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by M » Fri, 08 Jul 2005 11:35 pm
Just Do It wrote:Hey everyone!
1) Anyone went for Wed 6th Jul 05Kebaya test, water confidence test, and psychometric test? What is the number of girls who came down for the day, and the number who thereafter got into the final management interview?
2) Anyone knows what to watch out for during the final management interview? What kinda qns are usually asked?
Thank you so much in advance

6th was for the gentlemen and 7th was for the ladies.

Management interview? Just be composed and answer their questions rightfully to your best knowledge.

Just Do It
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by Just Do It » Sat, 09 Jul 2005 1:43 am
Thats what I heard too. Funny, but someone told me she went for her kebaya test on the 6th. So eerie.
Ask You M, for the guys, was anyone kicked out after Psychometric test? (No right?!)
Anyways M, all the best for your Managment Interview, when is yours? Ah Last thing, do you know the kick out rate for Management Interview?
Good Nite

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by newbies_fly_high » Sat, 09 Jul 2005 3:00 am
stonekool wrote:Hi Zhuzhu,
well, lucky you. I was afraid that my application by post may have been misplaced. Oh well, all is not lost.
As for the first round, I guess they want to see how you present yourself via the group and solo interviews.
For the group interview, I perceived that one leave the introduction mainly to oneself and your history only. Do not babble toomuch about your family. Oh.... And do mentione why you want to fly, like you have all the while been service-oriented and that SIA is the best plac for you to contribute and develop your service skills. Plus that you would want to experience the cultures overseas and travel the world. Specifically, try to mention how your characteristics and you can contribute to SQ.
By the way, where did you study in Aussia and what did you graduate in?. I came back in March this year with my Masters but did not put it down when I applied for SQ this time round as I was afraid that they would reject me on the basis of my Masters.
i'm interested to apply as steward but i'm still pursuing my degree, completing the course by end of this year. hopefully to be able to sent in my application next year IF they do have vacancies for guy. cos' they seldom take in males. but anyway, just curious to ask. at the application, where you write in your highest qualification, do you just write your bachelor degree and that's it, how about your o'levels? well, hope to see and the rest of the aspiring individuals soon (if selected)

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by M » Sat, 09 Jul 2005 7:57 am
Just Do It wrote:Thats what I heard too. Funny, but someone told me she went for her kebaya test on the 6th. So eerie.
Ask You M, for the guys, was anyone kicked out after Psychometric test? (No right?!)
Anyways M, all the best for your Managment Interview, when is yours? Ah Last thing, do you know the kick out rate for Management Interview?
Good Nite

Psychometric test was claimed to be a survey. My suspect and from some previous postings, I think that the survey will be used during the management interview as it displayed your characteristics traits. No one was "chopped" during the Psyschometric test. Only casualties were after the water confidence test or rather end of the day.
The date is not fixed yet but was told 2 weeks from now. I reckon out of the surviving 35-40, 10-15 more will be "chopped chopped". I hope not but it seems to be that figure.

angel chen
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by angel chen » Sat, 09 Jul 2005 9:47 am
DreamComeTrue wrote:Hello All!!
I just received a letter from Silkair this morning!! Am so happy! I got into Silkair!!
ANyone else out there also received reply??
may i know want you sent your letter?
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by shopaholic » Sat, 09 Jul 2005 11:51 am
Just Do It wrote:Thats what I heard too. Funny, but someone told me she went for her kebaya test on the 6th. So eerie.
Ask You M, for the guys, was anyone kicked out after Psychometric test? (No right?!)
Anyways M, all the best for your Managment Interview, when is yours? Ah Last thing, do you know the kick out rate for Management Interview?
Good Nite

Just Do It, what is so eerie about going for a kebaya test on the 6th? Did she tell you that in a low monotone ala Ju-On/Sakura ? :!:
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by shopaholic » Sat, 09 Jul 2005 12:10 pm
hey everyone, remember for the previous recruitment, the space between the deadline (18 June 05) and the first interview-invite e-mail that was sent out (25 June 05) is 7 days.
For the m'sian recruitment round, I haven't received any mail from them and today's the 7th day.

woe is me...
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by M » Sat, 09 Jul 2005 1:01 pm
shopaholic wrote:hey everyone, remember for the previous recruitment, the space between the deadline (18 June 05) and the first interview-invite e-mail that was sent out (25 June 05) is 7 days.
For the m'sian recruitment round, I haven't received any mail from them and today's the 7th day.

woe is me...
Probably in the next few days girl?

