Singapore Expats

SIA cabin crew

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Post by M » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 10:50 pm

Anonymous wrote:is it true that it's kinda racist in selection - that only few malay or indian guys/girls make it through selection?
Absolutely not as there were a lot of other races beside Chinese males got into the 1-1 interview! Please do not attempt to use that ever again yeah? :twisted:


Re: purpur

Post by Guest » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 10:52 pm

silly wrote:To Guest
- Why you wana fly? The answer has to come from you yourself. Cause, as of many posts above, you have to mean what you say, any pretense will obviously be seen through. Eg. You may wana fly because you wana travel the world, or because you wana broaden your horizons
- My group interview consists of gals age btw 22 to 26. Im 25.

Hey Pupur,
Thank you so so much for the tips again. One more question,
- Any idea what is the main reason why at kebaya test only half makes it? Isit mainly flaws/overweight/underweight or height? (My concern is the height part. They do take your height again after you change into the kebaya?)
Ah and lastly, when your training begins?
im not sure of the reasons... if u look at some of posts that were posted much earlier, u might get some yes, they do take ur height again at the kebaya stage....


Post by M » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 10:56 pm

Anyone knows about the 2nd round which involve the psychometric and water confidence test? Beside these 2, will there be any more interviews or likewise activities for the guys? :shock:

Preeti K

Post by Preeti K » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 11:13 pm

M - Don't be so defensive. You obviously haven't experienced racial discrimination before. :roll:

Posts: 94
Joined: Sat, 09 Apr 2005 2:05 am

help me...

Post by aloyscious » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 11:14 pm

hey ya M ,
HOw many guys went for the interview? HOw many rounds ? How many ppl in your group got in? What questions were asked? Please share wth me..thanks a lot...what other important msgs will you pass to me? Whn will your second interview be? Please share the info wth me whn u have gone thru second the way, how many people were you interviewed by? man or woman? cheers!!! :lol:


Post by M » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 11:23 pm

Preeti K wrote:M - Don't be so defensive. You obviously haven't experienced racial discrimination before. :roll:
Defensive over what? Please enlighten me? :twisted: Even if you did, does it contribute to the current topic?


Re: help me...

Post by M » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 11:29 pm

aloyscious wrote:hey ya M ,
HOw many guys went for the interview? HOw many rounds ? How many ppl in your group got in? What questions were asked? Please share wth me..thanks a lot...what other important msgs will you pass to me? Whn will your second interview be? Please share the info wth me whn u have gone thru second the way, how many people were you interviewed by? man or woman? cheers!!! :lol:
Hi aloyscious,

Total number of canidates unknown. For 1st day, there were 2 rounds which involved the basic 10 in a group talk/introduction and 1-1 interview for latter stage. As for day 1, just be composed and observe your fellow canidates when they talk, that's a MUST. Reason why, the interviewers weren't making eye contact with me when I was speaking but instead observing the rest of them. By all means, please judge per situation as you will get different interviwers. 1-1 interview was conducted by a very nice lady and basic question like; "Why do you want to be a cabin crew?" was posed. Nothing much in this round but just be confident.

2nd round is scheduled for this Wednesday. Routines unknown but I just heard that's da D day. Written best to of my knowledge though I wanna know more about 2nd day.

Regards, :lol:


Post by PreetiK » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 11:30 pm

Absolutely not as there were a lot of other races beside Chinese males got into the 1-1 interview!

Please do not attempt to use that ever again yeah?

M - The above poster just asked a question whether it is true relating to final selection and not interview rounds. You do not need to be defensive over it - you aren't SIA PR's spokesperson :lol:

It does contribute to the topic - a poster posed the question relating to SIA recruitment. All I can say is that it's an asset if you are fluent in Mandarin I guess, I'm learning myself! :wink:

Anyway, let's not entangle ourselves in this messy situation. Good luck to you. 8)


Post by Paige » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 12:02 am

Fated wrote:Hi Tinkerbelle,

Dun be discourage, i applied 2 times and dint get shortlisted after my first attempt a year ago. but this round i am shortlisted. it is just luck...

