haaa... same here too. when i step into the room and these 2 young ladies are the interviewers, i already know no chances for me. some of the girls i met during interviews said the same thing too..stripes wrote:nafnaf wrote:Besides the politics involved in this job I personally feel that the interviewers are mostly young,inexperienced and very unprofessional. There are these 2 young ladies who are present at every recruitment these days and they seem to go for those they like rather then those who can speak and present themselves well and another thing I noticed about them would be that once you have gotten them as your interviewer and if you happen to get them again in the next recruitment they won't even bother look at you when you are introducing yourself what's worst is there was once these 2 ladies were put in the same round 1 interview room and those they found familiar they will immediately look at each other and give a kind of look as though signalling to each other "oh its her again!" and at the end of the interview when everyone is making their way out of the room they will burst out into laughter. I find them extremely unprofessional what's more they are working for a big company like SIA and doing recruitment for the company no less! No wonder the turnover rate is so high because interviewers like them go for those that they like instead of the ones who truly have the passion for this job. SIA management should seriously consider getting more experienced interviewers to conduct the interviews and select the ones who are truly passionate about the job and will stay on long. Plus shouldn't the ones who never give up trying for this job be more worthy of this jobBy the way its not only me who feel the same about these 2 interviewers, I have friends who have gotten them before and feel the same way and I even met gals during the interviews praying hard that they wont get these 2 ladies.....
I'm one of them. The moment I see these 2 ladies, I'll tell myself, I gonna waste my time again & wait for the next month.
If you are in the company holding the position of FSS, I wish you goodluck. Because of your personal perspective and experiences, you're sending bad vibes to the rest. Even if you are an outsider, I wish you luck because you need to grow rapidly in every harsh working environment.2ndtimelucky wrote:dont stay too long in this job la...
ppl there are so FULL of SHIT!!!
most of them are hypocritical actors/ actresses who pretend. remember that they are not showing their true self....its called fake friendliness! what belies it is a hidden malicoius nature who wont hesitate to write you in(meaning ruin your career) once you make a mistake.
i suggest you doonly for max 2 yrs and plan for another job
remember, this job is SO FULL of ASSHOLES
bond is 2 years. and of course its compulsory to sign the bond, if not why is there even a bond in the first place...kiity wrote:hi, may i know how long is the bond that you need to sign? Is it a must to sign the bond? thanks!
1. politics are everywhere regardless of industry. and in airlines, i guess the environment tends to be more bitchy as its a female dominated job. sometimes the job nature moulds you to be like that without you knowing it but it's all up to how an individual takes the politics.shumito wrote:Hi all
What are the politics involved in this job? Is it true that many of the SIA air stewardess are bitchy?
What kind of hotels do SIA air stewardess stay when they are overseas? Is food provided when they stay overseas or do they have to use their own money?
Are they allowed to eat and drink(when hungry and thirsty) on board? What do they eat and drink?
What exactly do they have to do on board? clean toilet, serve food and what else?
Thank you in advance.
whitepetals wrote:1. politics are everywhere regardless of industry. and in airlines, i guess the environment tends to be more bitchy as its a female dominated job. sometimes the job nature moulds you to be like that without you knowing it but it's all up to how an individual takes the politics.shumito wrote:Hi all
What are the politics involved in this job? Is it true that many of the SIA air stewardess are bitchy?
What kind of hotels do SIA air stewardess stay when they are overseas? Is food provided when they stay overseas or do they have to use their own money?
Are they allowed to eat and drink(when hungry and thirsty) on board? What do they eat and drink?
What exactly do they have to do on board? clean toilet, serve food and what else?
Thank you in advance.
It evolves from your true character. You can choose not to be one if you are not one by nature.
2. hotels are usually 4* and above (as what i understood from my crew friends) and 2 persons to 1 room. i do not know if they provide meals but the most i can think of is the hotel breakfast, and the rest of the day is your business...
Sharing of rooms only happen during your SNYs. Meals are DEFINITELY NOT provided except for Christmas and New Year dinners outstation.
3. of course the crew are allowed to eat and drink! which kinda job forbids people to have their meals anyway? for the shorter flights maybe no meals but you can just take a fast sip of water if you really need it, but for longer flights definitely meals are provided. but meal times can get quite erratic, like only when you're free then you're allowed to eat, but always be on standby. if the pax needs you, you have to drop everything and go and serve... and food wise its definitely cabin food?
You can drink as and when but it's always better to offer the seniors. Not really about seniority but merely a form of respect. Meals wise, you will only have your meals after the meal services. We do not have time to heat up your meals and have it at your own luxury.
4. other than cleaning toilets and serving people, you have to remember that this job is ultimately about safety of your passengers. initially when airlines introduced cabin crew onto planes the main purpose was for safety sake. to ensure that in times of emergency there will be experienced and trained crew to lead the passengers to safety. serving food and etc are all introduced as the accompaniment for this job. but of course many fail to see these and think that being a crew is all about just serving food, cleaning toilet and looking pretty. that's a common misconception. hence having strong communication skills is very important, more important than having a pretty face or good figure... because if you can't communicate your point well in times of an emergency you'll be the bane of the crew...
The nature of the job isn't difficult and passengers aren't difficult most of the time. They only have issues and problems are usually created by us, the cabin crews.Last but not least, different profiles of passengers will decide how hard you have to work for that particular sector.
hope what i said makes sense and answers to your questions... if there's any point i made which is wrong please kindly add on or correct me. i'll be most appreciative! thanks people!
kiity wrote:hi, may i know how long is the bond that you need to sign? Is it a must to sign the bond? thanks!
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