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Post by MrNewman » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 1:12 am

smurfieee wrote:
snowbaby8 wrote:
Thanks alot smurfieee for cheer me up. Can you give some advice from your experience to succed? :)
I will love you give you some advices...but I havent really speak to any interviewer about what they are looking for...most important..look confident...carry your smile humble...these 2 factors never go wrong..good luck! hope to see you in STC soon!
Hey smurfieee, ou're in STC now? Batch ? I'm there too. hahaha

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Post by Abercrombie » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 9:12 am

I am in batch 5XX :P

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Post by eunicelee » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 9:41 am

Gnip wrote:I need some help here please! The walk-in is on the 20th, I understand. Should I make it through all the rounds, is it possible for me to go for the medical examination a month later on? I have a flight to catch on the 21st. :/

Is there a number I can call for information on this?
honey,dont count your chickens until they are hatched.

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Post by natalatte » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 9:55 am

becrew wrote:
natalatte wrote:
eunicelee wrote:congratulation to those who made it through recently. i have a question for u guys. wad was the final round like? because as i heard,they change the format of the interview. rite?!
it was 2 interviewers to 4 interviewees.
there'll be 3 phase in the interview.

phase 1: given 30sec, knw the person beside you. Coz u're required to introduce this person instead of introducing yourself.

phase 2: discussion question. you'll need to given your own opinion to the question given. interviewers will then further elaborate it by asking you whether u agree to the other person's pt of view n etc!

phase 3: passage reading

tt's abt all~~ but it was pretty tense!!


i cant really remember how many sentences. it was pretty long. probably a few paragraphs. it's not on-board announcements. but passages regarding PAX feeling and quotations of traveling with SQ n the in-flight services, meals & etc... there will be words you dont usually see on daily basis. for example : SAUTEED
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Post by charmaiin » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 10:52 am

natalatte wrote: i cant really remember how many sentences. it was pretty long. probably a few paragraphs. it's not on-board announcements. but passages regarding PAX feeling and quotations of traveling with SQ n the in-flight services, meals & etc... there will be words you dont usually see on daily basis. for example : SAUTEED
haha natalie, everyone was talking about that word.. my group girls also stumbled on the 'sauteed'. and i learnt the correct pronounciation of "memorable" is not "meh-more-a-ble" but "meh-mere-a-ble". :)

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Post by natalatte » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 11:11 am

charmaiin wrote:
natalatte wrote: i cant really remember how many sentences. it was pretty long. probably a few paragraphs. it's not on-board announcements. but passages regarding PAX feeling and quotations of traveling with SQ n the in-flight services, meals & etc... there will be words you dont usually see on daily basis. for example : SAUTEED
haha natalie, everyone was talking about that word.. my group girls also stumbled on the 'sauteed'. and i learnt the correct pronounciation of "memorable" is not "meh-more-a-ble" but "meh-mere-a-ble". :)
i got the passage with SAUTEED in it.. luckily pearlynn n erwon was talking abt tt word b4 interview. else i wont knw how to pronounce
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Post by Plavt » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 5:22 pm

natalatte wrote:
i got the passage with SAUTEED in it.. luckily pearlynn n erwon was talking abt tt word b4 interview. else i wont knw how to pronounce
I'm not surprised if this is your standard of English! :roll:

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Post by natalatte » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 5:56 pm

Plavt wrote:
natalatte wrote:
i got the passage with SAUTEED in it.. luckily pearlynn n erwon was talking abt tt word b4 interview. else i wont knw how to pronounce
I'm not surprised if this is your standard of English! :roll:
thks for ur compliment. :) if urs is good is more than enough.
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Post by charmaiin » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 7:06 pm

Plavt wrote:
natalatte wrote:
i got the passage with SAUTEED in it.. luckily pearlynn n erwon was talking abt tt word b4 interview. else i wont knw how to pronounce
I'm not surprised if this is your standard of English! :roll:
whats wrong with u?

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Post by Plavt » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 7:31 pm

natalatte wrote:
thks for ur compliment. :) if urs is good is more than enough.

Mine is good enough, I even have certificates to prove it. :P Now what you probably haven't considered is this; if you keep on using that text language you will fall in to bad habits and it will affect your ability when it comes to test like the one you mention above whatever you might think. I can understand why anybody would use it on a mobile phone since they are small screens and can be irritating to use (as I found out).

