Hi there!eLmYrA_1984 wrote:Hey Ladies...
Reading your posts really makes me anxious and excited at the same time...i'm still in doubt on whether i should really be going for the interview this 23rd..Encouragement from friends and family motivates me to go but the requirements, it seems i dont quite fit them...My height is on the loosing end which is between 157 - 159 cm ( I swear i can never get the exact height cause it differs everywher...hahaha ), qualification wise : 5 'O' levels or 'A' level n partial 'O' level but mine is 4 'O's and Higher nitec in accounting(ITE cert)...I need advice on whether do i really qualify and that i should go or drop my dreams...????
P/S : Im still wondering how some of u ladies get invitation thru e-mails???
Thanks for ur advices..really appreciate them...
I'm also like you, same problem with my height! for me, I measured at home to my best accuracy is 158.5cm. Which means its at a really dangerous end cos I don't have that excess 2cm for them to cut away. But I'm still going, hope that they measure accurately (cos If they do I am sure I make the 158cm mark) or hope they hear me out and measure properly or smthing.
I think you should just go and see how it goes. no guarantees that you will DEFINITELY make it, but it doesn't hurt to go. its not guarantee cmi too, right?