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SIA cabin crew

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Post by Eneres » Wed, 28 May 2008 10:58 pm


If you have long hair, will the trainer ask you to cut your hair short? Because during my skin check round, the checker actually requested for me to let down my hair and i wonder why. Can anyone enlighten me as to whether anyone in your batch faces the same scenerio?

Thanks in advance!
Yours Truly

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Post by cythx » Wed, 28 May 2008 11:01 pm

Eneres wrote:Hi,

If you have long hair, will the trainer ask you to cut your hair short? Because during my skin check round, the checker actually requested for me to let down my hair and i wonder why. Can anyone enlighten me as to whether anyone in your batch faces the same scenerio?

Thanks in advance!
Yes, the trainer might ask you to cut your hair short if they find that you look much better in short hair.
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Post by fixyou » Wed, 28 May 2008 11:24 pm

hi there, how about girls with not so chiseled face? as in girls that have a square-ish like face? will they be told to cut their hair?
can anyone advise pls?

be my escapade.

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Post by scylus » Thu, 29 May 2008 1:02 am

fixyou wrote:hi there, how about girls with not so chiseled face? as in girls that have a square-ish like face? will they be told to cut their hair?
can anyone advise pls?

i think it's probably individual basis.. i think the instructor will enlighten us... =)

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Post by beautiful_river » Thu, 29 May 2008 3:36 am

Hi everyone,

Like many of u, I failed my interviews before n was really devastated.. but finally after much encouragement from this forum n some of e really nice pple who bothered to PM me and cheer me up, I finally get in! So to all pple out there who are still trying, I would say if u really wants the job, jus keep trying yah, do not give up.. take every failure as a learning experience n learn from your mistakes..

Since this forum has contributed alot to my success, i shall contribute back now.. Some are my personal tips n some are those I have learnt from others or read somewhere, anyway all of these are jus my opinion.. :)


-Queue up to submit your application form, I suggest filled up ur form prior to the interview day n going there early, cuz I went at 9 am n waited for 2.5 hours just to hand up my application form!!!
-Height will be taken, so make sure u stand really straight cuz the lady seems to push ur head down when she is taking your height.
-Then u will be ushered into ballroom, watching SIA videos and waiting for ur group to be formed for the 1st round.
-Do not go to the ladies, as it will be kinda troublesome to locate ur group if u missed ur name, u can go to e ladies to touch up on ur make-up n stuffs after ur group has been formed ( chances are that u will hav to wait for at least another 30 min before its ur group’s turn for the interview)
-Please rmb to wear something that is comfortable n that u r confident in, don’t necessarily need to wear suit or too formal. I wore formal n blazer before n still got booted out cuz I feel really uncomfortable in it.

Interview Round 1:

Group Interview
-Group of 10 girls with 2 interviewers, usually one will ask questions n the other will observe u
-Impression starts from the point u enter into the interview room, so make sure u walk confidently n smile at e interviewers
-Sit with upright posture n listen attentively to the girls who spoke before u (even though u may not be actually listening, jus nod ur head slightly every now and then to show that u r interested, the interviewer do notice all this slight gestures which shows ur attitude )
-When its ur turn to speak, stand up straight n smile, greet the interviewers n the other girls as well.
-Maintain ur eye contacts with both the interviewers n glance at the other girls once in a while, do not play or fidget with ur fingers too much, cuz it will shows that u r not confident.
-I think the questions varies, but for me I was always ask to introduce myself n why I wanna be in SIA.
-Please do not attempt to memorize what u gonna say word for word, as when u get nervous, u will tend to forget even the simplest word n it become so obvious that u hav memorize ( I saw one girl who spoke very fluently at first, then I think she gets nervous mid-way n starts to pronounce even the simple words wrongly, n she paused to recollect her memory, so its very obvious that she memorized her speech)
-For me, I memorized a few key points that I wanted to say, which includes e strengths that I wanna highlight to the interviewers such as the languages I can speak n write n my mixed heritage
-Passing rate : 8/10

