Gnip wrote:HENRYANG300 wrote:Hi to all,
I would be going for the interview too at 20 mar 10. But currently I am wearing braces and will only be removed this year june. So does that mean I can forget abt going for the interview?Cos I heard some of my friends from SIA saying that if u wear braces for the interview, U would sure be eliminated during the first round...??
Hi there, i'm on braces too and will only be removed by august. im still gg to try for the interview though just like you, i've heard that SIA will sure reject people with braces cos they had a bad history of people who did not manage to take out their braces "on time". anyw, they also felt that braces will affect the speech as we are supposed to be accessed on how we speak as well. but my take is, just give it a try. whether you got in or not, you'll still get to experience the interview to better prep you for the next one. all the best!