Hey girl, many of us also had to go for this 2nd medical. Basically you pay $160 to the radiology clinic at Mt E.. and they take a 2nd xray of your spine to measure the cobb's angle, but you will not know the results because they send it str back to SIA, who will call u to notify you if you passed your medical or not.CrazyBerry wrote:Hi pho87...
Im new to this forum and I really really need your help here. First and foremost, congratulations!!! I am supposed to be starting training soon as well but I just got a call asking me to go for another medical checkup as my scoliosis is showing. And i have to fork out money from my own pocket. So what is the 2nd medical check up like? And how bad is bad? Was yours protruding out? And what is the cobb angle to pass? I desperately need your help in this. And it would be really kind of you to actually advise me on how severe your problem was because I can roughly gauge for myself if i should or should not go for the 2nd medical checkup. Coz i dont wanna end up paying and still fail the medical checkup. Thank you!!!
Best Wishes!
From what I know , the acceptable degree is below 20, but i have also heard of people who failed even though their degree is less than that. But i suggest you go for it, you're already so close, it'll be a pity if you just give up now and don't go for your medical.
Im still waiting for my results as well...