That word you struggled with is French in origin and has a French pronunciation. Here's another for example and it is quite common: Cabernet Sauvignon which is a wine. Perhaps it's a little hard for you to see but if keep to correct English (no you don't have to be perfect) you will not struggle nearly as much when you come across those words that seem irregular to you. Note: English has many words that have been adapted from other languages. Saute (should be an accent on last e) comes from the French Sauter meaning to jump.

Here's something for you; ... ossary.mp3

Ps: Cabernet Sauvignon is also French - in French consonants at the end of words are silent.

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Post by charmaiin » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 9:29 pm

Haha Plavt,

I think you can just relax.. It's called net language for a reason, and this is just a forum - we need not use perfect English to converse on forums because it does not reflect on our standard of English. For that matter, nat can type in whichever way she wants.

Singaporeans like to type this way anyway.. though I'm sure your English roots won't approve. :P

In any case, we all learn something new everyday. Good for you that your English is certified and all that, but don't worry about us yeah? And you don't have to judge our standard of English just by how we type on the forums, you have never met any of us or spoken to any of us in person.

Thanks for your reference on the pronunciations.

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Post by maxiii » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 9:41 pm

charmaiin wrote:Haha Plavt,

I think you can just relax.. It's called net language for a reason, and this is just a forum - we need not use perfect English to converse on forums because it does not reflect on our standard of English. For that matter, nat can type in whichever way she wants.

Singaporeans like to type this way anyway.. though I'm sure your English roots won't approve. :P

In any case, we all learn something new everyday. Good for you that your English is certified and all that, but don't worry about us yeah? And you don't have to judge our standard of English just by how we type on the forums, you have never met any of us or spoken to any of us in person.

Thanks for your reference on the pronunciations.
Couldn't agree more!

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Post by Plavt » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 11:43 pm

charmaiin wrote:
I think you can just relax.. It's called net language for a reason, and this is just a forum - we need not use perfect English to converse on forums because it does not reflect on our standard of English.
Wrong as I said it breeds bad habits but as you clearly do not want to know when you fail at this or any other test, do allow me the grand pleasure of saying "what did I tell you?" Please note one can judge you by how you write on forums and make no mistake they will. One moderator runs his own company and would view such actions as lazy (think about that).
you have never met any of us or spoken to any of us in person.

Wrong again, I have met three people from this forum and this particular section and will sooner or later meet a forth.

Ps: Do have a look around this board the use of Singlish and sms text messaging has been debated more than once and you might understand why some disapprove .

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Post by charmaiin » Sun, 14 Feb 2010 3:00 am

Plavt: Okay... to each his own then. Sometimes, we just have to agree to disagree. All I'm saying is we're free to write however we want (even if you think it breeds bad habits and you disapprove), and because you've not met/spoken to nat or myself (we're definitely not in the 3 you met), there's no need to judge our standard of English.. The issue of the use of Singlish in Singapore has been debated for so many years, not only on this forum. So while I might understand why some disapprove of Singlish, it doesnt mean I think that everyone should be governed by these language rules. We're not kids who need to be tutored & mentored.

I'm not saying I condone Singlish, just hoping that all of us here can have the freedom of typing however we want, as long as we don't break any forum rules, there's no need to be so kaypoh, lah. I'm very sure that Singlish can be perfectly understood by the others in this forum.

Thank you for your concerns on breeding bad habits, I guess somewhere, somehow, it started with a good intention.

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Post by natalatte » Sun, 14 Feb 2010 3:23 am

charmaiin wrote:Plavt: Okay... to each his own then. Sometimes, we just have to agree to disagree. All I'm saying is we're free to write however we want (even if you think it breeds bad habits and you disapprove), and because you've not met/spoken to nat or myself (we're definitely not in the 3 you met), there's no need to judge our standard of English.. The issue of the use of Singlish in Singapore has been debated for so many years, not only on this forum. So while I might understand why some disapprove of Singlish, it doesnt mean I think that everyone should be governed by these language rules. We're not kids who need to be tutored & mentored.

I'm not saying I condone Singlish, just hoping that all of us here can have the freedom of typing however we want, as long as we don't break any forum rules, there's no need to be so kaypoh, lah. I'm very sure that Singlish can be perfectly understood by the others in this forum.

Thank you for your concerns on breeding bad habits, I guess somewhere, somehow, it started with a good intention.
way to go babe!! =)
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