Hi everyone,
Like many of u, I failed my interviews before n was really devastated.. but finally after much encouragement from this forum n some of e really nice pple who bothered to PM me and cheer me up, I finally get in! So to all pple out there who are still trying, I would say if u really wants the job, jus keep trying yah, do not give up.. take every failure as a learning experience n learn from your mistakes..
Since this forum has contributed alot to my success, i shall contribute back now.. Some are my personal tips n some are those I have learnt from others or read somewhere, anyway all of these are jus my opinion..
-Queue up to submit your application form, I suggest filled up ur form prior to the interview day n going there early, cuz I went at 9 am n waited for 2.5 hours just to hand up my application form!!!
-Height will be taken, so make sure u stand really straight cuz the lady seems to push ur head down when she is taking your height.
-Then u will be ushered into ballroom, watching SIA videos and waiting for ur group to be formed for the 1st round.
-Do not go to the ladies, as it will be kinda troublesome to locate ur group if u missed ur name, u can go to e ladies to touch up on ur make-up n stuffs after ur group has been formed ( chances are that u will hav to wait for at least another 30 min before its ur group’s turn for the interview)
-Please rmb to wear something that is comfortable n that u r confident in, don’t necessarily need to wear suit or too formal. I wore formal n blazer before n still got booted out cuz I feel really uncomfortable in it.
Interview Round 1:
Group Interview
-Group of 10 girls with 2 interviewers, usually one will ask questions n the other will observe u
-Impression starts from the point u enter into the interview room, so make sure u walk confidently n smile at e interviewers
-Sit with upright posture n listen attentively to the girls who spoke before u (even though u may not be actually listening, jus nod ur head slightly every now and then to show that u r interested, the interviewer do notice all this slight gestures which shows ur attitude )
-When its ur turn to speak, stand up straight n smile, greet the interviewers n the other girls as well.
-Maintain ur eye contacts with both the interviewers n glance at the other girls once in a while, do not play or fidget with ur fingers too much, cuz it will shows that u r not confident.
-I think the questions varies, but for me I was always ask to introduce myself n why I wanna be in SIA.
-Please do not attempt to memorize what u gonna say word for word, as when u get nervous, u will tend to forget even the simplest word n it become so obvious that u hav memorize ( I saw one girl who spoke very fluently at first, then I think she gets nervous mid-way n starts to pronounce even the simple words wrongly, n she paused to recollect her memory, so its very obvious that she memorized her speech)
-For me, I memorized a few key points that I wanted to say, which includes e strengths that I wanna highlight to the interviewers such as the languages I can speak n write n my mixed heritage
-Passing rate : 8/10
Kebaya Fitting
-Before the kebaya fitting, ur certificate n IC will be checked do not lie about ur grades in e application form
-U will then hav to wait and then be ushered into another room where ur height n weight will be taken.
-U will be asked to bun up ur hair, n remove all accessories (eg long earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc), so to save time, u can probably remove them right after ur certificates have been verified.
-The kebaya are hanged, and some do not hav sizes, so I would advise u to pick about 2 sizes with the correct shoe size n try it on.
-If the shoes or the kebaya do not fit, u can probably look around for those who are wearing them, n if it seems they are of the same size as you, approach them n ask if they can pass the shoes n kebaya to u after they are done.
-Here, u will line up in a straight line of 10, and walk to the interviewer back n forth once, the interviewer will look at the way u walk
-Please remember to smile as u are walking twds the interview cuz first impression counts.
-The interviewer will ask u a few simple questions: for me, she asked if I usually wears my nail polish bright colours, what I am currently doing, (cuz I was having exam at that time) she ask if I brought my notes to study while waiting, very casual questions, u need to smile so she can check on ur teeth
-I was also asked to stretch out my hands, back n front, in front of her.
Skin Check
-U will be asked to stand in front of two huge (n really bright) spot light with a beautician (I think) examining ur skin condition, she will ask u to looks left n right n turn ur back facing her to check the skin around ur neck, n finally to stretch out ur hands, back n front, towards her
-Here, I think they are looking for any obvious scars around ur hands or neck or shoulder n also whether ur face is smooth (not perfect/flawless skin, but at least no visible scars or skin darkening )
-I dun think they look for perfect skin, so as long as ur scars are coverable by a concealer, n ur face does not hav too many bumps, it should be ok.
-Passing rate: 2-3/10
Interview Round 2:
1-1 Interview
-Here u will be asked to introduce urself again, it is rather informal where the interviewer asks u questions, read a passage (to test ur English n vocabulary knowledge) n some scenario questions, some of my questions are as follows:
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Have u had ur breakfast?
3. Why do u want to be SIA cabin crew?
4. What are u studying?
5. Do u think it’s a waste of ur degree?
6. Do u think u hav wasted 4 years studying?
7. Can u take instructions from someone younger than u?
8. How many rounds hav u tried? Which round were u booted out n do u know why?
-And a few scenario questions, where u jus need to used ur immediate instinct to answer.
-I guess there is no politically correct answer, but they wanna see ur attitude towards the job and customers service, as well as how tactful u r in dealing with unexpected situations.
-Passing rate: 5-6/10
Interview Round 3:
Management Interview
-U will be sitting about 1-2 metres away from 2 interviewers, so make sure ur sitting posture is presentable, do not shake ur leg or clench ur fist too tightly cuz they can see it
-Very personal questions were asked, mostly about family, ur relationship with ur family members, how much u love ur parents n stuffs.
-So jus be urself, answer confidently n smile smile smile
-For me, there are 1 male n 1 female interviewers, the female is the one asking questions while the male interviewers observe u while u speak.
-Some of my questions are:
1. What is ur major? n CCA?
2. What prompted u to join the CCA?
3. Why do u think u were selected for e position in ur CCA? ( cuz I hold some important post in my CCA)
4. How will u cope with having to be away from ur family frequently?
-Passing rate: 8-9/10