply to the guys too? Hope to receive somesort of favourable answers..
Perhaps not definitely so, but preferably of course. If you've been following the posts here you might have learnt that SIA place attitudes of crew and professionalism in top priority as well. Since beauty is clichéd-ly termed 'in the eyes of the beholder', SIA picks those whose features, grace/elegance, smile, overall physical/facial appearance are universally acceptable and thought pleasant. I do not speak on behalf (or anything remotely near that) of SIA but these answers are much more of common logical sense than what of PhD level.
As for the height issue, 158cm is 158cm. If the people there shortchange you and measure you shorter than what you really are, they are probably using this chance to rid you [be it they don't like the way you look/walk/talk/smile] - brutal to say but best put yourself in the company's shoes.
These are entirely based on my own opinions and they could be wholly wrong. After all that's said and done, if you get short listed for the interview, go. Being afraid and unconfident of your own height is bewildering, just go there and give it a shot.
Paige & Tori - best of luck girls! (=