Plavt: Okay... to each his own then. Sometimes, we just have to agree to disagree. All I'm saying is we're free to write however we want (even if you think it breeds bad habits and you disapprove), and because you've not met/spoken to nat or myself (we're definitely not in the 3 you met), there's no need to judge our standard of English.. The issue of the use of Singlish in Singapore has been debated for so many years, not only on this forum. So while I might understand why some disapprove of Singlish, it doesnt mean I think that everyone should be governed by these language rules. We're not kids who need to be tutored & mentored.
I'm not saying I
condone Singlish, just hoping that all of us here can have the freedom of typing however we want, as long as we don't break any forum rules, there's no need to be so kaypoh,
lah. I'm very sure that Singlish can be perfectly understood by the others in this forum.
Thank you for your concerns on breeding bad habits, I guess somewhere, somehow, it started with a good intention.