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SIA cabin crew

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Post by amandababy » Tue, 08 Dec 2009 4:49 pm

when i went for my interview for the write-in, there'a a girl who tried to tiptoe abit, but still measured at 156cm. but she was able to go for her group interview. whether she managed to get thru round 1, i'm not too sure.

in my own opinion, i don't really think M is giving false hope. if i'm below 158cm, and i really want this badly, no matter what ppl said abt rejection, i'll still give it a try. becos if you dont try, the chance of getting in is definitely a ZERO. but if you try, and got rejected, then at least you know you've got no regret not knowing the results. take it as a bonus if you didn't get rejected.

girls who do not meet the height requirements, ask yourself if you want the job even to risk that embarrassing moment, or never even try becos you are too afraid of rejection?

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Post by zxtangellove » Tue, 08 Dec 2009 5:11 pm

duriancake wrote: it boils down to, whether you wanna go give it a try.. whether you think the wait is worth it anot. :wink:
Yeap. I would not give any comment as to whether any of you will be turned away due to height requirement not met. I agree with what duriancake have said. If i want it very much, whether i can or not, i would try (for my case).

Btw durian, on your previous Q (I have to go off topic here since there are so many girls worried abt their skin at the interview), I am referring to general breakout due to hormonal changes etc. Although I have sensitive skin and get occasional itches (small red bumps which looks kind of like pimples) from dust/dirts, oral medication works fine for me.

If you've sourced for info from other forums, oral medication causes very dry skin if you don't hydrate yourself often during period of consumption. On top of that, long term MAY cause liver problem (esp medication such as nimegen). Hence i recommend it as a short term/temp solution.

I get breakout on my forehead again whenever i stop medication for 2 weeks. I've been having oral medication on and off for abt 2-3 years (note i did not follow Dr's prescription but always cut down on dosage as i find it too harsh and dry for my skin). My skin took a change for the better earlier this year and I've since stop oral medication :) I just hope you girls don't get addicted like me. I believe this period of frequent medication intake has taken quite a toll on my health even though there are no apparent adverse effect at the moment (i do realise my "monthly" cycle becomes very irregular). I will see in time to come.

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Post by zxtangellove » Tue, 08 Dec 2009 5:13 pm

AuroraValentina1927 wrote:
hey zxtangellove!
what happens for u after the kebaya round?
That was the end for Day 1. Once you passed kebaya rd, they will give you a letter to "invite" you for final interview.

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Post by duriancake » Tue, 08 Dec 2009 5:56 pm

dont wanna spam my qns on this thread.. pm-ed you dear.

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Post by M » Tue, 08 Dec 2009 9:28 pm

caryssa wrote:well, like wht u said..its on case by case basic. I am sure you heard before a lot of girl being rejected during the measurement time because of the shortage of 1 or 2 cm..if the girl who measured their height already failed them, then how are they going to prove that they are the one that the interviewer looking for? they wont even have the chance to show it.. :roll:
as when you said its not for safety reason, that is what i heard from my crew friend. The height requirement is to enable cc to reach the safety equipment during emergency and the equipment is stowed in the compartment.Am just sharing.But I still think you shouldnt giving them a hope that less 1 or 2 cm is ok because they have to waste their few hours just to being rejected at the height measurement time.
I know you are one of those SQ gal now. But still, from the way you talk, I hope you are not the one serving me onflight one day :P

Whatever it is, happy flying..
caryssa, if one do not try for the position, how would you know what is the outcome? no doubt you wont be assured of the position but wouldnt it be worse if you simply stay home and question about the height issue when you wouldnt know the answer yourself.

i mean everyone can be like you, be pessimistic and be edgy over the internet. [-X the point ive been driving since I DO NOT KNOW how many pages back is; try for the interview for you do not know the outcome yourself. :o

fyi, im a steward, not your typical SQ gal. and trust me, you and your words remind me of typical singaporeans whom we see onboard. ugly ones. :shit:

last but not least, most of the safety equipments are located on the floorboard, depending on aircraft type. only a few are located on the overhead bins. if you need the locations, PM me, i will let you know. :girl:

whatever valid reason it is for the minimum height to be, only the company and trainers know. :cool: whatever it is, goodluck for your coming interview but likewise, as much as you do not wish to be served by me, i hope i will not get to work with you. :P
Last edited by M on Tue, 08 Dec 2009 10:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by tkelvin » Tue, 08 Dec 2009 10:11 pm

heya M! mind if I add you on msn or something? would like to chat regarding the interview. :)

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Post by Plavt » Tue, 08 Dec 2009 10:26 pm

caryssa wrote:if height is not an issue, then why is there a min height requirement in the first place? the min height requirement is for safety reason..its very important..unless u have a long enough hand even though you are 156/157cm?
Exactly! Fact of the matter is; if you cannot reach the overhead lockers safely you are no use to the airline since in the case of Emirates for example some safety equipment is located there. Regarding SIA, I notice it has been mentioned more than once they are higher in the A380's than normal. Whether or not SIA ever test someone on their arm-reach standing on tip-toes or ever will I don't know.

