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SIA cabin crew

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Post by M » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 3:13 pm

jetset wrote:Thanks for your insight! Yes I've heard of SIA sending crews for language courses, but I think they got to fulfill some sort of criteria before being selected.

So I reckon if I just mention it on the C.V. they wouldn't verify on that unless I personally highlight my interest in german language so as they will put me through the test and assign the suitability of a 'german speaking crew'
You should use this additional language proficiency to your advantage during your interview. Whether being a GQ crew or not, it comes later after your training.

But be advised that your international flying routes will be limited then, like other foreign language speaking and 345 crews. :?

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Post by mintia » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 3:14 pm

sherrielynn wrote:
jlayl wrote:seriously shouldn't they do something about that.. obviously most ppl's gonna be M..
i doubt so.. in recent interviews.. theres 20 sets of kebaya.

I took a size L .. and fyi .. a size L is US size 34 = UK size 6.

So your M might just be a L for SQ's kebaya.

Hi Sherrielynn,

1st, congrats on getting into SQ! So when do you start training?

About the kebayas - I'm 165m and about 54kg (about a UK 10/12) and yes, I have to wear size L for the skirt. As for the top, I just find whatever that has 34" marked on it. I must say the tops come VERY SMALL!! I am nowhere 'blessed', am just average but found it hard to find a top that I could zip up. :mrgreen: So just a piece of advice - if you're about a size '34', don't wear push up bra on interview day ok?

Oh well, I'm a poor soul who failed management round in June and went for the write in on the 31st. Made it past round 1 with a huge sigh of relief but failed kebaya round (wonder why since I have passed it like 2 times before).

Guess we'll all just try again on the 23rd!

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Post by M » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 3:16 pm

Tratata wrote:hi everybody ...
i am from indonesia
i have passed my interview in jakarta early of august.
all document and medical checkup are clear and no notification from SIA jakarta.
its 2 months already and a litlle bit weird coz till now i haven't been called ...
is there any chance that i am rejected ?
Wouldn't it be nice to call or email HR directly since I reckon neither of us are in that department?

The probably reason might be that they are still pending your work permit or even still processing it. :)

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Re: Hi

Post by M » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 3:19 pm

Abercrombie wrote:
M wrote: I know this because I've been through three. :)
Do you mean that you have been thru 3 generation of Cabin Crew or 3 different airline as Cabin Crew? :-k
Neither! :)
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Post by M » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 3:22 pm

sherrielynn wrote:jlayl - the difference is during your 1 to 1, it is just a lady ( or 2 ) who is interviewing you. They are just in the panel of judges that SIA have. But for the management round, it is 1. Spokesman for SIA , 2. VP of cabin crew services. Both will be asking you questions about yourself based on the resume you sent, and how did you performed in your previous rounds.
Correction. They wouldn't be your so called spokesman or only from cabin crew services. The interviewers are from different departments of different ranks. :?

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test after each training session

Post by Butterflygal » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 4:03 pm

could anyone how d training like ? Would there be any test after each session of training ?

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Re: test after each training session

Post by Jojoleona » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 4:10 pm

Butterflygal wrote:could anyone how d training like ? Would there be any test after each session of training ?
hi, thr will be test of everything u learn...n u must pass every test...
n try not to tk mc when u r undergo trg coz if u have tk mc for more than 3 or 5 days, they will rebatch u again which means u will complete ur trg at a later stage...everyone here jiayou... :D
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Post by Butterflygal » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 5:01 pm

hi Jojoleona

how's test gg to be ? writing or presentation as a group? pls let us know in details ?

are you ready stewardess? how they actually to do duty roaster?
I gt fren who also stewardesss get to fly to those Europe, States country often.. so she was quite lucky..

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Post by sherrielynn » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 5:11 pm

M wrote:
sherrielynn wrote:jlayl - the difference is during your 1 to 1, it is just a lady ( or 2 ) who is interviewing you. They are just in the panel of judges that SIA have. But for the management round, it is 1. Spokesman for SIA , 2. VP of cabin crew services. Both will be asking you questions about yourself based on the resume you sent, and how did you performed in your previous rounds.
Correction. They wouldn't be your so called spokesman or only from cabin crew services. The interviewers are from different departments of different ranks. :?
That I'm not sure but for mine, we were told by Ms Loy that they were our interviewers for that round.

This is based on my interview on 3rd Nov 08.
Last edited by sherrielynn on Fri, 07 Nov 2008 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sherrielynn » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 5:13 pm

Butterflygal wrote:sherrielynn,

what is turn ard time for them to get bk to u after each session?
For my self intro, it took them about 10mins,
kebaya around 20, and finally the 1 to 1 about 40mins.
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Post by Jojoleona » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 5:18 pm

Butterflygal wrote:hi Jojoleona

how's test gg to be ? writing or presentation as a group? pls let us know in details ?

are you ready stewardess? how they actually to do duty roaster?
I gt fren who also stewardesss get to fly to those Europe, States country often.. so she was quite lucky..

hi butterflygal, my sis is actually w SIA nw so i get all the info from her
,thr will b written test n presentation, but presentation is not
asking u to powerpoint or wat
is actually ur trainer will c hw u serve, they will put up scenerio for u
n u ve to answer them, they will also test hw the way u stand, walk , talk to passenger.

For safety training is q fun, i heard from my sis bt it, u will get to do a cpr
on a dummy, n ur trainer will then test u on hw u do cpr.
Every module u will meet with different trainers, so ve fun n pay attention in class, n rem nvr be late for classes coz SIA is v strict bt punctuality, if u r alys late for classes they penalised on u n u will get demerit points..

As for the roster thingy, its computer generated, coz my sis have check before w SIA management bt tt, u should SIA have over 7000 plus
crews, no one is so free to hlp the crews to plan roster as thr r so many
crews to plan for...

therefore the computer will do all the planning, ur friend is really lucky to get all the europe flights coz europe flight's allowances r v gd..
for eg:milan 6days, u will get back bt 1.2k...

cheers... :D
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Post by creamy » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 8:17 pm

jlayl wrote:I think so, but it would mean that you have long limps..
because for a 156, I seriously think you will have trouble touching it.
hi i'm 156 and went for the interview on the 15th. i managed to touch it so no worries. just tip toe! i'm not sure though if touching it matters enough if you are measured at 156. any insight on this?

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Post by jlayl » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 8:45 pm

creamy wrote:
jlayl wrote:I think so, but it would mean that you have long limps..
because for a 156, I seriously think you will have trouble touching it.
hi i'm 156 and went for the interview on the 15th. i managed to touch it so no worries. just tip toe! i'm not sure though if touching it matters enough if you are measured at 156. any insight on this?
Then I am sure it is not of a height of 210cm, maybe sia's taped at a lower height. cos I tried to touch 210cm and I had a real tough time, I'm standing at 159cm. Its good to hear that its not so high after all! :lol:

then how was your interview?
so they let you pass?

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Post by jetset » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 10:05 pm

Hi everyone, sorry to bother once again. I've a big question to ask now...

Does anyone knows how long will SIA wait for you should you be accepted? I've heard that six months is quite a long time for them to hold on to the offer of employment, and may have to come back to try again when the date is nearer.

The problem is: I can only join in April next year. Am I encouraged to try for this 23rd walk-in interview? Or should I try again next year, but I'm just afraid that they won't be hiring that much anymore, thus their interviews will be less frequent.

Any advices? TIA! :)
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Post by hafiz_ » Fri, 07 Nov 2008 10:11 pm

jetset, the site states that those graduating by may 09 are eligible as well. so a month before shouldn't be much of a problem! :)

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