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by Kayleeee » Sat, 20 Dec 2008 1:16 pm
I still think getting doctor's advise is the best idea to improve your skin if its really bad..
There was once I change my skin care to one my friend recommended. Its supposed to be anti aging, skin whitening and oil control, and she swears by it.
Unfortunately, it didnt suit me and I ended up with lotsa acne and stuff, and one of my friend said I looked like I have been "disfigured", especially so since my skin was OK to start with.
So try not to try what other people think its good, because different people got different skin. One that works excellent for A may not work for B.
I went to the National Skin Centre later(brought my cleanser and moisturizer along ahhaha). The doctor did a t examination of my skin and told me to throw whatever I am using away. Prescribed the clinic's cleanser and some oral tablets.
My skin looks like it had reborn after a month.All the deep red marks disappear. Luckily I didnt have serious scaring and even if I have, doctor's laser is the most efficient.
So my advice is, see a doctor. Let him/her examine your skin and give you professional advice. Instead of trying this and that from people's testimonials, why not save that money let a professional examine you. Somemore not expensive. 100+++ per visit only.
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