Kebaya Fitting
-Before the kebaya fitting, ur certificate n IC will be checked  do not lie about ur grades in e application form
-U will then hav to wait and then be ushered into another room where ur height n weight will be taken.
-U will be asked to bun up ur hair, n remove all accessories (eg long earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc), so to save time, u can probably remove them right after ur certificates have been verified.
-The kebaya are hanged, and some do not hav sizes, so I would advise u to pick about 2 sizes with the correct shoe size n try it on.
-If the shoes or the kebaya do not fit, u can probably look around for those who are wearing them, n if it seems they are of the same size as you, approach them n ask if they can pass the shoes n kebaya to u after they are done.
-Here, u will line up in a straight line of 10, and walk to the interviewer back n forth once, the interviewer will look at the way u walk
-Please remember to smile as u are walking twds the interview cuz first impression counts.
-The interviewer will ask u a few simple questions: for me, she asked if I usually wears my nail polish bright colours, what I am currently doing, (cuz I was having exam at that time) she ask if I brought my notes to study while waiting, very casual questions, u need to smile so she can check on ur teeth
-I was also asked to stretch out my hands, back n front, in front of her.

Skin Check
-U will be asked to stand in front of two huge (n really bright) spot light with a beautician (I think) examining ur skin condition, she will ask u to looks left n right n turn ur back facing her to check the skin around ur neck, n finally to stretch out ur hands, back n front, towards her
-Here, I think they are looking for any obvious scars around ur hands or neck or shoulder n also whether ur face is smooth (not perfect/flawless skin, but at least no visible scars or skin darkening )
-I dun think they look for perfect skin, so as long as ur scars are coverable by a concealer, n ur face does not hav too many bumps, it should be ok.
-Passing rate: 2-3/10

Interview Round 2:

1-1 Interview
-Here u will be asked to introduce urself again, it is rather informal where the interviewer asks u questions, read a passage (to test ur English n vocabulary knowledge) n some scenario questions, some of my questions are as follows:
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Have u had ur breakfast?
3. Why do u want to be SIA cabin crew?
4. What are u studying?
5. Do u think it’s a waste of ur degree?
6. Do u think u hav wasted 4 years studying?
7. Can u take instructions from someone younger than u?
8. How many rounds hav u tried? Which round were u booted out n do u know why?
-And a few scenario questions, where u jus need to used ur immediate instinct to answer.
-I guess there is no politically correct answer, but they wanna see ur attitude towards the job and customers service, as well as how tactful u r in dealing with unexpected situations.
-Passing rate: 5-6/10

Interview Round 3:

Management Interview
-U will be sitting about 1-2 metres away from 2 interviewers, so make sure ur sitting posture is presentable, do not shake ur leg or clench ur fist too tightly cuz they can see it
-Very personal questions were asked, mostly about family, ur relationship with ur family members, how much u love ur parents n stuffs.
-So jus be urself, answer confidently n smile smile smile
-For me, there are 1 male n 1 female interviewers, the female is the one asking questions while the male interviewers observe u while u speak.
-Some of my questions are:
1. What is ur major? n CCA?
2. What prompted u to join the CCA?
3. Why do u think u were selected for e position in ur CCA? ( cuz I hold some important post in my CCA)
4. How will u cope with having to be away from ur family frequently?
-Passing rate: 8-9/10
Last edited by beautiful_river on Thu, 29 May 2008 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by beautiful_river » Thu, 29 May 2008 3:40 am

Hi all,

By e way, what is e pre-employment briefing? Is it done before e training starts? Cuz I was only told tat I passed my medicat check-up n e date of my training by phone. Mary only told me to wait for a letter which will be sent to my house, but I havent received it yet..

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Post by PeterPan07 » Thu, 29 May 2008 7:30 am

hi beautiful_river, congrats on making it. when are you starting your training?

