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Post by robertpires » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 6:58 pm

ilnew wrote: after she told me, i couldn't help but wonder what is it that the interviewers were really looking for then? is it really just based on the looks? (my friend said that the girl in her group who got in looked quite oriental and non-local) those who spoke well, smiled alot, had good grooming didn't manage to get in instead. i'm planning to go for the 12dec walk-in, hence i'm thinking about how should i go about presenting myself that day!

Simple, the hr policies for SQ is questionable lately. It rather obvious how pple like that can get through.

Not tryin to be disrespectful. I was among the guys who was there today.

For Rd 1, Only 3 made it through. 1 of them cant speak English for nuts, his whole body was shaking all the time. The other talks nonsense and was the longest for the introduction and he even 'exposed' himself saying his brother is a cabin crew. And yup these are the 2 pple who got through. Both are friends. And we realised that earlier while sitting outside the room for RD 1, the guy's brother went into the interview room briefly.

Some of you girls might know the guy's brother, he was sitting on the couch outside the room and flirting with some girls who made it through to 2nd round.

Now, you decide what could have happened. Painful indeed for the rest of my group with some who i thought really deserve to be selected instead.
Meritocracy? My arse.

Something to note, the interviewers for RD 1 are really young this time!

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Post by reverseforwardstop » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 7:07 pm

yeah i got in. (: have no idea because the lady told us to come back on 30th for finals so i was wondering maybe they changed the date.

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Re: Nationality

Post by jungirl » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 7:28 pm

hi. are all those who went for interview Singaporeans/Malaysians?

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Post by amandababy » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 7:49 pm

hey reverseforwardstop/gina, i'm rachel's friend, sutian! i heard from her that you got thru! congrats!

no one in my group got in. my question was, what's your greatest achievement. i was stammering, and i saw alot of pretty ones at the interview. so was expected to not get in.

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Post by MauriceChai » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 7:52 pm

Hello all!

To those who made it through to the final interview, good job and good luck!
You're now one step closer to your dream so go all out for it!

I went for my first ever intv on the 24th, and was team up against a few cabin crews who
has considerable amount of experience flying for other airlines and
frankly speaking, what are the odds? Nonetheless! A good experience! Made
a few friends over there and the group of us even ended up having coffee
after that.

One thing I'm trying to put across here is that there is really no point getting
into any discussion about what are they really looking for and all the "hear-say"
Most importantly is to get up and dust down, get yourself ready for the walk
in this coming December. Other acrimonious/heated discussion and opinions can wait.
Remember, good things come to those who never stop
believing. Stop all the "self-blame" and all the "what did I say that went wrong"
and push forward!

The few of us will actually be meeting up on 12th December and head to
the walk in later, so do PM me if you guys are interested in heading there

[email protected]

Once again, Congratulations to those who made it thru. Good job and God bless you all! (:
Last edited by MauriceChai on Wed, 25 Nov 2009 8:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
'...the pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.'

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Post by reverseforwardstop » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 7:53 pm

heyhey (: thanks. will u be going for the walk in then? I think the first stage was the hardest but after that i managed to calm down and i just chatted with the interviewer. (:

loh loh
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Post by loh loh » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 10:20 pm

reverseforwardstop wrote:heyhey (: thanks. will u be going for the walk in then? I think the first stage was the hardest but after that i managed to calm down and i just chatted with the interviewer. (:
sob sob. at least last time still can get in to round 2. today rd 1 also cannot pass man... :( so weird. cos i used excactly the same intro i did last time. so really depends on luck. i'm going to try for the dec again. if cannot, then gt to resign to fate. :)

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Post by loh loh » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 10:24 pm

robertpires wrote:
ilnew wrote: after she told me, i couldn't help but wonder what is it that the interviewers were really looking for then? is it really just based on the looks? (my friend said that the girl in her group who got in looked quite oriental and non-local) those who spoke well, smiled alot, had good grooming didn't manage to get in instead. i'm planning to go for the 12dec walk-in, hence i'm thinking about how should i go about presenting myself that day!
don't have to be worry. i think this really depends on fate and luck. grooming part not so important, but at least mus be bit presentable. try to be yourself on that day!

