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by voxvox » Tue, 30 Dec 2008 12:10 pm
Knowing that times are bad now and will probably be worse next year, i believe companies will cut down their travel budget and travel less frequent. This will ultimately lead to lesser flights. Will it affect the cabin crew's allowance and salary? Est 3.5K per month? Wonder if SIA will retrench anyone? Pretty surprise that they are still recruiting.
i thought of trying for the walk-in in Jan. But trying to weigh the opportunities cost of giving up my current job vs being a cabin crew at economy recession times. Anyone wana share any thoughts? thanks.

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by christineyuki » Tue, 30 Dec 2008 4:31 pm
Hi Voxvox,
Singapore Airlines main fleet line is still operating at a profit, it's just the cargo side that is losing money
Although times are bad, they are still doing quite well
Even cargo pilots are not being retrenched, don't worry about it.
Mr Chew Choon Seng has also announced that the company will not be considering retrenchment as their option to cut down costs. Pay cuts may be inevitable but if you really have a passion for the job, just hang on and good times will come soon.
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by Plavt » Tue, 30 Dec 2008 5:26 pm
christineyuki wrote:
Mr Chew Choon Seng has also announced that the company will not be considering retrenchment as their option to cut down costs.
Personally, I would be very wary of statements like this; the company could easily decide to take a different approach. We as outsiders probably know little of the companies internal affairs including its financial status. All very well being seen as a profitable company which indeed it is most of the time. However, Singaporeans will no doubt remember the SARS epidemic which meant few people wanted to travel to region for holidays and planes flew empty. Hard to say if the same thing is going to happen again but you can be sure this recession will last around 18 months to 2 years before things pick up again (very likely).

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by eLmYrA_1984 » Wed, 31 Dec 2008 10:16 am
hey chocopie...not tryin to discourage you but jus sharing my worried as u r, thats how i felt before goin to the last interview..but i told myself there's no harm in tryin n i did attend...queued up for an hour plus...when it came to my turn to be measured, i was told to go home cause she measured me at 157cm..which in actual fact i am standing at 1.58....if she had allowed me to touch the red line, im sure i was able to do so but well tough luck...the few girls in front of me who got thru was abt my height n they managed to get thru...didnt know that 1cm made so much difference...felt demoralised though..called my mum n broke down..hahaha...but well maybe lady luck is on ur side so never say no until u've tried...ive seen my own outcome although ppl keep tellin me to try again sayin "maybe the lady who measured ur height wasnt in a good mood"...who knows u mite pass thru??...don't fear of ur own height..if it's meant to be urs it will be...but if its not, one door closes to open another...

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by christineyuki » Wed, 31 Dec 2008 4:48 pm
My fiancee is working in the company and i have been reading internal newsletters(though i am not supposed to).That's where i got my news from.
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by Plavt » Wed, 31 Dec 2008 5:08 pm
christineyuki wrote:My fiancee is working in the company and i have been reading internal newsletters(though i am not supposed to).That's where i got my news from.
Even then company directors change their minds and information from time to time sometimes month to month, used to happen when I worked in various companies.
Maybe this will provide some hope for the future;
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by jlayl » Thu, 01 Jan 2009 2:01 pm
eLmYrA_1984 wrote:hey chocopie...not tryin to discourage you but jus sharing my worried as u r, thats how i felt before goin to the last interview..but i told myself there's no harm in tryin n i did attend...queued up for an hour plus...when it came to my turn to be measured, i was told to go home cause she measured me at 157cm..which in actual fact i am standing at 1.58....if she had allowed me to touch the red line, im sure i was able to do so but well tough luck...the few girls in front of me who got thru was abt my height n they managed to get thru...didnt know that 1cm made so much difference...felt demoralised though..called my mum n broke down..hahaha...but well maybe lady luck is on ur side so never say no until u've tried...ive seen my own outcome although ppl keep tellin me to try again sayin "maybe the lady who measured ur height wasnt in a good mood"...who knows u mite pass thru??...don't fear of ur own height..if it's meant to be urs it will be...but if its not, one door closes to open another...

I am standing at 159cm, so far I tried 2 times, the first time I was measured at 158.5cm, second time she never said anything but I wasn't asked to go home so I guess I made the 158cm mark.. so if you are at 158cm, can go try.