wen not shortlisted i feel depressing too but once shortlisted, i worried. went there a year ago, was too nervous. but i really don't know wat they looking for because tat time 4 of the gals in my grp got in and some really look simple and cant really speak well... those speak well dun get in....

i get really nervous especially u need to 'present' in a grp.... well just keep tryin if u really wan to be... like alot of pple said, some tried alot of time before they got in...

as for the height measurement, thot they v strict... pple who dun meet the requirement were asked to leave. the reason is because u need to help the passenagers place their lungages in the deck above the seat, so min is 158cm.

silly, if we happen to be in the same group, is not hard to find me. one whose voice sound really bad wil be me, because i hv a v bad cough now and throat is bad too. my voice sound so sexy now... guess tml i cant make it to 2nd rd.
Hi Fated, hws ur interview 2day? :wink:


Post by jei » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 12:12 am

jaymee wrote:
Anonymous wrote:hi jaymee and silly,

congrats to both of u for getting thru to the next round. :)

would like to ask a question? are there any girls who are age 26-29 during the interviews?

in my group, the ages range from 21 to 23...
as for my group,
the ages are from 22 to 25. heard tat there were 2 or 3 girls age 26 and 27 in another group...



Post by galgally » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 12:43 am

do u gals noe whether silkair is still recruitin? e ad in e web still exists..~~ aniway any gals went for e sia interview n failed but applyin for silkair now?



Post by goh » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 12:57 am

galgally wrote:do u gals know whether silkair is still recruitin? e ad in e web still exists..~~ aniway any gals went for e sia interview n failed but applyin for silkair now?
Hi galgally,
I didnt got the invitation for the SIA interview.I sent in my application for SIA and silkair.But can see from this forum that some of the girls have actually go for their final interview already.So i think we shld be in the next batch after this round.The recruiting is still on,i think.You can try sent out soon. :lol:


Post by Guest » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 2:36 am

i was very disappointed with the cabin crew when i went to shanghai recently.

always thought highly of the SIA gals but during my trip with SIA, i noticed they are not very friendly. The smiles (if they bother to smile) are very PLASTIC. But still better than some gal;s who didn't even bother to smile.

And some of the gals are so ugly.

Has the standards dropped?


Re: help me...

Post by Guests » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 9:03 am

M wrote:
aloyscious wrote:hey ya M ,
HOw many guys went for the interview? HOw many rounds ? How many ppl in your group got in? What questions were asked? Please share wth me..thanks a lot...what other important msgs will you pass to me? Whn will your second interview be? Please share the info wth me whn u have gone thru second the way, how many people were you interviewed by? man or woman? cheers!!! :lol:
Hi aloyscious,

Total number of canidates unknown. For 1st day, there were 2 rounds which involved the basic 10 in a group talk/introduction and 1-1 interview for latter stage. As for day 1, just be composed and observe your fellow canidates when they talk, that's a MUST. Reason why, the interviewers weren't making eye contact with me when I was speaking but instead observing the rest of them. By all means, please judge per situation as you will get different interviwers. 1-1 interview was conducted by a very nice lady and basic question like; "Why do you want to be a cabin crew?" was posed. Nothing much in this round but just be confident.

2nd round is scheduled for this Wednesday. Routines unknown but I just heard that's da D day. Written best to of my knowledge though I want to know more about 2nd day.

Regards, :lol:

Which room did u went into for 1-1 interview??
The interviewer ask me :-
1. Tell me about ur life, hobby, family, friends., jobs..
2. Have u ever encounter any difficult customer
And then, she shoot ->
3. If ur superior crew ask u to serve 1 item lesser to customer, what will u do?
4. If 2 passengers quarrel on the flight, what will you do?
5. If you were to choose a country, which country u wish to travel to most?
6. Do u have any friends working here?

Instead, she did not even ask me Y i wanna be a CA...

And there I go,not receiving any form. Got kicked out of 2nd round.


Post by Guest00 » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 9:17 am

For ur info, SQ doesnt really go for looks in cabin crew anymore. Instead they would prefer ppl with customer service experience...and also those with brains over beauty...

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