Simple, the hr policies for SQ is questionable lately. It rather obvious how pple like that can get through.

Not tryin to be disrespectful. I was among the guys who was there today.

For Rd 1, Only 3 made it through. 1 of them cant speak English for nuts, his whole body was shaking all the time. The other talks nonsense and was the longest for the introduction and he even 'exposed' himself saying his brother is a cabin crew. And yup these are the 2 pple who got through. Both are friends. And we realised that earlier while sitting outside the room for RD 1, the guy's brother went into the interview room briefly.

Some of you girls might know the guy's brother, he was sitting on the couch outside the room and flirting with some girls who made it through to 2nd round.

Now, you decide what could have happened. Painful indeed for the rest of my group with some who i thought really deserve to be selected instead.
Meritocracy? My arse.

Something to note, the interviewers for RD 1 are really young this time!

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Post by autumn-reverie » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:13 pm

Spoons wrote:Hey, I'm eighteen this year, gna try the walk in interview as I've finished my A levels.. What will be my chances of getting in the crew if I have null experience? :-|
Hey babe,
I got in when I was 18 after my A-levels too. So do give it a try! :) However it'll be good to gain some work experience, i worked at LV for a few months before I applied and i think it helped me get in.

MirageBomb & M: blush sorry i'm so outdated! When i was still flying, almost every girl wore fake eyelashes, it seems pretty strict to need endorsement from the beautician, do you all know why the change?

I rmb this stewardess who wore the big eye contact lenses and the captain complimented her on having pretty eyes and I agree! It's a pity that there are crew who will complain about fellow crew to mgmt.

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Post by okieping » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:20 pm

loh loh wrote:
reverseforwardstop wrote:heyhey (: thanks. will u be going for the walk in then? I think the first stage was the hardest but after that i managed to calm down and i just chatted with the interviewer. (:
sob sob. at least last time still can get in to round 2. today rd 1 also cannot pass man... :( so weird. cos i used excactly the same intro i did last time. so really depends on luck. i'm going to try for the dec again. if cannot, then gt to resign to fate. :)

dont give up... if this job is wht u really want, go all the way for it!

Ms Jenn
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Post by Ms Jenn » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:31 pm

I was there today, got kicked out of the 1st round, how sad. Wondering if i should go in for the walk in on the 12th. Was waiting along the stools at the walls and saw some guys waiting for their results. There was a guy with a pink tie who was really good looking!

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Post by ilnew » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:36 pm

seems like the interviewers were really more into looks, rather than substance? i have always thought that one would be able to make it through so long he/she looks presentable, has good grooming and can speak fluently. but it doesn't seem the case apparently. will you be trying again on 12dec, robertpires? i think you should! :)

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Post by robertpires » Thu, 26 Nov 2009 12:13 am

Looks? you joking right? obviously they dont..cause a few of the guys with really gd looks and spoke very well didnt get thru. Like this eurasian guy and a couple more.

well you thought wrong. after a while, you will realise how bias the interviews are unless its some massive recruitment.

anyway gd luck for the 12 dec if you are gg.

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Post by ilnew » Thu, 26 Nov 2009 12:28 am

but if the interviewers are biased, what are they biased towards? because the girl who got in in my friend's group, couldn't speak well and she was stammering, and the others couldn't figure what she was saying most of the time. but so what? she still made it through although there were a few other girls who really stood out.

i am planning to go on 12dec! what about you?

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Post by harajukugirl » Thu, 26 Nov 2009 12:42 am

thanks to everyone who's shared about the interview process. you guys are very kind :D to those who didn't get through, there's always next month's interview! be determined and fight for it if you really want this job =D>

just curious how they determine the groupings of 10? is it random, or will they lump you together with the other 9 who registered before/after you (ie in sequence)?

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