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Post by M » Tue, 08 Dec 2009 10:51 pm

简直是对牛弹琴 :shit:

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Post by caryssa » Tue, 08 Dec 2009 11:08 pm

PLavt, thanks for the post..

but well, i guess our dear M here is not happy with me already :cry:
my intention of sharing more info seems to be making some ppl here not happy.. :-|

oh M, my mistakes for thought you are a FSS instead of FS. But still, thanks for the wishes..Dont wish to bring this issue any further :wink:
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Post by Plavt » Tue, 08 Dec 2009 11:24 pm

M wrote:简直是对牛弹琴 :shit:
Translation for those unable to read Chinese;

To play the lute to a cow and can be roughly translated as: to have chosen the wrong audience; to preach to deaf ears; to waste one's effort.

Suggestion; Have a good look at some of your own posts. :lol:

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Post by M » Wed, 09 Dec 2009 12:46 am

Plavt wrote:Translation for those unable to read Chinese;

To play the lute to a cow and can be roughly translated as: to have chosen the wrong audience; to preach to deaf ears; to waste one's effort.

Suggestion; Have a good look at some of your own posts. :lol:
Sure, I will for I do not understand why is that someone whom isn't working on the aircraft is debating on this issue? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just like are interviewees required to have the ability to swim when now the whole swimming procedure is scrapped in SIA TRAINING CENTER, SINGAPORE for the interview. duh. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
Last edited by M on Wed, 09 Dec 2009 12:56 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by M » Wed, 09 Dec 2009 12:47 am

caryssa wrote:PLavt, thanks for the post..

but well, i guess our dear M here is not happy with me already :cry:
my intention of sharing more info seems to be making some ppl here not happy.. :-|

oh M, my mistakes for thought you are a FSS instead of FS. But still, thanks for the wishes..Dont wish to bring this issue any further :wink:
that was my intention too and i didnt see the need for tails to be stepped on. nevertheless, good luck. :cool:

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Post by Plavt » Wed, 09 Dec 2009 12:59 am

M wrote:
Sure, I will for I do not understand when non-crews are debating on the height issues like yourself? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am not debating, simpy stating the obvious which has nothing do with being crew.
Just like are interviewees required to have the ability to swim when now the whole swimming procedure is scrapped in SIA TRAINING CENTER, SINGAPORE for the interview. duh.
This is irrelevant and has nothing to do with your recent posts and denotes not only your arrogance, sarcasm and stupidity but shows your incompetence and inability with the English language. Note: I have never mentioned anything about the water confidence test since it was scrapped so get your facts right! By the way I probably know more about aircraft than you do since I notice the cabin crew rarely have much, if any technical knowledge. Since you are obviousy so damned stupid why not do us all big favour and shut up half-wit!

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Post by kindaichi1234 » Wed, 09 Dec 2009 12:28 pm

Plavt wrote:
M wrote:
Sure, I will for I do not understand when non-crews are debating on the height issues like yourself? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am not debating, simpy stating the obvious which has nothing do with being crew.
Just like are interviewees required to have the ability to swim when now the whole swimming procedure is scrapped in SIA TRAINING CENTER, SINGAPORE for the interview. duh.
This is irrelevant and has nothing to do with your recent posts and denotes not only your arrogance, sarcasm and stupidity but shows your incompetence and inability with the English language. Note: I have never mentioned anything about the water confidence test since it was scrapped so get your facts right! By the way I probably know more about aircraft than you do since I notice the cabin crew rarely have much, if any technical knowledge. Since you are obviousy so damned stupid why not do us all big favour and shut up half-wit!

M really shingzz lolx :P

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Post by blurcase » Wed, 09 Dec 2009 2:08 pm

Hello all ... I am a newbie here... though I have followed this forum since 2 years ago.. heexx...

I am going for the coming interview!

But, I have a scar on my lower elbow... its like dark pigmentation something like that..

I know I know... scar is not allowed.. thats y i wondered is there any ppl here suceeded the interview with a scar?

I wanted to do laser! can anyone intro any docs to me??

Thanks in advance!

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