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by shopaholic » Sat, 09 Jul 2005 3:26 pm
M wrote:shopaholic wrote:hey everyone, remember for the previous recruitment, the space between the deadline (18 June 05) and the first interview-invite e-mail that was sent out (25 June 05) is 7 days.
For the m'sian recruitment round, I haven't received any mail from them and today's the 7th day.

woe is me...
Probably in the next few days girl?

yeah. probably...
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by |Bluz| » Sun, 10 Jul 2005 2:35 am
shopaholic wrote:M wrote:shopaholic wrote:hey everyone, remember for the previous recruitment, the space between the deadline (18 June 05) and the first interview-invite e-mail that was sent out (25 June 05) is 7 days.
For the m'sian recruitment round, I haven't received any mail from them and today's the 7th day.

woe is me...
Probably in the next few days girl?

yeah. probably...
All the best shopaholic! Just be patient and hope for the best! Patience is a virtue too ya know!! hehehe

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by Guest » Sun, 10 Jul 2005 1:00 pm
silly wrote:Hey M! Congrats! you got in right! get the results at the end of the day isit?
Maybe could you share with us what to look out for in the Kebaya Test? Is the Kebaya test the part where most elimination is done?
Hi silly, hows the kebaya and swimming test? =D
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by Rian » Sun, 10 Jul 2005 6:15 pm
Hello people. I was wondering, where can i get the application form? When i checked out [], there is an application for Malaysian Flight Stewards/Stewardesses. I, as a local singaporean,
would i be able to take that copy of application form and fill it in?
And i was wondering there isn't any job ads of job openings of stewards/stewardesses in straits time classified.
How would i know whether there is a job opening???
I was like waiting and waiting and wondering for the ads to come out and suddenly, my cousin told me that her colleague had apply like weeks ago.

how would i know whether there is a job opening?? And would i be able to fill in the form which is meant for malaysian??
Please, anyone reply me ya... thanks alot peeps!
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by Rian » Sun, 10 Jul 2005 6:19 pm
Hello people. I was wondering, where can i get the application form? When i checked out [], there is an application for Malaysian Flight Stewards/Stewardesses. I, as a local singaporean,
would i be able to take that copy of application form and fill it in?
And i was wondering there isn't any job ads of job openings of stewards/stewardesses in straits time classified.
How would i know whether there is a job opening???
I was like waiting and waiting and wondering for the ads to come out and suddenly, my cousin told me that her colleague had apply like weeks ago.

how would i know whether there is a job opening?? And would i be able to fill in the form which is meant for malaysian??
Please, anyone reply me ya... thanks alot peeps!
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by Guest » Sun, 10 Jul 2005 7:24 pm
need advice.... am I pretty enough to join sia... ? I've included a photo.. i heard they're not as strict these days about looks....

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by Guest » Sun, 10 Jul 2005 8:03 pm
haha looks like a female troll
SIA returning cabin crew 2022
Replies: 18
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Hi all anybody returning crew apply online application may I know what’s the estimation waiting time?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Hi there, anyone know if SQ still taking back returning crew? Is there any email address? Thank you
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Finnair cabin crew
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Anyone with them?
Now they are flying for both
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Sat, 09 Sep 2023 11:27 pm
SIA Crew
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Sad day for many SIA crew, losing their jobs, hope they can soon get back to their jobs.
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They can come here but not so much for local going there.
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