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Post by pongpong » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:25 pm

hehe.. yes M! smoother for all other interviews. even not with sia!

it is really indeed what the fellow forumers said.. BE YOURSELF!
cos.. i think all the girls speaks generally well...interviewers eyes are busy scanning up & down.. whahha. even we din get thru this, i'm sure we will excel somewhere!

my khaki who went wif me is now at round 3.. I hope she gets in!!!
it is nice.. to know someone who shared the same goal with me today in this forum .. :) xoxo. u noe who u r!!

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Post by artsan » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:27 pm

pongpong wrote:lol.. i got booted out 1st round. not a bad experience!! qn: wat is your favorite movie..
Hey pongpong, how many in your group got in to the next round? You know, I still don't get the relevance between movies & the job. Maybe it's an aptitude test, or they just want to see how we react to out-of-the-norm qns? Someone enlighten me.

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Post by M » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:29 pm

pongpong wrote:hehe.. yes M! smoother for all other interviews. even not with sia!

it is really indeed what the fellow forumers said.. BE YOURSELF!
cos.. i think all the girls speaks generally well...interviewers eyes are busy scanning up & down.. whahha. even we din get thru this, i'm sure we will excel somewhere!

my khaki who went wif me is now at round 3.. I hope she gets in!!!
it is nice.. to know someone who shared the same goal with me today in this forum .. :) xoxo. u noe who u r!!
in this kind of interview, luck plays a major part too. criteria wise, there are so much which are laid down in black and white but there are also so many other unknown factors too.

so just head there, be yourself, enjoy the journey and you shall find yourself at your destination. :cool:

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Post by M » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:30 pm

artsan wrote:Hey pongpong, how many in your group got in to the next round? You know, I still don't get the relevance between movies & the job. Maybe it's an aptitude test, or they just want to see how we react to out-of-the-norm qns? Someone enlighten me.
the answers do not matter. the self introduction doesn't matter.

it's the way you present yourself. the overall package which can only be determined by the interviewers themselves. :cool:

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Post by chocopie » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:33 pm

I was out on round 1 too :)
but m glad enough this time i wasn't asked to leave bcos of my height.
i was measured at 157.5cm. qn was if we were 1st time tourist, where will u take us n why? Those 2 gals who got in from my gp spoke really well n they r really confident. i on the other hand cant speak well :p hehe

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Post by pongpong » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:35 pm

Hey pongpong, how many in your group got in to the next round? You know, I still don't get the relevance between movies & the job. Maybe it's an aptitude test, or they just want to see how we react to out-of-the-norm qns? Someone enlighten me.[/quote]

hey artsan, 3 in my group got through! hehe... is there any answers that the interviewers had on their list when they ask this? what if we answered with a horror movie title. or animation. or a foreign language movie.. haha.. so they will just classify us as horrible? childish? hhaa.. but all of us know that we should stick to some safe movie titles yeah. no matter what question they ask, its just a session for self introduction lah.. 1 of the girl spoke abt why she wanted to join SIA even though the interviewers din ask. she got in! :)

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Post by artsan » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:35 pm

M wrote:the answers do not matter. the self introduction doesn't matter.

it's the way you present yourself. the overall package which can only be determined by the interviewers themselves. :cool:
Hey M, thanks. I'll just keep my fingers crossed for 12th's walk-in then. Oh yes, another thing, have you met lanky/skinny male colleagues at SQ? I'm concerned about my weight jeopardizing my chances. :roll:

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Post by tangerinetofu » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:40 pm

Hey babes!

Today's interview sequence was a little different.

It went like this:
1. Introduction and answer a question
2. game, 1 - 1
3. skin test + kebaya (i think)

In my first round, me and another girl got in. There were quite a number of groups with 0 people being shortlisted. I got out in the second round. Got to say that I expected it after exiting from the room because I did not answer my scenario based question well. I guess, this is another great experience for me!

