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by MauriceChai » Mon, 23 Nov 2009 7:49 pm
Hello people, we're on the eve of the first interview which will be
conducted tomorrow! Good luck and make sure all of you are armed
with your answers which you have practiced for the past few days right
to your teeth. There is nothing to Fear, and I'll share this article here and
it'll be good if you can take time off to read it.
To those who're scheduled for 24th and 25th, best of luck! Keep 26th in
sight. God bless you all.
When we fear losing something, we place ourselves in a position to lose it.
When we fear losing somebody’s love or affection, we are immediately in
jeopardy of losing it.
“Enjoy and concentrate on what you have, not dwell on losing what you have.”
'...the pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.'