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by cel-ali » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 1:42 am
jlayl wrote:eLmYrA_1984 wrote:hey chocopie...not tryin to discourage you but jus sharing my worried as u r, thats how i felt before goin to the last interview..but i told myself there's no harm in tryin n i did attend...queued up for an hour plus...when it came to my turn to be measured, i was told to go home cause she measured me at 157cm..which in actual fact i am standing at 1.58....if she had allowed me to touch the red line, im sure i was able to do so but well tough luck...the few girls in front of me who got thru was abt my height n they managed to get thru...didnt know that 1cm made so much difference...felt demoralised though..called my mum n broke down..hahaha...but well maybe lady luck is on ur side so never say no until u've tried...ive seen my own outcome although ppl keep tellin me to try again sayin "maybe the lady who measured ur height wasnt in a good mood"...who knows u mite pass thru??...don't fear of ur own height..if it's meant to be urs it will be...but if its not, one door closes to open another...

I am standing at 159cm, so far I tried 2 times, the first time I was measured at 158.5cm, second time she never said anything but I wasn't asked to go home so I guess I made the 158cm mark.. so if you are at 158cm, can go try.

hi gals, u all can try tip toe abit:> but discreetly.. i m 158cm onli but i tip toe when i tried the interview.. i was measures 159.8cm:>
turning dream into reality...
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by wishforluck » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 4:09 am
Hi can anyone help me in my queries here?
- Do we have to chose our own size for kebaya during the interview?
- Wad sort of interview questions do they usually ask? (i know they'll ask many different questions but they may have those dat they'll ask more often.)
- Do they consider thin gals normally xs-s size?
- Do we have to tie up our hair for the interview?
- Qualification wise, do they accept Higher Nitec students? (Juz tell me frankly)
Sorry but I juz needed to do some homework before I try for the interview.

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by hannna » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 9:27 am
hi. i thought of going on the 17th but I have a pierced tongue. It's not easily seen..only when you're sitting down and below my lip level are you able to see it fully (if I'm not sticking it out on purpose). I'm sure the interviewers are able to see as they are doing just that..sitting down while you stand. I don't want to take it out cos I just got both my tongue and navel done and do not want the hole to close up. Not able to wear those hidden retainers either as it hasn't heal completely yet. I think my chances are zero if I go w/o taking it out..any advice?
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by wisdom&courage » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 11:55 am
wishforluck wrote:Hi can anyone help me in my queries here?
- Do we have to chose our own size for kebaya during the interview?
- Wad sort of interview questions do they usually ask? (i know they'll ask many different questions but they may have those dat they'll ask more often.)
- Do they consider thin gals normally xs-s size?
- Do we have to tie up our hair for the interview?
- Qualification wise, do they accept Higher Nitec students? (Juz tell me frankly)
Sorry but I juz needed to do some homework before I try for the interview.

- Do they consider thin gals normally xs-s size?
I have seen very thin SQ stewardess, so if you are xs-s size, I think it does not matter, as long as your BMI is healthy
- Qualification wise, do they accept Higher Nitec students? (Juz tell me frankly)
The minimum qualification is having 5 O level credits.
- Do we have to tie up our hair for the interview?
I suggest that you tie up your hair as you will look neater. During the 2nd round which is the kebaya round, if you have long hair,you will be given a rubber band to tie up your hair.
- Do we have to chose our own size for kebaya during the interview?
- Wad sort of interview questions do they usually ask? (i know they'll ask many different questions but they may have those dat they'll ask more often.)
It really depends, no one can give you the definite answer.
Good luck if you are trying

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by wishforluck » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 7:10 pm
oh...tks wisdom&courage!
so means to say i wont even have the chance to even join in the interview round bcoz i dun have 5 o-level credits?
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by stages » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 7:21 pm
Hi Wishforluck are you a Male/Famale

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by wishforluck » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 7:33 pm
Hi Stages, im a female standing only at 158cm.
Was feeling very worried as i dun process qualities like the other ladies here.
But i was hoping for a try in the interview.
Wonder if they would even give me a chance.
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by wisdom&courage » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 7:43 pm
wishforluck wrote:oh...tks wisdom&courage!
so means to say i wont even have the chance to even join in the interview round bcoz i dun have 5 o-level credits?
For the walk-in interview, they will check your qualification first before getting your height measured. I heard of cases when candidates were queuing up for their turn to have their height measured, when one of the ladies checked their qualification, it turned out that one of the candidates has only ITE cert and was asked to go home.
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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SIA Crew
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