I will definitely try again for the walk-in, and ladies! If this is what you really want, please do not give up! (:

(PS. I wore a purple top and grey pants and were one of the first few groups! If anyone here have seen me do say hi! )
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Post by M » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:41 pm

artsan wrote:Hey M, thanks. I'll just keep my fingers crossed for 12th's walk-in then. Oh yes, another thing, have you met lanky/skinny male colleagues at SQ? I'm concerned about my weight jeopardizing my chances. :roll:
There are but even if there isn't, not going to the interview will represent a mere 0% of success for yourself.
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. -Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

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Post by tangerinetofu » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:43 pm

pongpong wrote: hey artsan, 3 in my group got through! hehe... is there any answers that the interviewers had on their list when they ask this? what if we answered with a horror movie title. or animation. or a foreign language movie.. haha.. so they will just classify us as horrible? childish? hhaa.. but all of us know that we should stick to some safe movie titles yeah. no matter what question they ask, its just a session for self introduction lah.. 1 of the girl spoke abt why she wanted to join SIA even though the interviewers din ask. she got in! :)
I think the first round is really about the way you speak and the way you present yourself, your appearances and your attire etc. Everyone is entitled to what they like.. so whatever your answer may be, I don't think it will matter that much.
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Post by okieping » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:55 pm

1st round is more on the 1st impression.. not so much about how you talk and wht u say... (but of cos u dont talk like ah lian or Ms low la)
for those who are trying for the interview, dont give up...
just take every interview as a lesson..

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Booted out in 1st round!!!

Post by winzy » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 2:58 pm

Hi all, Just wanna share my experience with the guys here.
I went for my interview this morning. Surprisingly there weren't many guys around. Anyway, nobody from my group got past the 1st group round. Hahaha! I thought 1 or 2 from my group were quite eloquent. The question we got was "tell us your worst customer service experience" Such a simple question but yet I tried to be a smart aleck and this is what I replied "I have never experienced any bad customer service because I always believe that when you treat others with respect and a smile, others will in return treat you with respect and a smile. And therefore, I have always receive great customer service whether I am in restaurants, shops or the supermarkets."
LOL... next time I should just come up with a politically right answer.

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Re: Booted out in 1st round!!!

Post by tangerinetofu » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 3:02 pm

winzy wrote:Hi all, Just wanna share my experience with the guys here.
I went for my interview this morning. Surprisingly there weren't many guys around. Anyway, nobody from my group got past the 1st group round. Hahaha! I thought 1 or 2 from my group were quite eloquent. The question we got was "tell us your worst customer service experience" Such a simple question but yet I tried to be a smart aleck and this is what I replied "I have never experienced any bad customer service because I always believe that when you treat others with respect and a smile, others will in return treat you with respect and a smile. And therefore, I have always receive great customer service whether I am in restaurants, shops or the supermarkets."
LOL... next time I should just come up with a politically right answer.
I think some questions are hard! I probably will not be able to answer this question properly as well. Sometimes, it really depends on a lil luck as well.
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Re: Booted out in 1st round!!!

Post by Greenapple123 » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 3:20 pm

tangerinetofu wrote:
winzy wrote:Hi all, Just wanna share my experience with the guys here.
I went for my interview this morning. Surprisingly there weren't many guys around. Anyway, nobody from my group got past the 1st group round. Hahaha! I thought 1 or 2 from my group were quite eloquent. The question we got was "tell us your worst customer service experience" Such a simple question but yet I tried to be a smart aleck and this is what I replied "I have never experienced any bad customer service because I always believe that when you treat others with respect and a smile, others will in return treat you with respect and a smile. And therefore, I have always receive great customer service whether I am in restaurants, shops or the supermarkets."
LOL... next time I should just come up with a politically right answer.
I think some questions are hard! I probably will not be able to answer this question properly as well. Sometimes, it really depends on a lil luck as well.
Totally agreed with u! It really depends on luck sometimes.......

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Post by winzy » Wed, 25 Nov 2009 3:21 pm

hahaha... yeah. I but guess they weren't looking for the right answers. I tried to have eye contact with the interviewers and there were 3 of them. And the one in the middle looks so grouchy and stern. We all wondered if she is being forced to conduct this interview or if she's constipated. LOL

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