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Post by worrywart » Thu, 29 May 2008 7:38 am

BakuTeh wrote:Worrywart, you got in already??? Your briefing is on coming friday??
Hi, yes my briefing is this Friday. I know that there was an earlier one on Wednesday, so i wanted to find out what did they cover during the briefing if anybody has attnded b4?

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Post by catcrazy » Thu, 29 May 2008 8:58 am

beautiful_river wrote:Hi all,

By e way, what is e pre-employment briefing? Is it done before e training starts? Cuz I was only told tat I passed my medicat check-up n e date of my training by phone. Mary only told me to wait for a letter which will be sent to my house, but I havent received it yet..
hey beautiful river.. did u go for the May interviews or earlier?

has anyone who passed the may interviews got their call from mary yet?

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Post by tinabradford » Thu, 29 May 2008 9:19 am

Hi all, tomorrow I have walk in interview for SIA cabin crew and in application form written "Please attach a recent full-length photograph of yourself",that's mean attach a recent full - body photograph, right?
If I don't have full - body photograph, am I still can pass? :(

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Post by Yoshiaki » Thu, 29 May 2008 9:52 am

tinabradford wrote:Hi all, tomorrow I have walk in interview for SIA cabin crew and in application form written "Please attach a recent full-length photograph of yourself",that's mean attach a recent full - body photograph, right?
If I don't have full - body photograph, am I still can pass? :(

Hi Tina,

It would be advisable to adhere as much as possible to the requirements, imagine compromising on the various requirements ie certs, photos. It slows down the whole process with the staff having to run thru all the applicants - making their job easier will indirectly relate to better mood (aka better chances) at the interview.

Jus my 2 cents worth, but still you should try to get the required documents ready.

Are you interviewing in Malaysia? Cos there isn't any interviews going on in Sg tomorrow.

Momento Mori

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Post by Yoshiaki » Thu, 29 May 2008 9:56 am

summerboy02 wrote:Dear Yoshiaki

so how many guys passed the round two which is the skin check/catwalk round?what questions were being posed to you at this round?

I went for the feb intake and round two has either 80% or even 100% (per group )of the guys who passed.Questions posed to me then were the number of attempts for the interview and which is the furthest round I have been.

Still,I was being booted out at the management.Still puzzled...sigh

Hi Summers,

Did mention the interview process and order of elimination in my earlier posts :)

I was asked which industry I am currently involved with and why the desire to join SIA. I guess the qns are jus a way to get you to talk to check on eloquency (Hope I got the spelling rite) and maybe checking of teeth as well :)

Mgmt round was my nemesis, so already I am practicing how I shud answer them the next time round I go for interview if I am able to make it to the mgmt round.

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Post by hafiz_ » Thu, 29 May 2008 11:41 am

worrywart wrote: Hi, yes my briefing is this Friday. I know that there was an earlier one on Wednesday, so i wanted to find out what did they cover during the briefing if anybody has attnded b4?
hey worrywart, the briefing's quite short actually. covers your basic pay, the length of the bond and the contract, the amount payable should one break the bond etc. and also there's the document submission and verification if you havent done so. hope that helps!

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Post by Sokeai » Thu, 29 May 2008 11:46 am

Congratz all :)

Catcrazy, it usually depends on ur notice period. If yours is something like immediate or 1mth notice, she shd be calling you soon =)

worrywart & beautiful_river, when are you all starting?
Hello there!

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Post by smurfieee » Thu, 29 May 2008 11:51 am

beautiful_river wrote:Hi all,

By e way, what is e pre-employment briefing? Is it done before e training starts? Cuz I was only told tat I passed my medicat check-up n e date of my training by phone. Mary only told me to wait for a letter which will be sent to my house, but I havent received it yet..
pre-employment briefing is normally done days after you cleared your interviews.. your case...i think you wont have to attend..just wait for your mail...they are not just sending you alone...i waited more than a week for that mail...:)

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